

Study on Environmental Geochemical Effect of Heavy Metal Elements (zn, Ni, Cr) and Fluorine in Dabaoshan Mining Area

【作者】 杨明

【导师】 罗汉金;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 广东大宝山多金属矿山开采带来以重金属为代表的环境污染,对矿区及下游流域水体和土壤污染严重,严重影响了人类健康。本研究运用现场调查、实验室分析、水质分类、形态分析及溶出模拟等方法对大宝山矿区及辐射流域中的金属锌镍铬与氟的环境地球化学效应进行研究,并根据统计方法对研究区域污染进行相关分析和污染评价,得到以下结论:(1)在硫酸钙(Ca-SO4)型水质中,锌含量平均值达到最高值:19.897mg/L;在硫酸钙镁(Ca-Mg-SO4)型水质中,镍含量平均值达到最高值:0.107mg/L;在硫酸钙(Ca-SO4)型水质中,铬含量平均值达到最高值:0.187 mg/L。(2)在研究区域内从上游到下游,锌浓度呈降低趋势,矿山水>河水>饮用水;矿山硫化物氧化促进了锌释放,下游水系受到了来自矿山锌的污染。水体环境中镍和铬的空间分布与锌相同。(3)金属锌从尾矿到河流沉积物和耕作土壤中累积效应都较强,而且土壤中锌总量分布呈现了明显的空间特征,槽对坑尾矿库和铁龙土壤环境中锌含量很高,最高分别达到了1397.10 mg/kg,1266.20 mg/kg。凉桥和上坝村河流沉积物中易迁移形态分别占总量的24.28 %,47.25 %。上坝村稻田土壤受锌污染程度高,迁移性强,酸提取态锌含量为473.20 mg/kg,占总量百分比为46.68%。大宝山矿区金属镍和铬含量较少。槽对坑表层镍酸提取态占总量的32.34%,在剖面形态含量分布中,槽对坑表层镍酸提取态相对较多,表层以下土壤环境中残渣态所占总量的比例都在85%以上。研究区域内不同类型土壤表层中铬含量分布范围是35.331 75.089 mg/kg,其中槽对坑尾矿土含铬总量最高,但残渣态所占比例都在90%以上。(4)溶出实验中,pH对锌溶出有重要影响,尾矿坑是金属锌的重要污染源;相应pH的溶出锌浓度由大到小的顺序为:铁龙>槽对坑尾矿库>上坝稻田;而按深度来划分,槽对坑尾矿库锌溶出量由大到小的顺序为:地表>50 cm>100 cm。镍的溶出量均较小且较接近,最大溶出量为6.997 mg/kg。与镍分布相同,铬的溶出量均较小且较接近,最大溶出量为11.906 mg/kg。(5)相关分析表明水体环境中所含的硫酸根、pH与电导率对水体中金属锌和镍含量有影响。因子分析的结果符合研究的规律,同时给出了不同地点重金属污染评价。分别有3个主因子影响着水体和土壤重金属内重金属的分布,他们的整体贡献率分别达到75.664%,80.103%。(6)水化学类型对水中氟含量有影响,硫酸镁型水质尾矿水中氟含量较高,最高达到16.68 mg/L;雨季水样中氟含量普遍低于旱季;从尾矿库区到横石河下游水体中氟含量呈降低趋势,矿山水>河水>饮用水;相关分析表明氟和水中主要阴阳离子存在相关性,验证了氟起源于矿山的氟化钙等含氟矿物的可能性,同时氟离子与铁离子存在正相关关系。土样溶出模拟实验pH和硫酸根的变化规律显示硫化物矿山尾矿酸化严重。氟化物的溶出实验进一步证明氟起源于矿山。

【Abstract】 The exploitation of Dabaoshan polymetallic mine, Guangdong, produces environmental pollutions represented by heavy metal pollution; the pollutions of mining area, river and soil downstream were severe and seriously affected human health. Onsite investigation, laboratory analysis, water chemistry, sequential extraction and dissolving simulation were used to study the environmental geochemical effect of metal element zinc, nickel, chromium and fluorine in the Dabaoshan mine area and downstream, conclusions as follow:(1) Ca-SO4 was the primary type with highest zinc concentration, the average value reached as high as 19.897 mg/L; Ca-Mg-SO4 was the primary type with highest nickel concentration, the average value reached as high as value 0.107mg/L; Ca-SO4 was the primary type with highest chromium concentration, the average value reached as high as value 0.187 mg/L;(2) Zinc concentration decreased from the tailings reservoir to Hengshi river, mine water> river> drinking water; sulfide oxidation promoted the release of zinc from the tailings, the acid drainage had deleterious effect on downstream water quality. Nickel and chromium had the same spatial distribution with zinc in water environment.(3) From the tailings to river sediment and paddy soil, zinc had strong cumulative effect, and zinc content of soil had clear geographical characteristics, which was higher in Caoduikeng and Tielong tailings reservoir, respectively achieved 1397.10 mg/kg, 1266.20 mg/kg. The metal zinc contents of acid extractable and reducible and oxidizable fractions were high in Liangqiao and Shangba village river sediments, respectively achieved 24.28 %,47.25 % in sum. Zinc pollution was serious in Shangba paddy soil and had strong migration, which was 473.20 mg/kg and 46.68% of total zinc content.Dabaoshan mine had less Ni and Cr content. Acid extracted zinc content was 32.34% of total zinc in Caoduikeng topsoil, Content distribution in the profile, acid extracted nickel content of topsoil was relatively higher, reducible nickel content was relatively higher and all exceed 85% of total content from 20 to 100 cm depth. Chromium content distribution was form 35.331 to 75.089 mg/kg in varied soil sample of research area, the highest chromium content was Caoduikeng, but the residual chromium content all achieved 90% of total zinc content.(4) The dissolving experiment results showed pH was a major contributor to the zinc dissolving, tailings reservoir was the important pollution resource of zinc; zinc concentration of topsoil decreased in the following order: sediment of Tielong tailings sand reservoir > Caoduikeng tailings reservoir > Shangba paddy soil, zinc content of Caoduikeng tailings reservoir in depth as the following order: topsoil> 50cm >100cm.The dissolving nickel contents were all less and closer, the highest dissolving content reached 6.997 mg/kg. The dissolving chromium contents was the same with nickel, the highest dissolving content reached 11.906 mg/kg.(5) Correlation analysis showed sulfide, pH and EC affected zinc, nickel content in the water environment. Factor analysis had similar result with the relative research, and factor analysis showed the metal pollution evaluation in different locations. In water and soil factor analysis of metal, three main factors separately affected metal distribution in research area, their contributions rates respectively achieved 75.664%,80.103%.(6) The water chemical types have affected the fluorine content in the water, Mg-SO4 was the primary type with highest fluoride concentration which could reach as high as value 16.68 mg/L; fluoride concentration was lower in rainy season than in arid season; fluoride concentrations decreased from the tailings reservoir to Hengshi river, mine water> river> drinking water; which indicated that fluoride come from the mining area. Correlation analysis showed the correlation between fluoride and water main ions, verifying the origin of fluorine in fluoride mineral, while fluoride and iron had positive correlation. The dissolving experiment results showed acidification of tailings soils was severe and dissolving experiment further suggested that the fluoride resource was the mine area.


