

Effects of Potassium Fertilizer Application on Growth and Potassium Absorption and Utilization of Different Genotypic Cotton (G. Hirsutumr L.)

【作者】 冯正锐

【导师】 刘爱玉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 缺钾及其导致的棉花早衰是制约我国棉花产量和品质提高的重要因素。特别是当前推广的转基因杂交棉对钾的需求更多,研究钾对棉花生长发育、产量及品质的影响受到重视。该研究以三个不同基因型棉花品种(金102、泗阳328、湘杂棉8号)为材料,采用盆栽与大田试验相结合的方法,研究了不同施钾处理对三个不同基因型棉花品种生长发育、钾素吸收利用、生理指标及产量与品质的影响。主要研究结果如下:(1)施钾明显促进棉花的生长发育,主要表现为株高、主茎叶片数、干物重、叶绿素含量及可溶性糖含量显著增加。与对照相比,金102、湘杂棉8号和泗阳328干物质重增幅分别为17.59%-26.73%、15.73%~21.28%和15.88%~21.42%,叶绿素含量增幅分别为0.80-1.06mg.g-1、0.94-1.06mg.g"1和0.62-0.86mg.g-1;各施钾处理在7月22日叶绿素含量达到最大,均比对照迟10天。在缺钾(K0)条件下,泗阳328的生长发育耐钾能力较其他品种强,而施钾时,金102的生长发育比其他品种对钾敏感。(2)施钾显著促进棉花钾素的吸收,降低了钾素的利用。施钾盛花期棉株各器官中的钾含量和钾积累量显著高于对照;在缺钾(K0)条件下,泗阳328钾利用效率最大为56.85g2.g-1,比金102和湘杂棉8号分别高11.12%和4.83%,差异显著,随着施钾量的增加,当施钾量达到1.125g.kg-1时,各品种间钾利用效率差异没有达到显著水平;施钾显著增加了土壤中的速效钾和缓效钾含量,其中湘杂棉8号和金102吸收、活化钾的能力随施钾量的增加而增加,当施钾量为0.75g.kg-1时达到最大,而泗阳328吸收、活化钾的能力随施钾量的增加而下降。(3)施钾可通过改善棉花产量的构成因素显著提高了棉花产量。施钾提高了三品种的单铃重、衣分和子指,尤其是上部单铃重、各部位衣分和上、下部子指及湘杂棉8号和泗阳328中部子指增加达显著水平。与对照相比,金102、湘杂棉8号和泗阳328单株成铃数增幅分别为34.48%-38.91%、27.81%~35.68%和14.25%~22.10%,差异显著;三品种在施钾量为225kg.hm-2时皮棉和子棉产量增加量最大且均达到显著水平,其中皮棉产量分别比对照增加了45.67%、40.78%和47.09%,子棉产量分别比对照增加了41.16%、39.01%和33.57%。与施钾量为225kg.hm-2相比,当施钾量达到450kg.hm-2时,湘杂棉8号和金102子棉和皮棉产量仍可显著增加,而泗阳328增加差异不显著。(4)施钾对棉花品质影响较大,主要表现为提高了各部位棉铃的纤维长度、整齐度、马克隆值和比强度,降低了其伸长率。施钾对泅阳328的影响较其他品种大,且不同部位间也存在差异。

【Abstract】 Potassium deficiency lead to premature senescence of cotton is constraint China’s cotton yield and quality of increase of the important factors. In particular, the current promotion of genetically modified hybrid cotton needs more potassium, study on effect of potassium nutrition on cotton growth, yield and quality was important. Three cotton varities, Jin 102, Xiang zamianNO.8 and Si yang328 with different genotypic cotton, pot experiment and field experiment were used to study on effect of different potassium treatments on growth, potassium absorption and utilization, physiological characteristics and yied and quality of three differet genotypic cotton varities.The main results were showed as follows:(1)Potassium fertilizer application advances significantly the cotton development, obvious increases the plant height, the leaves number, the dry weight, the chlorophyll content, and the soluble sugar content. Compare with CK, Jin102, Xiang zamianNO.8 and Si yang328 under differet potassium treatments, the range of increase of the dry weight were 17.59%~26.73%,15.73%~21.28% and 15.88%~21.42%, respectively. The range of increase of the chlorophyll content were 0.80-1.06mg.g-1,0.94~1.06mg.g-1 and 0.62-0.86mg.g-1,respectively. The maximum chlorophyll content under different potassium treatments in July 22,10 days less than CK. Conditions in the potassium deficiency(KO), the growth of Si yang328 was better than the other varieties.Conditions in the potassium fertilizer application, the growth of Jin 102 was better than the other varieties.(2) Potassium fertilizer application significantly enhanced potassium absorption in cotton and reduced potassium utilization. The potassium content of various organs and potassium accumulation of potassium fertilizer application was higher than CK. Conditions in the potassium deficiency(KO), the maximum biological potassium use efficiency was 56.85 g2.g-1,compare with Jin 102 and Xiang zamianNO.8, increased by 11.12%and 4.83%,respectively and the difference was significant, with further increasing potassium fertilizer, potassium use efficiency of differet cotton varities were not obvious when potassium fertilizer application rate was 1.125 g.kg-1. Potassium fertilizer application significantly increased available potassium content and slow available potassium content, with further increasing potassium fertilizer application, the potassium absorption, activation of Xiang zamianNO.8 and Jin 102 were enhanced, but Si yang328 was reduced when potassium fertilizer application rate was 0.75 g.kg-1.(3)Potassium fertilizer application was an effective way to optimize cotton yield component. Potassium fertilizer application increased boll weight, lint percentage and weight of 100 cotton, in particular, increases upper boll weight, differet parts of lint percentage and upper, lower weight of 100 cotton and central weight of 100 cotton of Xiang zamianNO.8 and Si yang328.Compare with CK, Jin 102, Xiang zamianNO.8 and Si yang328 under differet potassium treatments, the bolls per plant increased by 34.48%-38.91%,27.81%-35.68% and 14.25%-22.10%, respectively and the difference was significant. The maximum increment of lint yield and seed cotton yield when potassium fertilizer application rate was 225kg.hm-2. The lint yield increased by 45.67%,40.78% and 47.09%, respectively. The seed cotton yield increased by 41.16%,39.01% and 33.57%, respectively and the difference was significant. Compare with potassium fertilizer application rate was 225kg.hm-2,the lint yield and seed cotton yield of Xiang zamianNO.8 and Jin 102 were increased significant when potassium fertilizer application rate was 450kg.hm-2,but Si yang328 was not.(4) Potassium fertilizer application greater impact on cotton quality. Potassium fertilizer application enhanced differet parts of fiber length, uniformity, micronaire, and reduced upper elongation. Potassium fertilizer application on the impact of Si yang328 was larger than other varieties, and there were also differences between different parts of cotton.

【关键词】 棉花产量品质钾利用钾吸收
【Key words】 CottonYieldQualityPotassium utilizationPotassium absorption

