

A Study on the Quality Differences of Various Dark Teas in China

【作者】 雷雨

【导师】 肖力争;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 茶学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 黑茶是我国特有的茶类,属于后发酵茶,是六大茶类之一,主要产地有湖南、湖北、四川、云南、广西等地。黑茶由于其独特的品质特征及保健功效受到了越来越多的专家学者关注,近年来成为研究热点。本文首次较系统的分析了我国不同类别的黑茶感官品质和主要理化成分含量的差异,并对黑茶滋味成分进行了主分量分析,主要结果如下:1.不同类别的黑茶进行感官品质的比较:普洱生茶品质多接近绿毛茶,普洱熟茶、六堡茶、康砖茶汤色以红浓为主,香气纯正或醇陈,滋味醇厚;安化黑茶汤色以橙色为主,多为橙黄、棕橙、红橙,香气纯正,滋味醇和;青砖原料较老,汤色橙黄或棕红,有粗青气,滋味平淡。不同类别的黑茶进行理化成分的比较,普洱茶、天尖各主要成分含量相对较高,青砖、茯砖各主要成分含量相对较低。普洱生茶在水浸出物、茶多酚、氨基酸、儿茶素总量、黄酮、咖啡碱、可溶性蛋白、有机酸含量上最高,但没食子酸含量较低。其余的几类黑茶比较,天尖水浸出物、茶多酚、儿茶素总量、可溶性蛋白含量较高,普洱熟茶的茶多糖、黄酮、咖啡碱、没食子酸含量较高,康砖的氨基酸、可溶性总糖含量较高;而青砖在水浸出物、茶多酚、氨基酸、咖啡碱、黄酮、可溶性蛋白含量上较低,普洱熟茶的儿茶素总量、六堡茶的没食子酸、有机酸含量以及茯砖茶的可溶性总糖含量较低。普洱熟茶和85%的六堡茶儿茶素组分中以简单儿茶素含量为主,且DL-C含量最高;千两茶、花砖、普洱生茶和80%以上的康砖、茯砖、天尖、黑砖儿茶素组分中以酯型儿茶素含量为主,且EGCG含量最高。2.不同安化黑茶进行比较,安化天尖多以橙色为主,滋味醇厚。千两茶汤色多是橙色,滋味醇和;茯砖茶汤色稍深,多为棕橙、橙红,滋味醇和;黑砖茶汤色多为红黄、橙黄,滋味醇和;花砖茶汤色和黑砖差异不大,渐渐偏深,以红色为主,滋味醇和。各类安化黑茶在水浸出物、茶多酚、氨基酸、儿茶素、没食子酸含量上相对差异较大,在黄酮、可溶性糖、有机酸含量上相对差异较小。天尖茶各主要成分含量都较高,相反茯砖茶在这些成分的含量上最低。四种紧压茶中,花砖和千两茶各成分含量较高,两者差异不大,其次是黑砖,最后是茯砖。其中花砖水浸出物、可溶性总糖、可溶性蛋白、黄酮、没食子酸含量较高,千两茶茶多酚、氨基酸、咖啡碱、儿茶素、茶多糖含量较高。各类安化黑茶的儿茶素组分中,酯型儿茶素含量均高于简单儿茶素,EGCG含量最高,简单儿茶素中EGC含量最高。3.黑茶与红茶、绿茶对比,黑茶除没食子酸含量较高外,其余成分含量均不同程度低于绿茶,各成分含量与红茶差异不大。黑茶和绿茶儿茶素含量以酯型儿茶素为主,EGCG含量最高,而红茶中以简单儿茶素为主,DL-C含量最高。4.陈茶与新茶对比,陈茶中各成分含量均较低,但是茶汤汤色红亮、香气陈醇、滋味更醇和。5.对黑茶主要呈味物质进行主分量分析,影响黑茶滋味的主要物质是:EGCG、GCG、ECG、EGC、可溶性总糖、黄酮、可溶性蛋白、没食子酸。

【Abstract】 Dark tea is fermented in the later period not as Black tea in the previous. It’s the unique one among the six big types of Chinese traditional teas.It majorly produces in Hunan, Hubei, Sichuang, Yunan, Guangxi provinces and some others.It attracts more and more experts’attention with its special quality characteristic and the salubrity function. With these characteristics, it has become the research hotspot.This text firstly analyzes the quality and main ingredients differences between various kinds of dark tea, with component analysis has been made for the taste.The main results as following:1.Compared with the various dark teas, the natural quality of Pu’er raw tea is close to primary green tea. Pu’re ripe tea, Liubao tea, Kang-brick tea are deep red in liquor, aroma pure or mellow and stale, tastes mellow and rich. Anhua dark tea is primarily orange in liquor, mostly orange-yellow, orange-brown, orange-red, smelling aromatic and pure, tasting mellow. The raw material of Qing brick tea is older, yellow or brown-red in liquor, taste coarse and plain.Major biochemistry Contents consists are found very high in Pu’er and Tianjian dark tea, while Qing brick tea, Fu brick tea are lower relatively. Except gallic acid is lower in Pu’er raw tea, the other biochemistry components are higher. In the rest of the major dark tea:Tianjian dark tea contains higher with water extract, polyphenols, total catechins and soluble protein; in Pu’er ripe tea, it contains higher with flavonoids, gallic acid, tea polysaccharide and Coffeine contents;Kang brick tea contains higher with amino acidsin, soluble sugar contents.While Qing brick tea has less water extract, polyphenols, amino acidsin, theine, flavone and soluble protein. Normal grade Pu’er’s total catechu and, Liubao’s gallic acid,.organic acid, and Fu Brick team soluble sugar has a relatively lower contents.Among the catechin component groups, simple catechins takes the majority for both Pu’er tea and 85% Liubao tea, and especially with the highest contents for DL-C.As for Qiangliang tea, Hua brick tea, Pu’er raw tea and 80% upper grade Kang brick tea, Fu brick tea, Tianjian dark tea, and Hei Brick teas, they contains complex catechins for the higher, goup, and especially highest for EGCG. 2.Compared with Anhua dark tea, Tianjian tea is primarily orange, taste mellow in fragrance.Qianliang tea mostly orange, taste mellow and plain; Fu brick tea has a deep color in liquor, mostly brown-orange, range-red, with a mellow and plain tast; The liquor is even deeper in Hei brick tea, mostly red with some yellow and orange, and it tastes mellow and plain; The liquor in Hua brick tea is close to Hei brick tea and is gradually deep, primarily red, tasting mellow and plain.In contents, all kinds of Anhua dark tea varies largely regarding water extract, polyphenols, amino acidsin, total catechins, gallic acid, but with less difference for flavonoids, soluble sugar, organic acid. Tianjian dark tea has a high contents of main biochemistry components but in opposite, Fu brick tea has a lower contains in regarding to these elements.Among four types compressed tea, the contents of main biochemistry components are higher in Hua brick tea and Qianliang tea, black brick follows as the second, and Fu brick tea takes the final.Among them, Hua brick tea and Qianliang are with very small difference.And Hua brick tea has a higher contents of water extract, soluble sugar, soluble protein, flavonoids, gallic acid while Qiangliang tea are richer in the polyphenols, amino acidsin, Coffeine, total catechins, tea polysaccharide.Among all kinds of catechins components groups of Anhua dark teas, complex catechins contents are generally higher than simple catechins.Moreover, the EGCG in the complex catechins takes the highest contents, EGC as the highest in the simple ctechins.3.Different from red tea and green tea, except that gallic acid contains higher, the other elements are lower than green tea at various grades.And it differs slightly from red tea regarding every biochemistry elements. Dark tea and green tea majorly contains complex catechins, and with the highest EGCG, while in red tea, simple catechins contains simply catechins, and with the highest DL-C.4.Older tea contains less regarding every ingredients than new tea, but the liquor of the tea appears brighter and redder in color, even more fragrant and tastes mellower and more comfortable.5.With Analysis it is found out that the principal components affects the main taste of dark tea is:EGCG, GCG, ECG, soluble sugar, flavonoids, soluble protein, gallic acid.

【关键词】 黑茶不同类别品质差异
【Key words】 Dark teavarious typescharacterdifferences
  • 【分类号】TS272.59
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1000
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