

Higher Agricultural Education Non-agricultural Discipline Construction

【作者】 黄佳彦

【导师】 符少辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 学科是高等学校的基本元素,是高等学校发挥教学、科学研究和社会服务三大功能的基本平台,而学科水平是高等学校办学水平和综合实力的主要体现。目前,在全国高校向综合化方向发展的过程中,我国高等农业院校在基本完成综合化发展的之后,主要的工作重点必然要转到加强内部学科建设,在传统的农科学科基础上,加强对非农学科的建设,特别是新兴的交叉学科和边缘学科。此外,随着社会经济和农业现代化的发展对人才的需求标准也越来越高,高等农业院校为了适应这一情况必须大力发展非农学科,因此,非农学科的问题成为了高等农业院校发展的核心问题。全文由五部分组成,主要内容如下:第一章,提出了研究非农学科建设的背景、目的和意义,总结了前人对学科建设的研究成果。第二章,阐释了学科的含义、构成,高校学科建设的内涵,以及加强学科建设对高等学校的意义,为进一步的分析提供必要的理论基础。第三章,总结了我国高等农业院校学科建设的特征,有4个:学科发展不均衡;农科类是高等农业院校的强势学科;涉农的相关学科基础较好但发展较慢;非农学科起步较晚但发展迅速。第四章,分析了我国高等农业院校非农学科建设的历史、动因以及目前存在的主要问题。第五章,在前章分析的基础上从指导思想、基本原则、具体措施三个方面提出了相应的建议和对策。

【Abstract】 Discipline is the basic element of high school, which is a basic platform to develop the function of teaching, scientific research and social service, and the discipline level is a manifestation of the higher educations’ running level and comprehensive strength. At present, the high schools in whole country are in the process of developing to more comprehensive, After the agriculture universities basically complete developed to more comprehensive, the main focus must be to strengthen the internal subjects in the traditional agricultural disciplines, based on the traditional agriculture discipline, strengthen the non-agriculture discipline construction, in particular the emerging cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary. In addition, with the development of socio-economic and agricultural modernization on the demand increasingly high standards, agricultural universities must strive to develop the non-agriculture discipline for adapting this situation, therefore, the problem of non-agricultural discipline is the central issue to develop the agriculture universities.The thesis is divided into five chapter, The first chapter, the study proposed the construction of non-agricultural discipline background, purpose and meaning, summarizes previous research on the subject building. The second chapter explains the meaning of discipline, structure, disciplinary construction of meaning, and the development of non-agricultural significance of Discipline of the College for further analysis to provide the necessary theoretical basis. ChapterⅢsummarizes the construction of China's agricultural colleges and the characteristics of subjects, there are four:uneven disciplinary development; agricultural class is a strong agricultural colleges and disciplines; agriculture based on the relevant fields for the development of better, but slower; non-agricultural subjects started late but is developing rapidly. ChapterⅣanalyzes the agriculture colleges and the history of non-agricultural Discipline, motivation, and present major problems. ChapterⅤ, the first chapter based on the analysis from the guiding ideology, basic principles and concrete measures put forward three proposals and measures the corresponding.


