

The Study on the Urban Roadside Greenbelt Landscape Design

【作者】 卢薇

【导师】 龙岳林;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 城市街旁绿地,以其体量小、布局灵活、便利可达等特点见长,能有效缓解城市中心区域绿化用地压力,短时间内改善了城市的微观环境,是城市居民户外休闲活动的贴身公园。作者以长沙市中心街旁绿地为研究对象,采用实地调查与问卷调查相结合的研究方法,针对长沙市中心几个典型的街旁绿地空间构成、景观要素等方面开展研究,主要研究结果如下:1.长沙市街旁绿地景观设计存在如下突出问题:①空间层次单一,缺乏私密空间,活动区域相互间干扰较大;②水景设计欠合理,水质富营养化程度高,后期维护难度大;③硬质景观尺度体量不得当,与环境协调性欠佳,文化表现力不强;④道路可达性不强,无障碍设计考虑欠缺;⑤休闲设施数量稀少,尺度、材料、位置缺乏人性化设计。2.针对长沙市城市街旁绿地景观现状,提出具体的对策与建议:①空间构成方面应充分利用地形变化和植物组织围合功能,创造动静相宜、多功能、多层次的户外休闲空间;②水景设计应根据水景承担的功能考虑位置和布置形式,合理安排地表集排水系统以提高雨水利用率,并配置具有净化水体功能的水生植物;③植物种植设计应利用植物的花容、叶貌、色彩、芳香及树干姿态充分发挥景观向导功能,并注重植物景观的季相变化;④道路设计应考虑街旁绿地穿越性强的特点,并与绿化种植、亭、廊等景观节点相串联,形成连贯有序的绿色空间;⑤休闲设施设计应考虑刚性材料与柔性材料结合运用,其位置依据“边缘效应”和不同季节人的需求确定。城市街旁绿地景观从人的需求出发,突出绿地景观的多样性和生态服务功能,力求为城市居民创造了一个环境优美,功能齐全的户外休闲空间。

【Abstract】 Urban roadside greenbelt, with its small body mass, flexible layout, convenience and other features known for up to effectively relieves the pressure on urban central green spaces.lt could improve the city’s micro-environment at a short time. At the same time,it is the urban outdoor leisure park for resident.Taked Changsha central roadside greenbelt as the study,basis in the research methods of field surveys and questionnaires, the author researched from the beginning of space structure and landscape key elements in a few typical roadside greenbelt of Changsha city center.The major findings are as follows:1.There are a range of obvious problems about Changsha roadside greenbelt landscape design:①the level of space is single, lack of privacy,and there is much interference with each other active regions;②waterscape is less reasonable and has a high degree of eutrophication, the late maintenance is difficult;③hard body mass shall not be treated landscape scale, it has a poor coordination with the environment, and cultural expression is not strong;④road accessibility is not strong, and be deficient in accessible design considerations;⑤leisure facilities are scarce, the scale, materials, location are lack of human design.2. Against the current situation of Changsha roadside greenbelt,the author propose specific measures and suggestions as follows:①the space constitute should make full use of a change in topography and plant tissue enclosure features to create a dynamic and static affordable, multi-function, multi-level outdoor space;②Water landscape design should assume the functions of water features to consider location and layout, reasonable arrangements for collection of surface water drainage system to improve the utilization and allocation of water purification function of aquatic plants;③plant planting design should be used to flowers and leaf’s appearance, color, fragrance, and tree trunks to play a gesture landscape wizards, and pay attention to seasonal changes in plant landscape;④in the road design, through sexuals hould be considered as the strong roadside greenbelt feature and plants, pavilions, corridors and other landscape nodes are connected in series to form a coherent orderly green space;⑤leisure facilities should be designed to take into account combination of rigid material and flexible material used, its location should be based on "edge effect" and determine the needs of people in different seasons.Urban roadside Landscape departure from people’s needs, highlighting the diversity of green landscape and ecosystem services, and strives for the urban population to creat a beautiful environment, full-featured outdoor leisure space.


