

Study on the Industry Collaborative Development on Changsha County

【作者】 刘白石

【导师】 罗光强;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 自十六大提出“壮大县域经济”以来,县域经济越来越受到社会的广泛关注。县域经济发展的基础是产业的发展,产业发展的状况直接决定着县域经济发展的状况。随着县域产业分工的不断细化,一方面,县域经济总量规模得到了不断地扩大,而另一方面,产业间的竞争不断加剧,产业利润分配的越来越失衡,产业分工所引致的产业之间的冲突或县域经济系统间的矛盾不断出现和叠加,以至于严重影响经济资源的有效配置和县域经济的有效增长,使得经济增长的速度放缓、质量下降、潜力降低。这种现象如不采取有效的控制或规避措施其问题将演变得越来越严重,以至于将最终影响县域经济的增长质量。因此必须协同发展三次产业,才能实现县域经济的有效增长。本文以长沙县为例,利用灰色关联理论及经济增长周期理论,实证判断了长沙县产业协同发展状况,并提出了长沙县产业协同发展存在的问题,进一步分析了长沙县产业协同发展的影响因素,最终提出促进长沙县产业协同发展的思路与对策:坚持第一产业稳,第二产业强,第三产业大的发展思路,一要加强产业规划,优化产业协同结构;二要制定相关政策,强化产业协同行为;三要完善投资机制,提高产业协同水平;四要加强技术创新,提升产业协同能力;五要优化资源配置,改进产业协同效率。

【Abstract】 The county economy has been paid more attention since The Sixteenth National Congress of the CPC announce "we should boost the county economy". County Economic Development is based on industry development and industrial development directly determine the status of the county’s economic development. As county division of labor with continuo us refinement, on the one hand, the total scale of the county economy has been continues to expand, while on the other hand, growing competition among industries, growing imbalance in the distribution of industry profits and the industrial conflict caused by division of labor or contradiction in county economic system seriously affect the efficient allocation of economic resources and the effective growth of county economies, making economic growth slowing, quality declining and potentiality reducing. If we does not take effective measures to control or avoid this phenomenon, it will ultimately affect the quality of county economic growth. So, the development of three industries must be coordinated in order to achieve effective growth of the county economy.In this paper, we take Changsha County for the example, use gray theory and economic growth cycle theory, Empirically judge the industrial cooperation development in Changsha County and put forward its problems, and even analyze the factors of the industrial cooperation development in Changsha County. Finally we come to the ideas and concludes that could promote the industrial cooperation development in Changsha County:adhere to Stabilize the primary industry, Strength the secondary industry, enlarge the third industry. And also we should firstly strengthen the industry planning and optimize the industrial cooperative structure; secondly development of relevant policies, strengthening industry collaboration behavior; thirdly improve the investment mechanism and improve the level of industrial collaboration; Fourthly, strengthen technical innovation and enhance industrial cooperation efforts and finally optimizing resource allocation, improve the efficiency of industrial collaboration.


