

Studies on Applied Basis of the New Breeding Dual-purpose Genic Male Sterile Rice

【作者】 杨烨

【导师】 陈立云;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 种子科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 对湖南农业大学水稻科学研究所新选育的8个水稻两用核不育系及对照株1S和C815S的农艺性状、不育起点温度、异交特性等进行了研究;同时对新选育的8个不育系及C815S、Y58S和8个恢复系所配37个组合与汕优63的对照优势进行了研究;主要结果如下:1、7SH210、7SH191、7SH193属早稻类型不育系;株叶形态比较理想;主茎总叶片数少,出叶迅速;分蘖能力一般;播始历期短;有效穗数、每穗总粒数、着粒密度等性状优于株1S。2、7SH099、7SH088、8SH010、8SH028、8SH026属中稻类型不育系;7SH088、7SH099、8SH010株叶形态比较理想;出叶迅速;分蘖能力强;每穗总粒数、着粒密度等性状优于C815S、8SH028、8SH026播始历期为81d;株叶形态一般;8SH026株高为95.9cm;出叶速度、主茎总叶片数、分蘖能力、产量性状等对C815S的优势不明显。3、对经人工水温控制池低温处理5d的不育系单穗进行育性鉴定:7SH210、8SH010、7SH099的不育起点温度在22.5℃左右;8SH028、8SH026的不育起点温度在23.5℃左右;7SH191、7SH193、7SH088不育起点温度大于23.5℃。4、7SH210、7SH191、7SH193的单穗开花天数为5d;日开花高峰时段10:00-14:00;开颖习性与株1S的差异较小;7SH191、7SH193的柱头外露率比株1S大,包颈粒率比株1S小;7SH210的柱头外露率、包颈粒率对株1S的优势不明显。5、7SH088、7SH099、8SH028、8SH026的单穗开花天数为4d;8SH010的单穗开花天数为5d;日开花高峰时段10:00-13:30;柱头外露率较高;8SH026包颈粒率比C815S低;其他不育系包颈粒率比C815S高;7SH099、8SH028、8SH026的开颖习性较好。6、8SH026、7SH090、7SH071、7SH270的配合力较高;在有效穗数、每穗总粒数、结实率及单株理论产量上的一般配合力较高;C815S、7SH089、7SH88、7SH099的一般配合力较低;7SH193/9113、7SH090/80395、7SH071/80281、8SH026/80447的特殊配合力较高。7、7SH210、8SH010、7SH099等不育系的农艺性状、不育起点温度等符合两用核不育系的选育标准;不育起点温度低;株叶形态比较理想;7SH210的有效穗数、每穗总粒数、着粒密度等性状优于株1S;进一步改良异交特性,实用前景较好;8SH010、7SH099的产量性状、异交性状等优于C815S;是否具有实用价值,有待深入研究。

【Abstract】 In this research, agronomic traits, sterile critical temperature, and outcrossing characteristics of the 8 new dual-purpose genic male sterile lines, which were breeded by the Rice Research Institute of Hunan Agricultural University, and the control ZhulS, C815S, were studied. At the same time, comparative advantages between Shanyou63 and the 37 combinations, by combining these 8 new dual-purpose genic male sterile lines, C815S, Y58S with 8 restorer lines, were studied. The main results are as the following:1.7SH210,7SH191 and 7SH193 are rice male sterile lines. The plant and leaf types were ideal. The number of leaves on the main stem was small. The leaf appearance rate was fast. Tillering capacity was in general. The period from seeding to heading was short. Panicles per plant, total grains per panicle, grain density and other characters were better than those of Zhul S.2.7SH099,7SH088,8SH010,8SH028 and 8SH026 are season rice male sterile lines. 7SH088,7SH099 and 8SH010 had ideal plant and leaf types. The leaf appearance rate was fast. Tillering ability was strong. Total grains per panicle, grain density and other characters were better than those of C815S. The period from seeding to heading of 8SH028 and 8SH026 was 81d. The plant and leaf types were in general. The height of 8SH026 plant was 95.9 centimeters. Comparing to the leaf appearance rate, the number of leaves on the main stem, tillering ability, yield characters and others of C815S, those of 8SH028 and 8SH026 had no obvious advantage.3. Conducted a single spike sterility experiment on the dual-purpose genic male sterile line after five days low temperature treatment in the artificial water tempreture controlled pond:the fertility transformation critical temperature of 7SH210,8SH010 and 7SH099 was about 22.5℃. The fertility transformation critical temperature of 8SH028 and 8SH026 was about 23.5℃. The fertility transformation critical temperature of 7SH191,7SH193 and 7SH088 was above 23.5℃.4. The single panicle flowering period of 7SH210,7SH191 and 7SH193 was five days. The daily-flowering peak time was at 10:00-14:00. Comparing with those of ZhulS, the spikelet opening time of 7SH210,7SH191 and 7SH193 had no advantage, the stigma exsertion rate of 7SH191 and 7SH193 was higher, the clasping spilelet rate was lower, the stigma exsertion rate and the clasping spilelet rate of 7SH210 had no advantage.5. The single panicle flowering period of 7SH088,7SH099,8SH028 and 8SH026 was four days. The single panicle flowering period of 8SH010 was five days. The daily-flowering peak time was at 10:00-13:30. The stigma exsertion rate was high. The clasping spilelet rate of 8SH026 was smaller than C815S. The clasping spilelet rate of other CMS was higher than C815S. The spikelet opening time of 7SH099,8SH028, and 8SH026 was long.6.8SH026,7SH090,7SH071 and 7SH270 had good combining abilities. Their general combining ability of panicles per plant, total grains per panicle, seed setting rate and grain weight per plant was comparatively high. General combining ability of C815S, 7SH089,7SH088 and 7SH099 was comparatively low. The specific combining ability of 7SH193/9113,7SH090/80395,7SH071/80281,8SH026/80447 was comparatively high.7.7SH210,8SH010 and 7SH099 were in accordance with the breeding standard of dual-use nuclear male sterile line. The fertility transformation critical temperature was low. The plant and leaf types were ideal. The panicles per plant, total grains per panicle, grain density and other traits of 7SH210 were better than those of ZhulS. Further improvements of outcrossing characteristics and the prospect of production applications are better. The yield traits, outcrossing characters of 8SH010 and 7SH099 were better than those of C815S. Further investigations on whether they have any practical value are still needed.


