

The Study on the Design of the Green Space Plant Landscape on the Campus of Hospital

【作者】 许春英

【导师】 甘德欣;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 园艺, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 医院是人类维护身体健康、恢复劳动机能的场所,是人类生存繁衍、与疾病抗争的重要阵地。近年来,随着社会经济的发展以及医疗水平的提高,医院在不断的扩建,原有的景观环境受到破坏,出现了许多环境问题。目前,学者们对于医院绿地植物景观的研究多以基础研究为主,尚未建立一个完整、科学的医院绿地植物景观改造设计模式用以提升医院环境质量及医疗康复的辅助效果。基于此,本研究以中南大学湘雅三医院绿地植物景观作为研究对象,采用查阅收集文献资料及综合分析法,通过实地调查,运用景观生态学、景观美学、环境心理学等相关理论,对中南大学湘雅三医院绿地植物景观进行改造设计。主要研究结果如下:(1)突出医疗康复的辅助效果。研究认为植物的形态、色彩、特性对于患者的心理及生理具有一定的影响。针对患者疾病情况来选择植物品种进行配置,在一定程度上会促进患者的提早康复。(2)注重生态服务功能。提出医院绿地植物景观要建成生物多样性基地,通过改造地形、丰富植物品种,创造出配置方式多样的复合式立体生态环境。作到层次丰富,季相变化明显,充分展示植物景观的自然之美。此外,在植物选择及配置上要根据绿地功能的不同进行设计。如医院的中心绿地植物景观要营造出适合休养游憩的氛围,道路绿地植物要考虑到行人及车辆的通行便利,建筑组团绿地植物要与建筑相协调,起到软化建筑的作用。(3)体现以人为本。提出在设计时要站在患者的角度去考虑绿地植物景观的布局、体量、功能、效果等,在消除患者对疾病恐惧的同时,达到配合患者休养的目的。医院绿地植物景观改造设计要把以人为本这一主题贯彻其中,强调绿地植物环境对患者的特殊作用,合理布局,充分发挥景观的艺术感染力,挖掘医院文化内涵,创建出具有自己特色的医院绿地植物景观。

【Abstract】 Hospital is the place to defend health and recover enginery working for human beings, it is also an important place to fight against disease for human beings’survive and multiply. Recent years, as the development of social Economy and the improvement of Medical treatment level, hospitals are expanded ceaselessly, the original landscape is destroyed and Environment problems are coming out. At present, as for the research of greenbelt plant landscape in hospital, scholars give first place to some basic researches but haven’t built any kind of entire and scientific pattern of hospitals’ greenbelt plant landscape reform to improve hospital’s environmental quality and strengthen assist effect of medical recover. Owing to this, the research is aimed at greenbelt plant landscape in the 3rd hospital of Zhongnan university, adopting methods of checking and collecting Document data and synthesized analysis to reform and design greenbelt plant landscape in the 3rd hospital of Zhongnan university via scene investigation, Landscape ecology,Landscape aesthetics, Environment psychology and relevance theories. The major findings are as follows:(1) Lay stress on assist effect of medical recovers. Studies think of Plant’s form, color and Characteristic property have being bound to affect on Patient’s mentality and physiology. Be based on the patient disease and choose plants to deploy, to a certain extent, it will boost patient’s shifting to an earlier time recovering from the illness.(2) Attach importance to ecological service function. It is mentioned that the hospital greenbelt plant landscape should be built as Biodiversity base. Create a various allocation ways of compound ecological environment via reforming landform and enriching the plant breed. The gradation should be plentiful, seasonal variation is obvious and to show the bloom of the plant landscape. Besides, the design of plant choosing and deploying should be based on the differences of Greenbelt function. For example, the centre greenbelt plant landscape ought to be built out like recuperated, the road greenbelt plant is considered the going through of Pedestrian and the vehicle. Greenbelt plant should be consistent with hospital building to make it more amiable.(3) Embody people foremost principle. It is pointed out that the greenbelt plant landscape’s layout, function and effect are based on patient’s mentality in the design, during the time to eliminate patient’s fear and also achieve the purpose of assisting patient’s recovering.The reform and design of greenbelt plant landscape of hospital should give the priority to people foremost principle, emphasizing that the greenbelt plant’s special effect on patients. Reasonable layout shows the artistic fascination of the landscape and culture connotation, which is built as self-characteristic hospital’s greenbelt plant landscape.

【关键词】 医院绿地植物景观改造设计
【Key words】 hospitalgreen space plant landscapereconstrctiondesig

