

Education Studies on the Cooperation Quality of University Student

【作者】 刘菲

【导师】 谭焱良;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 人类社会已步入高科技的知识经济时代,协同合作成为世界发展的必然趋势。从这个意义上说,没有合作就谈不上成功。我国大学生大都是独生子女,他们普遍存在社会价值观偏颇、自我意识膨胀等问题,在学校应试教育所导致的负面影响下,大学生大多合作意识淡薄。这让我们都要认真思考一个问题——大学生合作素质的教育。本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法等方法,针对“什么是合作素质”这个问题,从心理学和社会学两方面指出合作素质是共同价值观、优势互补以及凝聚力这三个基本内涵的统一。本文通过分析大学生全面发展的内在需求、高校素质教育的必然要求以及构建和谐社会的本质要求,针对“为什么要进行大学生合作素质教育”这个问题,结合马克思主义的相关理论,提出大学生合作素质教育能提高大学生合作交往能力、改善人际关系;并且满足高校素质教育对于培养大学生综合素质能力的要求;更重要的是符合人与人和谐、人与社会和谐以及充满创新活力的社会主义和谐社会内涵需求。本文针对大学生的合作素质现状以及高校合作素质教育现状进行了问卷调查,调查显示大部分学生不愿合作,在家庭、学校的应试教育下形成了扭曲的竞争意识,难以展开高质量、高水平的合作。大学阶段是大学生人生观、价值观等形成的关键时期,这就使得在对大学生进行合作素质教育时要结合他们这一特殊时期的心理特点,在实施具体教育对策过程中引导大学生确立新的合作理念,增强合作意识,建立良好的人际关系,并侧重于通过合作学习等途径让大学生在实践中真正体会到合作带给他们的成功和愉悦。

【Abstract】 Human society has entered the era of high-technology and knowledge economy, collaborations become an inevitable trend in the development of the world. In this sense, success is inaccessible without cooperation. Most of university students in our country are singleton, almost have some problems such as biased about social values、ego-inflating, a weak sense of cooperation consciousness because of negative reasons of exam-oriented education in school. We should seriously consider a more profound problem——how to train the cooperation quality of university students。In this paper, documentary research method and questionnaire survey method were used. In view of the question to what’s the cooperation quality, we could pointed out it contains shared values,complement each other’s advantages and cohesion from the two aspects of psychology and sociology. And then we aiming at "why we have to training cooperation quality of university students?", by analysis on internal need of university student’s integrated development、college quality-oriented education and constructing harmonious society, this paper combining with Marxism related theory and suggested that the training cooperation quality of university students could improve ability in cooperation and intercourse、improve interpersonal relationships, and meet the college quality-oriented education demands about training comprehensive qualities of university students, and above all it meet the needs of the concept of socialism harmonious society that is the person-to-person harmony harmony relationship between humans and societies and full innovative。In addition, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the status quo of the cooperative quality in students and universities education of cooperation quality. An investigation shows that most of university students is unwilling to cooperate, they form twisted competitive spirit in exam-oriented educational mode, it is difficult to start cooperation on high-quality and high-level。College study is a crucial period for the university students to form their outlook on life and values. Consequently, the consideration about the psychological characteristics in university students is indispensable in the training of cooperation quality. In the process of specific countermeasure, it should be establish the new cooperation ideas, enhancing cooperation consciousness,set up good human relations and focus on through cooperative learning、teamwork to brings happiness and success in practice of cooperation.

【关键词】 大学生合作合作素质
【Key words】 University studentsCooperationCooperation quality

