

【作者】 于海洋

【导师】 范嘉晨;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 明代的长篇小说多是借用现成作品中的素材以构思,并将它敷衍发展而成。《金瓶梅》即是借用《水浒传》中武松和潘金莲的故事作为全书开端的。但是作者并没有简单的抄袭《水浒传》的文字,也没有沿袭《水浒传》的精神,而只是借用了武松故事中匆匆登场又匆匆下场的西门庆与潘金莲的情事,并作了为我所用的节略和增补,“借树开花”,开拓出一片更为广阔的艺术天地,形成了洋洋洒洒的文学巨构。两书重复部分相异的一面,是《金瓶梅》独立成书所必不可少的,与作者的创作意图息息相关,所做的改动和增补多是出于小说情节发展和人物形象塑造的需要,是作者为了以后展开独立的世界而表现出来的艺术匠心。论文首先从情节的照搬、情节的借用和增删以及诗词韵文的引用和修改等方面探析从《水浒传》到《金瓶梅》的演变轨迹;其次,分别对武松、潘金莲、西门庆等人物形象的变化进行分析;最后,在思想和艺术两方面对《金瓶梅》和《水浒传》做了比较。通过比较分析,本文不认为《金瓶梅》对水浒故事的改写是任意和随便的,它有明确的创作指向和整体构思,它追寻了与《水浒传》等完全不同的成书过程。

【Abstract】 The materials of the written books were often used in the novels in Ming Dynasty. And then the novels developed from these materials. "Golden Lotus" adopted the story of Wu Song and Pan as the beginning of the book. However, there was neither simple copy of texts nor following the "Water Margin" spirit. It only adopted the Ximen and Pan’s love story, and made some deletions and additions. This was called "Blossoming by the trees". It opened up a wider art world and formed a voluminous literary book. There were some different aspects in the repeated part. These were essential to "Golden Lotus" and were closely related to the author’s creative intent. The changes and additions were fit for the needs of the plots development and characterization. It demonstrated the author’s artistic ingenuity. Firstly, this paper will explore the evolution of plots from "Water Margin" to "Golden Lotus". It can be summarized as follows:the copy of the plots, some deletions and additions, and the changes of the poems; Secondly, this paper will analyze the changes of the characterization respectively, such as Wu, Pan, Ximen, etc. Finally, this paper will make some comparisons both in thought and art aspects. By comparison, this paper does not think that the rewriting of the Water Margin story is arbitrary and random. It has a clear and creative direction and an overall idea. It pursues a completely different writing process with the "Water Margin".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

