

An Analysis of Faulkner’s Women Characters in His Fictions

【作者】 李兆撰

【导师】 孔庆华;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 福克纳是20世纪最伟大的作家之一。他笔下丰富多彩的女性形象生动地展示了19世纪末及20世纪上半叶的美国南方的社会文化生活。本文以弗洛伊德心理学为指导,结合南方传统价值观深入分析福克纳小说中的一些女性人物形象。重点分析带有疯狂特质的女性、白人淑女、黑人女性及男女关系。本文从弗洛伊德心理学角度将福克纳笔下带有疯狂特质的女性分为两类:一类是由心理焦虑和恋母或恋父情结导致的,如佐尔菲亚和艾米丽;另一类是由于人性死亡本能决定的,其典型代表是艾利。南方旧制度下的家庭影响与女性个体心理之间无法协调的矛盾是导致福克纳小说中疯女人悲剧的罪魁祸首。其次,在当时南方社会价值观中,种族和阶级决定了白人淑女和黑人女性是社会阶层中并列存在的两极,像老姑娘及黑白混血女性也是很常见的,她们多处于不被社会和集体接受的尴尬境地。作者塑造的女性形象从多个角度凸显了南方价值观念下女性存在的状况。像南方淑女罗莎看似温柔却具有男性气概;而淑女茱迪斯和茱斯拉看似大家闺秀却又非常叛逆,而像爱伦那样的淑女循规蹈矩,却又平淡无奇。福克纳笔下多数黑人女性表现得沉寂无闻,但像黑人保姆迪尔西却有着积极的正面形象。虽然她们社会地位高低有别,但是福克纳却安排了她们相同的命运——女人在那样一个社会中只是一个物化的概念。白人庄园主和黑人女仆以及白人淑女和黑人之间微妙的关系也是当时南方社会所独有的。福克纳笔下的女性形象反映了当时妇女处于令人同情的境地,他无情地批判了“白人至上”的观点,同时也揭示了南方种植园制度的没落与衰亡。

【Abstract】 Faulkner is one of the greatest writers of 20th century. Various women characters in his fictions reflect Southern social culture in late 19th and early 20th century. This thesis aims to analyze Faulkner’s rich women characters from the perspectives of Freudian psychology and Southern traditional values.There are five chapters in my thesis, and importance is attached to the analysis of women with craziness, white ladies, black women and the relationships between women and men.First, the focus is placed upon the women characters with craziness, who are categorized into two kinds:women like Miss Zilphia and Miss Emily driven by their anxieties and complexes; characters like Elly, craziness is caused by death wish. The irreconcilable contradictions between the family influences of the Old Southern system and individual female psychology is the evil root leading to the miserable fate of crazy women.Secondly, under Southern traditional values on women, classes and races determine the existence of two opposites-white ladies and black women. And the marginal women like spinsters, virgins and mulattoes are considerably noticeable because of their awkward social positions. White ladies are seemingly gentle but masculine like Rosa, decent but rebellious like Drusilla and Judith, and stereotypical but bland like Ellen. Black women are always silent in Faulkner’s fictions, however, black mammies maintain bright and positive images. Even though the difference between women’s social positions exists, Faulkner arranges them with the same destiny-women in that society are just an object.The subtle relationships between white masters and black women and between white women and black men are unique on the Southern plantations. Women characters in Faulkner’s fictions are in the sympathizing situation. Meanwhile, Faulkner criticizes the white supremacy and exposes the decline and deterioration of the Southern plantation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

