

【作者】 任宗瑶

【导师】 陈秋红;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 博尔赫斯以短篇小说为主要形式构建起了一座简洁又不失精致的文学大迷宫,这座大迷宫散发出的迷人魅力来源于博尔赫斯在其中表现出的时空观念和写作技巧两大方面。一直以来,众多的研究者对这座文学大迷宫的探索主要围绕这些方面的主题进行,并已取得不俗的研究成果。在观念层面上,博尔赫斯作品中表现出的时空结构是相当多样的:循环结构、轮回结构、交叉分岔结构……但各种结构形式呈现出共同的“圆”的观念。这也是博尔赫斯未来不可知、时间生发无限可能性带来新空间理念的一种体现。简单的圆形平面并不能很好的表现他对无限可能性的认识,立体的圆球体更能体现他小说作品中的时空结构以及对于时间和空间的理解。在写作技巧方面,从叙述学理论出发,博尔赫斯的小说文本通过在叙述时间线上的排列重组打破了传统的线性叙述,实现了向空间叙述的转变。同时,文本召唤结构的使用增加了文本对接受者的召唤力量,拉近了小说文本与接受者之间的距离,使接受者与文本的互动更为密切和有效,相应的,对于文本产生了强烈的探究兴趣,理解也更丰富充分。观念和技巧内外两方面的呼应配合,即是博尔赫斯文学迷宫魅力不衰的奥妙。

【Abstract】 Borges built a simple but exquisite big literary maze with short story as the main form to, the charm of this labyrinth comes from both temporal and spatial concepts and writing skills which Borges shown in his works. For a long time, a large number of researchers has most interesting about this and have been making lots of good research results. In the concept level, the time and space structure which is shown by Borges’s works is quite diverse: the loop structure, recurrent structure, cross-branching structure……but all the various structural forms shows the same concept of "circle". This is also the idea of the future unknowable, the infinite possibilities of time and new space building. Simple circular plane can not be a very good performance of the infinite possibilities of Borges’s understanding, the sphere will be much better to reflect his idea of the space-time structure and the understanding of time and space. Writing skills, view from narrative theory, Borges to break the traditional linear narrative by the re-arrangement of narrative time order, get the achievement about the transformation to the space described. At the same time, the basic use skills of the aesthetic of reception increase the strength of the text, close the novel the text and the recipient, so the interaction between them are much more closer and effective, and the charm of the text can be more strong, the understanding is also more fully enriched. The combine of concepts and skills both inside and outside is the key word of the long lasting literary charm of Borges’s wonders of the maze.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

