

Research and Realization of Digital Media Content Indexing and Mapping

【作者】 夏勇

【导师】 雷友珣;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 有线数字电视经过多年的发展,传输和接收技术不断成熟,提供的业务呈现出多样化的趋势。为了充分发挥有线电视传输带宽丰富的特点,各地有线电视网络公司陆续开展节目推送服务。用户可以存储后再收看节目,从而打破原有按时间播出的广播电视服务方式,提高了服务水平。但是,目前机顶盒计算及存储能力有限,一旦存储的内容量大,机顶盒很难实现对内容的自动管理。特别是,推送服务种类越来越多,在现有的广播技术机制下,用户对的推送内容只能进行两种选择即接受或是不接受,这给用户的个性化收看造成了很大的困难。数字媒体内容标引是对内容进行特征提取和标识引导的过程,是信息的信息,它的目的是描述传输特点,揭示内容特征,便于集中同类的内容,区分不同的内容,为相关内容建立联系。它由内容分类、内容来源、内容属性及播出信息等项组成。通过在发送端将内容标引信息实时嵌入到发送的节目数据包中,利用广播电视网,将带内容标引的节目内容主动推送到接收端上。在接收端,用户利用内容标引技术设置自己感兴趣的内容,接收端将用户的设置与每个接收到数据包中的标引信息进行对比,保留匹配的内容,从而实现对内容的个性化定制。同时接收端也能根据接收内容中标引信息,对保存下的内容进行自动分类和汇聚,并灵活地生成电子节目菜单。实现了在一个频道中提供多个不同来源的内容,打破了频道之间的间隔,对内容重新整合后,提供给用户。很大程度上提高广播电视生成能力,在多个方面提升现有广播技术的服务水平。基于以上设计思想,本文从基本背景知识入手,分析了内容标引及映射方法的设计需求,在充分理解目前广播电视发展现状的前提下,从标引表示方法、标引映射方法、文件推送机制、终端解析方法及展示方式等五个方面开展研究,提出了数字媒体内容标引表示方法及数字媒体内容标引在IP及TS (Transport Stream)数据包中的映射方法。为了证明该技术方案的可行性,开发一套验证软件即数字媒体内容标引生成软件、数字媒体内容标引播控软件和接收端软件,并搭建了验证系统。在验证软件的开发过程中,提出了在广播信道条件下,数字媒体内容标引验证系统的组成及主要工作流程,提出验证系统技术方案和验证方法,重点攻克了数字媒体内容标引生成技术、单向广播中大文件可靠传输技术、带有标引信息的节目内容播发控制技术、接收端数据快速接受技术和文件还原及存储等关键技术。最后将该项目成果在工信部电信技术研究院RTnet网络实验室进行了验证,结果证明,项目组设计的内容标引技术方案可以在多种网络环境下进行可靠传输。

【Abstract】 After years of development of digital television, transmission and reception technology continues to mature, Services provided by TV show a trend of diversification. In order to give full play to the characteristics of cable transmission bandwidth, many cable operators are carrying out the push program service. Users can store and then watch programs, thus breaking the original service mode. However, the set-top boxes are limited by computing and storage capacity, once the contents cost the large amount of storage, set-top box very difficult to manage content. Meanwhile, in the existing broadcasting technology mechanism, users are difficult to the select the pushed contents.Digital media content indexing is a feature extraction and identification guide the process, its purpose is to describe the transmission characteristics, revealing the contents of features, easy to focus on similar content, distinguish between different content, to establish contacts for the relevant contents. It consists of content classification, content sources, content attributes, and broadcast information. At sending end, content indexing of information is real-time embedded in the program data package. By using broadcast network, the contents with indexing are pushed to the receiving end. At the receiving end, with using content indexing technology, users can choose their own interest in the content, by comparing the indexing in receiving end and content data packets. And retain the contents are matched, allowing customization of content. At the same time the receiving end can also automatic classify and aggregate the contents of preserved according to content indexing information, and can create electronic program guide freely. The pushing technology with content indexing realizes in one channel to provide a number of different sources of content, breaking the interval between channels. And it significantly improve broadcasting production capabilities in many aspects.Based on the above design idea, this paper start from the basic background knowledge, and analyze the content indexing and mapping methods of design requirements. in full understanding of the current status of the development of radio and television, From the indexing representation, indexing, mapping method, the file push mechanism, the terminal display mode of analytic methods and research in five areas proposed digital media content, said method of the digital media content indexing and mapping method. In order to prove the feasibility of the technology, we develop three content indexing validation software, generated indexing software, broadcast control software and client software, and use these software to build the verification system.in the process of Software development, we put forward system composition and the main workflow. Authentication system proposed technical solutions and verification methods under the conditions of the broadcast channel. We focus on the capture of digital media content indexing generation technology, one-way broadcast transmission technology and reliable files transmission technology, content control technology, client-side data handling technology and other key technologies. Finally, after Telecom and Technology Research Institute tests, that demonstrates the project results to meet the project’s design requirements.

  • 【分类号】TN949.197
  • 【下载频次】72

