

Design and Implementation of GNSS Satellite IF Signal Collector

【作者】 陈续

【导师】 邓中亮;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,基于全球卫星定位系统的各类应用在全球范围内快速发展。美国GPS,欧洲Galileo和俄罗斯的GLONASS蓬勃发展,卫星的兼容性和互操作性成为当今最流行议题。伴随着我国自主的“北斗一号卫星定位导航系统”的建成,标志着我国成为世界上第三个拥有自主知识产权卫星定位系统的国家,体现了我国科技水平和经济实力,推进了信息基础设施建设,提高了经济社会和军事信息化的水平。本论文所设计的GNSS卫星中频信号采集器在这样的背景下提出,为多星座兼容的卫星信号采集提出了一种良好的解决方案,并提出了多兼容、低功耗、高性能和可扩展的设计原则。本论文主要讨论GNSS卫星中频信号采集器的软硬件设计与实现。首先介绍了GNSS卫星中频信号采集器功能要求和设计指标,针对卫星信号采集的特定应用选择适当的系统架构与传输方式。然后对硬件系统的各主要功能模块的设计方法及实现都进行详尽讨论,并且详细介绍软件系统设计和整个系统的后期测试,对出现的问题进行分析,并提出了有效的改进意见。通过系统调试验证设计的各项功能,试验的结果表明,本设计基本实现了卫星信号采集的各项要求。

【Abstract】 In recent years, various types of applications based on global satellite positioning system are developing rapidly. The U.S. GPS, European Galileo and Russia’s GLONASS are booming. Satellite compatibility and interoperability become the most popular issues nowadays. Along with China’s Beidou satellite positioning and navigation system established, China has become the world’s first three countries with independent intellectual property rights in global satellite positioning, showing the level of national science, technology and economic strength.The GNSS satellite IF signal collector is designed under such background and this paper will present a good solution for multi-constellation satellite signal collection. The paper has followed a multi-compatible, low-power, high performance and scalability of the design principles.This paper focuses on GNSS satellite IF signal collector hardware and software design and implementation. First, the paper introduced collector functional requirements and design specifications by chosen system architechture and transmition mode, and then carried out a detailed description of overall design and main modules functional design. Lastly, this paper gave detailed test methods and an effective improvement.Through the system debug, results show that the design has achieved the requirements of GNSS satellite signal collection and perform well.

【Key words】 GNSSIF SignalEZ-USBFPGA

