

Project Risk Management Research on the Construction Project of the Olympic Card of Network Access

【作者】 张媛媛

【导师】 梁雄健;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 项目管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着通信运营商正面临着前所未有的挑战:市场压力加大、客户对服务质量的要求提高、竞争成本增加、ARPU和收益下降、利润点转移等,规模维持竞争优势的年代一去不返。特别在加入WTO的大背景下,中国的通信运营业既有加快发展的机遇,同时又面临挑战,在机遇与挑战面前,越来越多的通信企业认识到只有不断扩大服务领域,提高服务水平,改进服务质量,才能增加企业核心竞争力。在拥有了覆盖全面的基础网络和基础用户的基础上,如何顺应新的通信技术和业务的迅猛发展、实现企业体制创新、技术创新、管理创新,已成为通信企业迫切解决的棘手问题。众多IT工程项目失败的教训让企业意识到通过科学的方法促使项目执行进入可控的方向才是有效解决问题的正确途径。通信企业在实施IT工程项目管理过程中,经常会遇到很多风险或者说很多障碍,这些不利情况的发生会影响工程的进度,以至造成项目延期交付、或完成的项目用户使用效果不佳、或功能设计没有达到项目初期要求、项目建设成本大大超出初期建设计划等等问题。这一切迫使通信运营商对自身通信项目管理尤其是项目风险的重视程度提升到前所未有的高度。本研究以通信运营商作为甲方,在实施IT项目过程中如何进行项目风险管理为探讨的主题,通过文献探讨与案例分析,将通信运营商在实施IT工程项目风险管理的过程、重要因素、发展方向等内容进行归纳分析,将项目风险管理技术在运营商企业中进行运用。奥林匹克宽带卡接入服务项目风险管理研究就是从项目甲方的角度出发,在通信企业实施IT工程项目的过程中,有意识地在项目生命周期内运用项目风险管理的科学方法确保工程项目能够如期按质完成。通过研究,一方面希望对改善通信运营商在工程项目中延期的窘状提供有益的借鉴和参考,另一方面,希望对通信运营商实施IT工程项目风险管理的具体操作方法提供一定的实践指导。经过理论(?)◆通信企业作为甲方在进行IT工程项目建设过程中应运用项目风险管理工具和方法,以提高项目执行成功率,进而有助于改善项目延期的现状。◆通信企业采用风险管理实施IT项目管理的时候一定要结合企业自身的组织架构、项目管理现状、人力及技术资源情况等选择适合自身特点的工具及手段实施。◆目前仍缺乏一套适用于通信企业的行之有效的项目风险管理标准化解决方案,本研究所采用的部分工具和方法可作为其他通信运营商IT项目风险管理阶段的参考。本文获得的主要具体成果如下:1、采用德尔菲法进行风险的识别与分析,既可以充分利用和共享相关各专家的知识、经验,又能够避免在面对面互动方式下,受主导、诱导或附和权威的机会,使结果更加具有可行性;2、在问卷调查对象所甄选的专家中,不局限于决策部门领导、执行部门员工和领域专家,更包括项目乙方(集成商)和设备供应商,更广泛和客观地收集意见,增加了判断的可信度;3、完整的项目风险管理活动包括对风险实施监控,项目组通过严格执行的周例会制度,加强对每个风险点的监控管理,检查风险应对计划的实现情况,大大提高了项目执行成功率。◆风险管理的引入可有效改善项目整体进度、成本和质量的控制工作,但影响这些指标的因素很多,不光涉及风险管理自身,因此企业需要进行全方位的项目综合管理,才能从进度、质量、成本等方面全面保障IT工程的建设成功。◆风险管理对企业自身实施人员具有一定的专业知识和技能的要求,该模式的应用效果将随人员知识及技能的提高而得到改善。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, Telecommunications operators are confronted with various of challenges including increasing pressure of marketing, exaltation of customer service quality requirement, competition cost increment, ARPU and income descend, and the profits point transferring. The scale of enterprise is not a key factor to maintain competitive advantage. Especially, while China joining WTO, Chinese correspondence not only carries development opportunities, but also facing all kinds of challenges. Further, more correspondence business enterprise realize that continuously extending service realm, raising service level, and improving service quality is the crucial methods to increase business enterprise core competencies. With owning of the foundation of customers and networks, how to adapt the fierce developmment of correspondence technique and bussiness, the innovation of technique, management and enterprise system, have become an urgent work of correspond bussiness enterprise. Numerous failure experience of IT engineering project let the business enterprise realize that the scientific method is an effectively way to urges the project performance getting into the correct directionIn the process of carrying out an IT engineering management, enterprises usually meet a lot of risks and obstacles, which disadvantageous circumstances will influence the progress of project in result of project postponing, customer usage ineffective, function designing disqualification,construction cost consumedly outrunning etc.. All these mentioned foctors force the operators to pay more attention to the project managment particularly the risk of project.In this research, correspond operator is the first party; how to manage the project risk is the topic. Through the literature review and case study, this essay conclude and analysis the process of engineering project risk management, related important factors and development directions.The Olympic card of network access project is the real example regarding of consciously utilizing scinetific methods to use of a risk management in the project life cycle ensuring that the engineering project can be completed on schedule with high quality.Hopfully, this research, on one hand, can improve correspond operator engineering project postponing problem, on the other hand, can provide certain fulfillment instruction to the corresponding operators about implementation IT engineering project risk management.Combining actual cases and theory research can get to draw several following conclusions:◆Corresponding business enterprise as first party, in the process of carrying on IT engineering project construction, project risk management tool and method can raise project performance success rate, and then improve project holdover.◆When the Correspond business enterprise adopt risk management to implement the IT project, the methods must consider and combine present condition, manpower and technique resources circumstance etc.◆Currently, we still lack a set of effective project risk management tool that is applicable to correspond business enterprise to standardize, parts of tools and method adopted by this research can be the reference of other correspondence IT project risk management of operators, Concrete results are as follows:◆Delphi methods to the process of the risk identification and analysis can make full use of the experts knowledge and experience. And to avoid,ing to interact with the leading authority.Make the result more reliability;2、In the selection of experts, which is not limited to decisions, the department or departmental staff and domain experts, including project party b (system integrators)and equipment providers, more comprehensive and objective to collect opinions and increase the credibility of the judgment;3、Complete the project activities include risk monitoring and control.Project through strict enforcement of weekly meetings system, strengthen the monitoring of risk management.It can improve the implementation rate significantly.◆The risk management leads to effectively improve the progress of the whole project, cost and quality. But the factors that influences these index signs, not only involve a risk management oneself, but also the business enterprise needs to carry on all-directions project to synthesize a management so as to guarantee the construction progress, quality, and cost of IT engineering completed successfully.◆The risk management requires the employees of enterprise have certain professional knowledge and technical ability. The applied effect of the mode will get an improvement with the exaltation of personnel’s knowledge and the technical ability.

  • 【分类号】F272;F626
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】75

