

The Construction of Beijing CNC’s Suburban Broadband Access Network

【作者】 付烁

【导师】 寿国础;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 宽带接入网, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 接入网是与用户数据相联接的网络,也就是通常所说的最后一公里的网络。近年来,各运营商围绕着网络接入能力、业务提供能力不断进行着网络的改造和升级。当前占据宽带接入市场主导地位的ADSL已经捉襟见肘,通过将传统的有源DSLAM接入点下移、xPON和xDSL、LAN/IAD融合组网的基于“光进铜退”和“光铜结合”的FTTx网络演进方案能够较好地满足宽带接入网络优化的要求,受到了各大运营商的青睐。本人已经在北京网通通州分公司从事了6年的宽带网络维护工作,先后参加过中兴公司举办的FSAP 9800 DSLAM、EPON无源光网络系列培训和juniper公司ERX1400系列BRAS设备培训,对接入网络原理和结构有深层次的理解。并且在多年的维护工作中,笔者先后参与了通州分公司ADSL网络建设工程、IP专线网络优化改造工程、通州DSLAM设备由ATM上联改IP上联的宽带网络改造工程,积累了相当丰富的实践经验,对接入网络的架构和发展趋势有深刻的感知。以上种种为顺利完成此论文的撰写提供了保障。本课题预期实现的目标是改善通州宽带接入网络的传输和承载能力、安全性和可管理性,为未来几年宽带业务的持续发展奠定良好的基础。本文首先简要介绍了通州宽带网络建设和业务的发展历程,从中可以发现用户数量飞速增长的同时对接入网络的能力提出了新的挑战。然后,本文结合未来宽带业务的发展方向,对不同客户群体的接入带宽需求进行了分析,指出了通州现阶段接入网络中存在的种种问题。进而,本文结合未来几年的通州新城镇建设,采用业务分区的模式设计了通州宽带接入网络总体发展规划。最后,本文结合EPON技术的应用和宽带接入网络的“光进铜退”趋势,从局所新建和旧局所改造两方面分别设计了FTTx的接入解决方案,并且介绍了通州ADSL宽带接入网络工P化改造方案和工程进展情况。本论文选题来自北京网通企业项目。

【Abstract】 Access Network is the network that connects customers’data, which is usually called the last mile network. In recent years, based on the network access capacity and the network service capacity, telecom operators are processing network reconstruction and upgrade. When the leading broadband access method ADSL cannot meet the needs of the present market, the FTTX network evolution plan which combines the optical fiber cable and the copper cable, combines the technology of the traditional active optical DSLAM access node, XPON, XDSL, LAN and IAD is popular among different telecom operators, because it can sufficiently meet the needs of the broadband access network optimization.The author has been working with CNC Beijing Tongzhou Branch for six years. During these years, the author has involved in the broadband network maintenance field and has joined in FSAP 9800 DSLAM training project, EPON passive optical network training project, ERX1400 BRAS equipment training project etc. Thus the author deeply understands the principles and structures of the access network. And also during the network maintenance job, the author has participated in many projects like Tongzhou Branch’s network construction project, IP leased line network optimization project, DSLAM uplink equipment broadband network alteration project, and for all those projects, the author has accumulated a lot practice experiences for access network structures and developing trends. And all these elements provide guarantee for this article.This article aims to improve Tongzhou Branch’s broadband access network transmission capacity, carrying capacity, safety and management, thus to provide stable basis for the constant development of the future broadband services.First, this article introduces the development of Tongzhou’s broadband network constructions and services, and illustrates how the rapid growing customer amount challenges the network access capacity.Second, based on the broadband service developing trends, this article demonstrates different demands for different customers and points out various problems in the present access network.Third, considering the future construction of new Tongzhou town, this article designs the regional collective broadband access network developing plan by dividing the specific regions in the new Tongzhou town.Fourth, considering the application of EPON technology and the broadband access trend of ’optical fiber replacing copper’, this article designs FTTX access solution based on building new stations and using old stations. Besides, this article introduces Tongzhou ADSL broadband access network IP alteration plan and its project situation.The topic of this article selects from Beijing CNC enterprise project.

【关键词】 宽带接入网网络建设PON
【Key words】 broadband access networknetwork constructionPON
  • 【分类号】TN915.6
  • 【下载频次】81

