

Study on System Technology of Re-Modulation WDM-PON

【作者】 刘冬

【导师】 郭志刚;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 接入网靠近用户侧,用于将图像、数据、语音等多种业务综合传送到用户,在整个通信网中占有重要的地位。无源光网络(Passive optical network, PON)具有宽带传送能力,共享传输媒质,降低接入成本,能够平滑地过渡到FTTH等优点,已成为宽带接入网的重要方式。PON可以分为时分复用无源光网络(Time Division Multiplexing, TDM-PON)和波分复用无源光网络(Wavelength Division Multiplexing, WDM-PON)。与TDM-PON相比,WDM-PON在带宽、功率预算、保密性和用户数等方面具有显著优势,但目前限制WDM-PON发展的主要因素是其组网成本较高。随着VoIP、IPTV、HDTV、会议电视和视频点播等全新多媒体业务的出现,用户对高带宽的需求会进一步增加,大容量PON的需求应运而生。另一方面,随着WDM技术的日益成熟,其器件成本逐渐下降,WDM技术以及WDM-TDM混合技术构成的大容量PON应用于接入网将成为PON的必然发展趋势。WDM-PON的实现方式可以分为光载波源方式、频谱分割方式以及再调制方式三种,其中再调制WDM-PON是目前获得广泛研究的一种实验系统。因此,本文在讨论了大容量PON系统技术的基础上,主要针对基于RSOA的反射性再调制WDM-PON的特性进行了较全面的研究;并针对RSOA-WDM-PON一般结构的反射噪声进行了深入的研究;提出了适用于反射型WDM-PON的FSK/OOK传输模式,其结果对WDM-PON的发展和应用研究具有一定的理论指导意义和较重要的参考价值。下面简要介绍本文所做的主要工作及创新点:1.系统研究了国内外光接入网的发展情况,重点研究了无源光网络(PON)的国际发展动态。并在分析了波分复用无源光网络(WDM-PON)特点的基础上,广泛研究了多种利用WDM技术的PON系统结构;2.针对反射型再调制WDM-PON系统,对RSOA-WDM-PON的系统性能进行了深入的研究,并从理论上分析了其关键器件RSOA的工作原理及特性;3.具体研究了基于RSOA的再调制WDM-PON系统性能的反射噪声特性。通过仿真实验,比较不同传输距离下反射噪声对基于RSOA的再调制WDM-PON造成的影响;4.提出了一种适用于再调制WDM-PON系统的一种FSK/OOK传输模式,着重研究了这种结构中OLT端前置滤波器的选择,并对其系统性能进行了分析。本文是作者在研究生期间的理论学习和实际研发的总结,分为以下几章:第一章阐述课题研究的一些背景知识,以及作者在研究生期间的一些工作内容和成果;第二章着重研究WDM-PON技术:首先介绍了PON技术,而后详细研究了WDM-PON技术,并简单研究了TDM/WDM混合PON的系统结构;第三章分析了基于RSOA的再调制WDM-PON系统的工作原理及特征;第四章通过仿真实验,研究了再调制WDM-PON的反射噪声,并研究了反射噪声在不同传输距离下对系统性能造成的影响;第五章提出了一种利用FSK/OOK调制格式进行传输的再调制WDM-PON结构,并对其性能进行了仿真。最后,作者总结了目前的工作及其意义,对下一步的工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Access network is connected to users and transports voice, data and video to end-users. It is playing an important role in communication networks. Passive optical network (PON) has becomes an important access method because it possesses broadband transporting capability, is easy to maintenance, reduces access cost by sharing transporting medium and can transform to FTTH smoothly.PON can be divided into Time Division Multiplexing PON and Wavelength Division Multiplexing PON (WDM-PON). WDM-PON is much superiority on bandwidth, power budget, secrecy and the number of users except cost. With the appearance of VoIP, IPTV, HDTV, Meeting TV and VOD multimedia services, users’demands with higher bandwidth are further increased. With the development of WDM technology, the cost of equipments is reducing. It is the inevitable trend that the high capacity WDM technology will be used into access network.WDM-PON can be categorized as optical loop back WDM-PON, spectrum-sliced WDM-PON and Re-modulation WDM-PON according to its realized method. Currently, re-modulation WDM-PON has been widely studied for its advantages. This paper mainly gives a further and comprehensive research about the characteristics of reflects WDM-PON, including the RSOA technology, the reflection noise, and a new novel of a FSK/OOK RSOA-WDM-PON. We wish it should be importance to the development and research on high capacity PON. Combining theory study and simulation, the writer has done the following work: 1. Studied the internal and abroad development instances of optical access network in detail, and deeply studied the international trends of passive optical network (especially the high capacity PON). Analyzed the advantage of WDM-PON.2.For the re-modulated WDM-PON, analysis the re-modulation devices RSOA working principle and characteristics theoretically. Do a In-depth research on RSOA-WDM-PON system performance.3.Via simulation, compare the different impact of reflection noise in the re-modulation RSOA-based WDM-PON in different transmission distances.4. Proposed a FSK/OOK transmission mode for the re-modulated WDM-PON system, given the optimum system architecture, focused on OLT-side pre-filter options of this structure, and analysis its performance at last.This article is summary of the writer’s theory study and practical research during being a graduate student, including follow parts:The 1st part introduces knowledge background and the writer’s research content and achievements.The 2nd part based on PON, introduces the study of WDM technology and its system architecture, further researches a kind of hybrid PON and summarizes its high capacity advantages.The 3rd part analyzes the re-modulation WDM-PON system, including theory and characteristics.The 4th part studies the reflection noise of WDM-PON and its impact in different transmission distances.The 5th part Proposed a FSK/OOK transmission mode for the re-modulated WDM-PON system, given the optimum system architecture, focused on OLT-side pre-filter options of this structure, and analysis its performance at last.In the end, the writer summarized the existing work and gives an expectation for the next step.

【关键词】 无源光网络波分复用反射噪声频移键控色散
【Key words】 PONWDMreflection noiseFSKdispersion

