

【作者】 朱亮

【导师】 林齐宁;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 项目管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近几年信息化建设在不同领域的迅猛发展,信息化已逐步成为企业核心竞争力的重要增长点。特别是作为信息化建设核心、企业经营管理重要支撑的“ERP系统”,自本世纪以来已被越来越广泛的应用到各大企业中。本课题研究将流程制造业ERP项目风险管理进行研究,综合分析流程制造业ERP项目运作过程中风险管理各方面存在的问题和可以改进的环节。通过对项目不同阶段风险的识别与分析,并运用项目管理的相关理论和实践经验提出应对策略与计划。对所研究的项目提出整体的解决方案,对今后类似项目提出具实操性的方案和建议。中国铝业股份有限公司作为有色行业的龙头企业、流程制造业信息化建设最具特色的代表者,其ERP项目的建设浓缩了流程制造业ERP项目建设的特点与共性问题,本论文将以中国铝业股份有限公司ERP项目作为实际分析案例。本论文研究的目标是就是通过对ERP项目风险分析,为项目提供完善的风险应对计划,有效规避全局风险、项目风险、人为风险等不同领域的的风险,从而达到控制项目实施进度与范围,降低项目实施风险,全面项目成功实施保驾护航的目的。同时开发的风险管理计划被应用到本行业ERP项目实施方法论中,成为指导后续ERP项目建设的知识指南。通过本次研究初步探索了流程制造业ERP项目风险管理,为后续继续研究奠定了良好的理论基础。通过本次对流程制造业ERP项目风险管理的研究,最终提供了一套完整的风险管理计划,为同类项目建设提供一个风险管理规范。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of information construction in different fields, the information has become a trend and to be the most important growth point of the enterprise’s core competitiveness.Specially, the ERP System,the core of the information construction and the anchor or the enterprise operation and management,has been widely used in big enterprises since 2000.The paper focuses on the discussion of the ERP project risk management in process manufacturing industry,comprehensively analyzes the potential risk lies in different fields during the ERP project execution,and finds segments that could be improved. With the help of the theory knowledge of Project Management and empirical practices, the strategy and plan is found for solution through continual recognition and analysis of risks lie in different phases of the project.The solutions for the reaearched project also practice directive significance to other similar projects.As the leading enterprise in nonferrous metal industry and representive sample in the information construction and managemnt in process manufacturing industry, China Aluminum Corporation can offer universal directive significance to the ERP project construction and risk management.So the paper will cite the China Aluminum Corporation’s real ERP project cases for discussion.The aim of the paper is to render effective risk management plan to averse and control different kinds of risks, such as system risks, project risks, and operational risks, finally to effectively control the project schedule and to ensure the project execution successfully. Furthermore, the developed risk management plan has been put into the practical methodology of the process manufacturing industry’s ERP project execution, to guide the following ERP project construction and management.Through the study on the ERP project risk management in process manufacturing industry, a good theoretical foundation has been layed for the following thorough research, and a complete risk management plan has been offered as a result, which is available to guide the similar project construction and management.


