

The Research of Wierless Monitoring and Control System Based on ADxL345

【作者】 刘德胜

【导师】 高宝成;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着无线通信技术、传感器技术、信息采集和处理技术的飞速发展,无线传感网络能够实时地监测、感知、采集和处理各种环境的信息,并传送这些信息到需要的用户处。因此无线传感网络在国防军事、国家安全、环境监测、交通管理、医疗卫生、制造业、反恐救灾等领域,具有十分巨大的应用潜力。本文对基于加速度传感器的无线节点进行了重点研究,提出了基于ADxL345的无线传感网络系统实现方案。本方案可以实现节点方位检测,并对信号进行处理和传送,在无线定位、模式控制、遥控汽车以及一些无线游戏领域都有广泛的应用前景。例如,传统的遥控汽车采用拨弄方向键的方式控制汽车前进、后退或是转向,利用本系统可以不用方向键,而直接调整手柄的向前、向后及侧面的方位倾角实现对汽车的控制,从而使操作者有更加身临其境的感受。节点的主要功能:(1)采集并处理信息。传感器节点控制加速度传感器ADxL345对数据进行采集,通过中断方式读取相应的数据,处理器按照设计的算法对采集的数据进行处理。ADxL345是美国模拟器件公司设计生产一款超低功耗小巧纤薄的3轴加速计,可以对高达±16g的加速度进行高分辨率(13位)测量,它非常适合移动设备应用。(2)无线传输。作为无线网络中的一个节点,传感器节点还担任着路由器的功能,要中转其他节点的信息。本设计中,处理器处理后的数据通过无线传输芯片发送到其他节点或者SINK节点,最终通过SINK的节点的串口发送到上层界面显示。本文首先介绍了无线传感器网络的研究背景、应用价值及国内外研究现状,分析了无线传感器网络的特点,然后在此基础上设计和实现了整个无线传感器网络系统。本系统中,硬件方面:嵌入式处理器选用ATMEGA128L处理器,无线传输模块选用CC1000,加速度传感器采用ADxL345。软件方面:设计了满足课题需求的节点系统、数据处理算法和上层软件系统。本文描述了如何搭建试验平台,详细地规划了试验的流程,对试验的结果进行了总结,指出了课题以后有待进一步发展的方向。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of wireless communication technology, the sensor technology, information acquisition and processing technology, Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) can monitor, apperceive, collect and process all kinds of information about environment, and then translate them for the user. It can get detailed and accurate information after gathering original information, and then transmit it to the users. That’s why WSN is widely applied in the area of national defense and military usage, national security, monitor and survey in environment, transportation management, medical treatment, sanitation, manufacturing, anti-terrorism, disaster salvation and so on.This thesis studies emphatically the wireless sensor nodes based on the acceleration sensor, and proposes wireless sensor network system implementations based on ADxL345. This system has the ability to detect node position, process and transfer information. So the system has a wide range of application prospects in wireless positioning, mode control, remote control car and a number of wireless games. For examples, this system can turn the vehicle forward, backward by adjusting the handle’s orientation angle instead of using the arrow keys traditionally. As a result, the operator will have a more immersive feel. There are tow main functions for a node:(1) Gathering and processing information. The node controls the accelerometer ADxL345 to gather the data, read them by interrupting style and process them with the designed algorithms. The ADXL345 designed by ADI is a small, thin, low power,3-axis accelerometer with high resolution(13-bit) measurement at up to±16g, which is perfectly fit for mobile device applications. (2) Wireless transfering. As a node in the wireless sensor network, the sensor node plays a role as router and transmits information from other nodes. In this design, the data processed is transferred to other nodes or SINK node by wireless communication module CC1000. Finally the data is sent to the top by the serial interface to display.First this paper introduces the background and application of wireless sensor networks and analyzes the characteristics of WSN, and then designs and implements through the entire system, In the system, hardware consists of embedded micro-processor-ATMEGA128L, wireless communication module CC1000 and accelerometer ADxL345. In the software field, this paper designs the node system, data processing algorithms and the upper software systems.This paper describes how to build the test platform, detailed plans the trial process, summarizes the test results and points out the field that needs improvement.

  • 【分类号】TP212.9;TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】605
  • 攻读期成果

