

Research and Design of Mobile DRM System

【作者】 崔乐

【导师】 吴城;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 移动通信技术日新月异,移动用户数量也与日俱增,随着第三代移动通信技术的发展与商用,无线增值业务也逐渐成为移动通信业务发展的重点。但目前网络环境下的版权侵权案件屡禁不止,而3G的运用则加大了版权侵权的便宜性。我们在向广大的移动用户提供这些数字内容服务的同时,如何保护数字内容提供者的权利,保证整个市场合法健康地发展,已经成为无线增值业务快速发展过程中不得不面对的问题。因此需要行之有效的DRM (Digital Right Management,数字版权管理)技术来解决上述问题。本文将WPKI技术以及数字水印技术相结合,提出了适合于移动通信中应用的数字版权管理解决方案。论文设计了该方案功能框架,并对数字内容和数字版权的封装格式、业务流程进行设计。本方案在客户端的设计上增加了AES、ECC、SHA-1密码协处理器及保护单元等硬件模块,可以为终端创造可信的安全环境,加强系统安全性的同时也提高了可用性。身份认证方面,本方案采用了WPKI认证、智能卡认证、多级口令限制的综合身份认证技术。由于实际环境的限制,本文在仿真测试中主要针对数字水印技术进行相关测试。经测试可知,添加数字水印对数字的内容的影响很小,可以在当前条件下实际应用。

【Abstract】 With the mobile communication technology developing and the number of mobile users growing, wireless value-added services is becoming the focus of the development of mobile communication business. However, under the current network environment, copyright infringement cases often occur.3G increases the convenience of copyright infringement. While we provide these services, we have to face the problem which how to protect the rights of digital products providers,how to ensure the market healthy development. Therefore, we need effective DRM (Digital Right Management) technology to solve the above problems.We combine the WPKI technology and digital watermark technology and propose the solutions for the digital rights management in mobile communications.This article detailed design the functional blocks which system is required.Research and design the business processes and packaging formats of the digital content and digital rights.In this program, we add the AES, ECC, SHA-1 cryptographic coprocessor and the protection unit and other hardware modules in the client part,it create a credible security environment, enhance system security and improving the availability.The program uses WPKI authentication, smart card authentication, password restricted multi-level integrated authentication technology.Given the current physical limitations, this article used the digital watermarking technology in the simulation tests. From the tested result,we can see that digital watermark has little effect for the digital content, digital watermark can be used in practical applications under the present conditions.

【关键词】 移动通信数字版权管理WPKI数字水印技术
【Key words】 Mobile communicationDRMWPKIWatermarking
  • 【分类号】TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】133

