The Design and Implementation of the Precise Marketing System
【作者】 李晓;
【导师】 邝坚;
【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士
【摘要】 为了响应客户需求,移动增值业务也日趋丰富和多样化,这对营销方法提出挑战。开展精确营销,改变传统的粗放式营销方式,使营销资源投入创造更大的价值,从而解决现有营销模式存在4类弊端:客户行为获取不全;用户接触渠道少;营销活动无法在最佳时机展开;目标用户筛选规则静态单一。所谓“全程”,就是指不仅在客户去各类接触渠道办理业务时进行营销,而是将营销渗透到客户通信行为的各个环节中,实现“无时不在,无处不在”的精确营销。全程精确营销系统是部署在经营分析系统中的营销管理平台下的内嵌系统,是对营销管理平台的功能扩展;是完全以经营分析系统为载体来实现的;由客户动态通信行为触发营销的执行,根据预设的营销规则,通过合适的接触渠道开展营销。实现主要功能为:首先,综合分析客户历史数据和实时行为数据,通过信令中提取的位置、通话、开关机、IMEI变更等用户动态行为,精确捕捉营销时机,实现基于事件的市场营销。另外结合区域化管理等现有应用,进一步挖掘网络资源、营销资源与地理位置信息之间的联系,创造新的营销服务功能。其次,根据客户网络行为信息进一步完善客户统一视图,弥补分析客户行为局限于账单和话单所带来的时延大、信息少等不足,更加完整地把握用户特征,及时发现并满足客户需求。再次,通过在经营分析系统中构建营销规则库,根据客户的个体需求特征和实时行为特征可以形成各种可以快速复用的营销模版,实现营销智能化和知识共享,实时或准实时将营销信息推送到营销执行渠道,降低一线人员营销执行操作的门槛,方便市场一线推广使用。通过全程精确营销最终实现:首先,建立全程精确矩阵模型,联合应用静态和动态数据,形成易拓展、规则、高效的全程精确营销应用方法;其次,充分利用用户历史行为和当前的实时行为,根据多维信息交叉分析用户行为,建立智能挖掘模型,实现深度挖掘客户。再次,基于目前经营分析系统营销管理子系统,利用小区短信系统对A接口信令实现采集分析,在特定时间特定场所,根据特定场景下用户的兴趣,针对性推荐业务。
【Abstract】 The movements of the communications activities of the triggering marketing, according to the default rules of marketing through appropriate channels of contact for marketing.The main function for:Firstly, comprehensive analysis of the historical data and behavior of real-time data, through faith in the position, call, shutdown and imei change for dynamic behaviors, marketing based on the hunt for the time, the realization of the marketing.The integrated management, application of existing regionalization and mining resources and marketing network resources and geographical location of information between, the creation of new marketing services functional.Secondly, according to the customer information activities will be further improved customer unified view, make up for the analysis confined to the conduct of the bill and the words of the delay, less information, etc, the more complete and timely find users and customers.Then, in the management system of marketing analysis of the establishment of rules, according to customer demand of the individual characteristics and behavioral characteristics of a real-time can quickly as remultiplexing marketing template, for marketing intelligent and sharing knowledge and real-time or the real-time marketing information will be allowed to carry out the marketing channels, and a staff of marketing perform operations on the threshold for a promotion.Through the final realization of marketingFirstly,establish the precise model is the use of matrix, static and dynamic data, to extend the rules and efficient, accurate methods of the marketing;Secondly, full use of historical and current user action, according to the multidimensional information on the analysis of user actions, to establish of a mental model, to dig deep mining customers. Then, based on the management system management of marketing analysis subsystem, a cell system for a letter to the collection and analysis of the interface, according to the specific context of users, and personally recommended business in the specific time that a specific site.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 北京邮电大学 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
- 【分类号】TP311.52
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】136