
基于Windows Mobile的区域医疗系统设计与实现

【作者】 马继南

【导师】 张惠民;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,医疗信息化建设已成为推动医疗改革顺利进行的不可或缺的力量。医疗信息化的建设旨在建立统一的可覆盖居民各种医疗活动的信息平台,以及在此基础上为从事医疗的相关单位与个人提供有价值的医疗信息服务。在医疗信息化建设中,区域医疗系统是其发展的重要方向。本文利用Windows Mobile智能手机,移动数据库,综合网络技术,设计了用于社区医生在社区医疗活动中使用的健康访视软件。本系统利用了Windows Mobile系统集成度高,开发接口齐全的特点,降低了系统开发与维护的复杂度。本文详细介绍了Windows Mobile系统的体系架构与开发方面的知识。在此之后,本文详细阐述了本系统在数据库,逻辑层,用户交互界面等三方面的设计与实现:本系统采用符合卫生部电子健康档案标准的数据模型,采用XML表示电子健康档案数据,表现出了灵活性和可扩展性;实现了基于移动数据库的XML数据操作,设计并实现了逻辑层的对象缓冲池,降低了系统运行的开销。同时,本系统采用了当下流行的人机交互设计理念,结合医疗的应用场景设计并实现了友好的人机交互界面。最后,本文对更高层次的医疗信息化系统的全貌做了介绍并对医疗信息化的发展趋势做出了展望。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the medical information technology has become a powerful force to promote the health care reformation. The construction of medical information is aimed at building a unified information platform, which can cover various of medical activities for residents. On the basis of the platform we can provide valuable medical information service to the people engaged in medical course. In medical information technology, regional health care system is an important direction of its development.In this paper, we have designed a health visit software using in Windows Mobile device for community medical practitioners. We have used mobile database and network technology in our design. This system takes advantage of Windows Mobile’s virtue such as high integration and complete API to reduce the complexity of system development and maintenance. This paper has described the Windows Mobile system architecture and development. Then we made introduction about design and implementation on database, logic layer and UI in detail. This system applies the data model according to the Ministry of Health standards and expresses the electronic health record flexibly and extensively with XML. Besides, this system developed XML application on the basis of mobile database and object cache pool to reduce running cost. At the same time, we also use the popular and contemporary concept of human-computer interaction design, combined with medical scenarios to make a friendly UI. Finally, we explained the regional health care system in higher scale and made prospects about the development trend of information technology in healthcare.


