

The Research and Implementation of Universal Encoder Based on TTCN-3

【作者】 宁姣

【导师】 马严;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机通信技术的飞速发展,计算机网络在人们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。网络协议是网络实现信息共享和交换的基础,层出不穷的下一代互联网协议和3G通信协议,必然带来相应产品的产生,而各种产品的开发离不开协议测试工具的检验。由欧洲电信标准协会推出的测试和测试控制表示法第三版TTCN-3 (Testing and Test Control Notation 3rd version),因其强大的功能和广泛的使用范围,已经成为协议测试的主流标准。协议测试是用来保证协议标准实现正确性与有效性的主要手段,一般包括一致性测试、互操作性测试和性能测试。使用TTCN-3进行协议一致性测试或互操作行测试,需要有TTCN-3集成测试系统。个完整的TTCN-3测试系统由多个相互协调的实体组成,主要包括测试管理器、执行器、适配器和编解码器等多个部分。编解码模块是TTCN-3标准测试系统中非常重要的一部分。测试工程师开发一致性测试工具时,需要根据具体的测试平台和具体的协议设计实现编解码模块。目前,在工业界的TTCN-3测试IDE产品中,都留有编解码器的实现接口,需要工程师来具体完成。这样不仅使测试工程师不能专注于TTCN-3抽象测试脚本的编写,而且不利于代码的重用,降低了测试工具的开发效率,更重要的是阻碍了TTCN-3测试语言的推广和发展。本文提出基于TTCN-3的通用编码器的设计思想,是对TTCN-3测试标准的探索和开拓。该编码器开发完成并且应用于协议测试工业界,将会极大的提升协议测试工具的开发效率,并且推进TTCN-3标准和协议测试工业界的发展。本文基于IBM公司的测试平台TAU Tester进行开发。首先详细地介绍了协议一致性测试和TTCN-3标准测试系统、TAU Tester结构,然后根据课题的研究目标,详细设计了基于TTCN-3的通用编码器的模型,并且进行具体了开发,实现了多种不同数据类型协议的编码,最后给出了详细的验证结果。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of comupter communication, computer network plays an increasingly important role in people’s lives. Network protocol is the foundation for information sharing and exchange, and with the emergence of NGI and 3G protocols, the products will be developed correspondingly. The development of each product has to be evaluated through protocol testing. Testing and Test Control Notation 3rd version(TTCN-3), which spcified by European Telecommunications Standards Institute(ETSI), has already become the mainstream standard of protocol testing, which is mainly used for the protocol conformance and interoperability testing and so on.Protocol testing is the main method to ensure the accuracy and validity of protocol implementation, which includes conformance testing, interoperability testing and performance testing. To develop conformance testing or interoperability testing tools, we need a compositive TTCN-3 test system, including Test Management, Test Logging, and Componet Handling. The coordination of these components can complete the test tasks.The Codec module is an important part of the TTCN-3 standard test system. When engineers conduct conformance testing tool development, they need to design and implement encoding and decoding modules based on a specific test platform. At present, the industrial TTCN-3 test IDE products leave interface for the codec, and the concrete realization requires engineers to complete. Its scalability is very good, but it will increase the burden of engineers, so that they can not focus on TTCN-3 abstract test suite preparation. This is not conducive to reuse of code, reducing the efficiency of the development of testing tools, but also hindered the TTCN-3 test language promotion and development.In this paper, the proposed TTCN-3 based universal coding module is an exploration and pioneering of TTCN-3 test criteria. The development and the application of the universal encoder will greatly enhance the efficiency of development of protocol test tools and promote the TTCN-3 standards and protocol test industry’s development.This module is developed based on Telelogic’s TAU Tester. Firstly, we bring forward the concept of protocol conformance testing, introduce the core language of TTCN-3, and describe the structure of TTCN-3 test system and the function of every composition. Then we introduce the design of a common TTCN-3 based data encoder model and the development of the automatic code device, which is able to support a variety of different data types. After that, the evaluation of the codec and the corresponding results are presented. Finally, the thesis is concluded with a summary and future work.

【关键词】 协议测试TTCN-3通用编码器XML
【Key words】 Protocol TestingTTCN-3General CodecXML

