

Research on Fusion of Telecommunications Network, Radio and TV Network and Internet Based on the Theory of Industrial Boundary Process

【作者】 麻礼念

【导师】 唐守廉;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着2009年电信重组与第三代移动通信(3G)牌照的发放,标志着我国运营商进入了全业务运营与3G时代,移动互联网成为行业发展的重点,也是行业再次繁荣、推动国家经济发展的重要契机。IPTV、手机电视、流媒体、交互式电视等新兴业务的发展,极大的推动了市场对融合业务的需求。在2009年的全国人民代表大会上,温家宝总理更是在工作报告中重申“要支持和推进三网.触合”,同年4月,在全国党代会上胡锦涛总书记使用“不折腾”一词描述三网融合,这一系列举动都让我们看到了三网融合进程加速的可能,三网融合再次成为各方关注的焦点。本论文借鉴国外三网融合的经验和产业融合理论,从产业边界、产业融合的动因、前提条件、形式、过程与标志,详细阐述了我国三网融合的过程。分析了影响我国三网融合过程中存在的监管机构分离问题、立法缺失问题、商业模式落后等问题,并对推进三网融合需要在管理模式方面的努力做了分析。

【Abstract】 With the 2009 Telecommunications Industry Restructuring and third generation mobile communication (3G) licenses, China’s operators have entered the era of full-service operation and 3G. Mobile Internet is becoming the focus of development of the industry, and it’s also an important opportunity to promote national economic development and the industry prosperity once again. IPTV, mobile TV, streaming media, interactive TV and other new businesses development greatly promote the demand for converged services. In 2009 the National People’s Congress, Premier Wen Jiabao is also reiterating in the work report to support and promote the fusion of the three networks. In April the same year, President Hu Jintao used of "non-toss" at the National Party Congress to describes the fusion of the three networks. The series moves have allowed us to see the possibility of accelerating the process of fusion, fusion once again become the focus of attention of various parties. In this paper, drawing on the experience of the foreign fusion and industry convergence theory, the boundary from industry, dynamics of industry integration, the prerequisite, form, process and signs, detailed the process of our fusion. Analyzes the impact of China’s fusion that exist in the process of separation of regulatory agencies, legislative missing issues, business models draggle such issues, and given some suggestions to promote the process the fusion of the three networks of the management models.

  • 【分类号】F626;F49;G229.2-F
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】830
  • 攻读期成果

