

Study on Eco-Environmental Pressures Assessment and Their Impacts on the Coastal Zone in the Liaodong Bay

【作者】 王焕松

【导师】 雷坤;

【作者基本信息】 中国环境科学研究院 , 环境科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 经济发展、人口增长和人类活动的日益频繁,是辽东湾海岸带生态环境压力产生和加剧的根本原因,这会导致海岸带环境的恶化,会对沿海地区的社会经济可持续发展造成不可估量的损失,因此对海岸带环境压力及其效应进行分析与评价,对于开展海岸带环境管理,采取适宜的对策响应具有重要意义。本文通过收集和整理辽东湾海岸带资源、环境和社会经济方面的历史和现状资料,建立了海岸带环境压力评价方法,并选取入海污染物通量和海岸带开发利用这两个主要压力因素,对辽东湾海岸带生态环境压力进行了深入分析研究,揭示了环境压力下海域环境富营养化和滩涂湿地变化对环境压力的响应。论文的主要研究内容和研究成果有:(1)通过对海岸带生态环境胁迫因子的系统分析,构建了海岸带生态环境压力评价的广义指标体系,并针对辽东湾海岸带的区域特征,对评价指标进行了筛选,利用生态环境压力指数(ESI)方法评价了辽东湾海岸带1985~2008年的生态环境压力状况。结果表明辽东湾海岸带所受的生态环境压力总体呈上升趋势,主要由人类活动和经济增长所致,其中陆域活动中的污染物排放和对海岸带的开发利用是主要压力来源,但海域活动和能源的开发利用所产生的压力也都呈现增大趋势。(2)对辽东湾入海物质通量的变化趋势进行了分析,结果表明辽东湾沿岸各主要入海河流的入海径流量和输沙量年内分配极不均衡,分别有60%和80%以上集中在汛期(6-9月);年际变化趋势相似,各条河流入海物质通量总体上均呈下降趋势。由河流输入的辽东湾来水和来沙主要源于大辽河和大凌河,分别占河流来水和来沙总量的48.58%和52.54%。辽东湾沿岸河流各污染物入海通量基本都呈减少的趋势,CODMn主要来自大凌河,占河流总输运总量的59.24%,TN和TP主要来自大辽河,分别占河流输运总量的78.08和55.27%。(3)分析了辽东湾近岸海域富营养化特征对入海氮、磷通量变化的响应。利用模糊综合评价法并对其中的评价等级最终确定方法进行改进,评价了辽东湾近岸海域水体富营养化的现状及近年来的变化趋势。结果表明,目前辽东湾海域的富营养化水体主要分布于海湾北部各主要入海河流的河口附近海域,而海湾东南部和海湾中部仍处于贫营养状态,富营养化程度从南到北、从海湾中部向近岸逐渐增加。2003~2008年,受河流入海污染物通量下降的影响,辽东湾水体富营养程度整体上呈现一定的下降趋势。富营养化程度季节变化特征为:平水期>丰水期>枯水期。(4)分析了辽东湾海岸带开发利用活动以及入海水沙通量变化对海岸带滩涂湿地面积变化的影响。结果表明,辽东湾北部滩涂湿地面积1954年为580.17 km2;1954~2000年转出314.21 km2,转入243.62 km2;2000~2008年转出69.19 km2,转入195.62 km2。在这两个统计年限内,滩涂湿地的转入主要来自河流输运的物质侵占浅海湿地,分别占转入面积的79.32%和98.28%;滩涂湿地转出主要是由于人类对滩涂湿地的开发利用,分别占转出面积的78.79%和95.15%。受区域内水动力条件、河口来水来沙、工程建设及水下地质环境等因素的影响,增加的滩涂湿地主要位于双台子河的西岸和大凌河河口附近。

【Abstract】 The human activities of economic development and population growth are the primary environmental pressures in Liaodong Bay coastal zones. The worsening coastal zone environment is leading to the invaluable loss of coastal social and economic development. Therefore, it’s important to take an apposite countermeasure based on the coastal zone environment pressure analysis. Based on the historical and present documents in the fields of environment, society and economy in the study area, the methods of Eco-Environmental pressures assessment was established, and the pollutants and coastal development were selected as the two main factors. Then the Eco-Environmental pressures and the response of water eutrophication and wetland changes on the coastal zone in the Liaodong Bay were analysed deeply.The primary study fields and achievements include:The assessment index system of ecological and environmental pressure in coastal zone was developed, and the eco-environment stress situation of Liaodong Bay coastal zone was evaluated with the ESI (Eco-environment Stress Index). It shows the environmental pressures primarly due to human activities and economic growt of Liaodong Bay coastal area are consisently increasing, as well as the pressures caused by marine activities and energy exploitation.The annual distribution characteristics of the pollutant fluxes of the major rivers, such as Daling river, Xiaoling river, Liaoriver and Daliao river were analyzed.. With spatical response analysis, it is found that the runoff and sediment discharge of these rivers are not even in the four quarters. More than 60% of the runoff and 80% of sediment discharge happened from June to September. The annual average runoff and sediment fluxes were decreasing from year to year. The runoff and sediment fluxes are afftected much by rainfall and human activities.The pollutant fluxes of Xiaoling River were increasing, while the other three were deceasing.With the improved PEM (Puzzle Evaluation Method), the final gradeof the water eutrophication trned in Liaodong Bay coastal area was studied. It shows that the eutrophicated water are mainly distributed in estuaries of major rivers in the northern Liaodong Bay, while the oligotrophic are distributed in southeasten and middle bay. The eutrophication degree worsened from south to north and from middle sea to seashore. The eutrophication in Liaodong Bay decreased because the pollutant flux into the sea droped from 2003 to 2008.The order of water eutrophication degree is average season, wet season and dry season.The area of mud flat in northern Liaodong Bay is 580.17 km2; it took out 314.21km2 and 243.62km2 mud flat in 1954 and 2000, and 69.19km2 and 195.62km2 in 2000 and 2008. During these two periods, the incrase of mud flat is mainly from riverine transportaion, and the proportions are 79.32% and 98.28% respectively; the decrease of mud flat aws majorly from the human active, and the proportions are 78.79% and 95.15% respectively. Dure to the factors such as regional hydrodynamic, water and sediment from the river and construction, the added area of mud flat lied primarily in west bank of Shuangtaizi River and estuary of Daling River.


