

Study on Ore-controlling Structures Analysis and Fractal Dynamics of Xincheng Gold Deposit in Jiaodong

【作者】 陈小龙

【导师】 杨兴科;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 构造地质学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 胶东地区是中国重要的黄金产地,而焦家矿田内的新城金矿是全国知名的“焦家式”破碎带蚀变岩型金矿,自新城金矿发现以来,前人已对其做了不少的研究工作,并在此基础上,不断发现新的矿产储量,为矿山带来可观的经济效益。本文在大量搜集和整理前人资料的基础上,依托于全国危机矿山接替资源找矿新技术新方法项目——玲珑金矿和新城金矿深部预测的矿田构造研究与示范的资助和技术指导,对新城金矿进行多次实地考察,通过对井下多个新开掘中段的围岩和矿体进行系统观察、采样测试分析,对节理裂隙产状及分布情况进行统计,尤其注意对共轭裂隙的识别和测量统计,利用相应的软件和数学地质方法对矿山已有数据和资料进行处理,将经典的构造地质矿床学研究方法与成矿动力学研究方法以及成矿深度的构造校正测算方法相结合,对新城金矿的控矿构造进行了解析,反演恢复了古应力场产状及差应力大小,得出了新城金矿成岩成矿的深度数据及成矿富集的动力学规律,获得以下认识:1.新城金矿的构造系统对成矿有多级别的控制作用,在统一的区域应力场作用下,表现出不同尺度构造所共有的特征,但是不同的构造级别,又有着不同的构造样式组合,通过野外和坑道构造的系统观测,研究了构造带的运动学特征,利用节理分析和共轭节理的应力场反演,明确了节理裂隙优选方位与矿体长轴优选方位的套合性,并恢复了构造应力场的产状;在室内显微构造和构造岩组分析的基础上,研究了岩石变形组合形式及变形过程中的温压变化,利用费氏台岩组分析手段,对矿区构造岩组的应力应变模式进行了探讨,并采用显微位错密度法和动态重结晶颗粒法测算了古应力,分别获得差应力值为86-106MPa、66.6-135.6MPa;2.对所采岩石样品进行了地球化学和岩石地球化学分析,以及流体包裹体成分的研究,探讨了成矿热液作用过程中,组分迁移与应力场之间的耦合关系及成矿元素的相关性组合所表现出来的前缘晕与矿体晕的特点。通过同位素测年探讨了新城金矿晚期热液蚀变的时间界限,获得85.7±0.84 Ma的晚期热液作用年龄值。以流体包裹体测算的古压力和位错密度测算的古差应力为基础,以吕古贤研究员提出的构造校正测算方法,首次对新城金矿的成矿深度进行了测算,获得其成矿深度为:-1781.29m;3.通过对新城金矿不同尺度不同级别构造的分形研究和不同中段和深部钻孔所获得的金品位值的分形研究,得出新城金矿导矿、控矿、容矿的构造系统以及元素活化、迁移、富集的物质运移系统具有自相似性的分形结构、其构造成矿作用系统具有非线性分形动力学的特点。

【Abstract】 Jiaodong is an important gold producing of China, Xincheng gold deposit is well known for "Jiaojia type" broken with altered rock type of the Jiaojia gold ore field, Since been found in Xincheng Gold deposit, the predecessors had done a lot of research work, and on this basis, they continuously discovered new mineral reserves, then it brought considerable economic benefits for the deposit. In this paper, a large number of collecting and collating data on the basis of previous, relying on the national resources crisis mines in new technologies and new methods of resource exploration projects-Linglong gold deposit and Xincheng gold deposit deep Orefield structure prediction research and demonstration funding and technical guidance. On the Xincheng gold deposit conducted repeatedly field trips, by the middle of the new underground rock an ore samples tested for system analysis, count of the occurrence for the joints, use the relevant software and mathematical methods to deal with the mine existing data. Combine with the classic method of mineral deposit geology, the research method of metallogenic dynamics and the additional tectonically-induced pressure measurement of metallogenic depth. Get the data of diagenetic metallogenic depth and the regular pattern of mineralization structure dynamics. Received the following consequence:1.The structure system of Xincheng gold deposit controlling multiple levels of mineralization. In the unified regional stress field, it showed a different scale structures are characteristics, however, the different levels of structure, the different combination of structural styles.Through the observation of tunnel and field structure systematic, studied the kinematics of the fracture zones. Use of joint analysis and conjugate joints stress field.Take the joint an fractured ore bodies axis preferred orientations be clearly,and restorated of the tectonic stress field occurrence.Through the micro-structure study on combination of rock deformation and deformation temperature and pressure changes. Use the charges for rock group’s platform of tools to construct of the tectonic component of stress and strain model. Using the microscopic dislocation density method and measured dynamic recrystalliztion grains method calculation of the stress value of ancient:86-106MP and 66-135MPa.2.Take on geochemistry and petrogeochemistry analysis of the rock samples. As well as composition of fluid inclusions, investigate the components of migration and the correlation between ore-firming elements on the ore-forming hydrothermal process. Discuss Xincheng gold deposit’s late line of hydrothermal alteration of the time by the isotopic dating, the value is 85.7±0.84 Ma. Base on the ancient fluid inclusion measured ancient pressure and dislocation density measured ancient differential stress, use the research method which proposed by Lv Guxian research associate of metallogenic dynamics and the additional tectonically-induced pressure measurement of metallogenic depth method. The value of Xincheng gold deposit’s metallogenic depth is-1781.29m;3.Through studying of the different scales fractal of ore-controlling structure at different levels and the value of the gold grade from the different middle sections and deep drillings, obtained the system which lead of ore, control of ore, deposit of ore by the structural and elements of the activation is a system which has a self-similar fractal structure, the structure mineralization system with nonlinear fractal dynamics features.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】P618.51
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】594

