

The Research on Problems of Highway Passenger Station Informationization

【作者】 胡建

【导师】 王炼;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息化所带来的社会变革与更新,交通作为国民经济与社会生活的基础产业,大力发展和推进其信息化,是实现国民经济飞速发展的一个基本条件。近年来,交通运输部相继颁发了《公路、水路交通信息化“十一五”发展规划》等重要文件,加快了交通信息化的发展,使交通信息化取得了良好的成绩。作为交通运输中重要单元——公路客运站,其信息化虽然也取得了不小的成绩,但还面临着许多的问题,主要表现在对信息化的认识不清,信息的共享问题以及信息化人才缺乏等方面。本文以交通信息化为背景,以无锡客运站信息化课题为实例,主要研究公路客运站信息化存在问题,并提出一整套公路客运站信息化建设的开发步骤。这对其它公路客运站发展信息化具有一定的借鉴意义。本文首先从公路旅客运输的概念入手,引出了公路客运站的定义。对公路客运站的组织架构即公路客运站站务系统各项业务流程以及数据流程作出了详细的阐述。与国外先进国家的公路客运站作对比,反映出我国公路客运站的优劣势,为公路客运站信息化建设的步骤研究提供依据。接着,本文对公路客运站信息化及其信息化问题作了相关的理论研究分析,包括现状及问题分析、影响因素分析,并提出了8项公路客运站信息化的理论指标。在此基础上,本文总结出了一整套公路客运站信息化系统的开发步骤。最后,本文以无锡客运站信息化课题作实证研究,利用前面的理论分析成果,对无锡客运站信息化存在的问题作出了系统的分析,并提出了相应的改进措施。

【Abstract】 Along with the social change and update that informationization brings, transportation as the basic industry of national economy and social life, developing informationization of which vigorously is a basic condition of the rapid development of national economy. In recent years, Ministry of Transport has awarded’Eleventh Five-Year Plan of traffic informationization of highway and waterway’ and other important documents in succession; speeded up the development of traffic informationization; and made good results to it. Highway passenger station as an important unit in transportation, the informationization of which although has got achievement a lot, but yet faces with many problems, that mainly displays in being unclear to informationization, information sharing, lack of talented people, etc. The article takes traffic informationization as a background, and takes the informationization of Wu Xi Passenger Station as an example, mainly researches the problems of highway passenger station informationization, and puts forward its development step. This article is significant to other highway passenger station informationization.The article firstly draws forth the definition of highway passenger station according to the concept of automobile transportation for passenger, and elaborates the organizational construction of highway passenger station in detail, including the business process and data flow of station service system. Comparing with foreign advanced countries reflects the strengths and weaknesses of Chinese highway passenger station, and provides the basis to the research of highway passenger station informationization development step. After that, the article analyzes highway passenger station informationization and its problems, including present situation and problem analysis, and influencing factor analysis, and proposes eight theory targets of highway passenger station informationization. On that basis, the article summarized the development step of highway passenger station informationization. Finally, the article takes the informationization of Wu Xi Passenger Station as an example, analyzes its problems using the theoretical analysis achievement, and proposes corresponding measures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

