

Study on Construction of Silt Subgrade in Heze Zone

【作者】 刘家庆

【导师】 杨宏志;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 菏泽地区有大面积的黄河冲积粉土分布,山东省规划的多条高速公路通过该地区,该粉性土粉粒含量高,粒径单一,粘土颗粒含量极小,级配差,塑性指数低,水稳定性差,在这些地区建造公路,会遇到路基填土压实较难的问题。已修建的公路,翻浆病害频发,路面开裂,养护费用极高。粉土的合理压实方法和压实工艺一直是菏泽地区公路建设急需解决的关键技术问题。通过粉土物理、化学及力学性质研究,揭示了粉土压实机理。修建试验段,通过设置五个压实工艺,并对比其压实效果,确定了最佳压实工艺。对粉土进行了室内外有关试验研究,得出土基回弹模量的主要影响因素是含水量和压实度,建立土基回弹模量和压实度及稠度之间的相关关系式。通过室内外回弹模量的研究,建立了室内外回弹模量的关系式。对提高工作效率,简化测定方法等具有一定工程价值。进行了粉土路基边坡防护研究,分析了粉土边坡冲刷机理,计算获得了粉土边坡防护临界坡度及临界高度,提高了粉土边坡防护设计的合理性。本文的研究成果能为菏泽粉土地区的公路建设提供设计参数、施工工艺等方面的技术支持,为进一步研究粉土提供实测数据和理论模型,具有一定的实用价值和理论意义。

【Abstract】 It is distributed a large area of Yellow River alluvial silt in Heze, many highways pass through this region. The content of silt grains is fairly high, the particle size is quite unity, the content of clay grains is very poor, the plasticity index is low and the water stabilization is weak. The construction of roads in these areas will face the difficult problem of road foundation soil compaction. The roads that have been built, having various problems.Heze a re anxious for the reasonable compaction method and technology.According to the study on experiments indoors of physical, chemical and mechanical properties for silty soil, the compaction principle of silty soil is revealed.Through constructing test road section, the compaction effects for five compaction process are compared, and the best compaction process is founded. According to a series of relevant experiment on the silt, it is founded that the main factors for resilient modulus is the water content and degree of compaction. Their relationship regression and the modulus relationship regression between indoor and outdoor were formulated. According to the study on slope protection for silt subgrade, the erosive mechanism of highway slope is analyzed primarily. The critical height and grade of protection for highway embankment is acquired by calculating. The design of erosive protection for highway is perfected.The study is able to provide the design parameters for road construction, as well as provide fundamentals and technical support for construction technology, At the same time,this research results provide measured data and theoretical models for further study of silt. It has practical value and theoretical significance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】U416.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】105

