

The Design of Geology Science Tourist Routes for Geopark Based on Fuzzy Math and Dijkstra Algorithm

【作者】 施广伟

【导师】 屈茂稳; 郭威;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 旅游管理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 地质科普是地质公园的一项基本功能,旅游线路设计则对游客体验起到至关重要作用,如何将二者有机统一起来,以适应地质公园申报和建设快速发展的步伐,更好地增进游客的地质科普旅游体验,本文尝试就此问题作出个案研究和范式构建。论文从科学问题分类入手,探讨解决不同学科门类问题的研究方法,最终确立具体技术路线即以层次分析法构建地质遗迹价值评价权重体系;以模糊数学方法计算地质遗迹价值;通过专家问卷分析辛苦度指标;运用运筹学最优路径算法计算出最优地质科普旅游线路。作为奠基,本文对相关理论基础知识进行了详细介绍和归纳总结,以求更为深入领会相关理论的精髓和实现方法。在研究过程中,选择陕西延川黄河蛇曲国家地质公园为具体对象,首先对所包含的蛇曲地貌、峡谷—蛇曲地貌、黄土高原地貌等三类典型地质遗迹景观,按照地质遗迹分布特征、富集程度及各分区之间的有机联系等原则,将整个地质公园分为九个具体的景区。运用Yaahp软件计算得出地质遗迹价值评价权重体系,将这一具体权重与专家问卷调查结果相结合,以模糊数学为理论基础,运用Matlab软件进行数据处理,得出公园九个景区地质遗迹各自景观资源价值、景观环境条件、综合评判得分,并将所得分值与辛苦度度量值统一于Dijkstra算法,最终通过“规划求解”加载宏工具,计算出公园最优地质科普旅游线路,并在规划图上予以展现。通过这一个案分析,笔者尝试构建适合所有地质公园类景区的基于景观价值和辛苦度二维角度的最优线路设计模型。

【Abstract】 The Science popularization of Geology is a basic function of the geopark, as well as the designing of tourist routes plays a paramount important role, how to make them as an organic unity to adapt to the fast development of the declaration and construction of the geoparks, while enhancing the tourists’traveling experience. This paper tries to solve the problem by case study and paradigm buildingStarting with the assorting of the science problems, this paper finds the way to solve the problems of different subjects and finally establishes the professional way. At first, building up the weight system of the Geological heritage’s evaluation with the AHP; then, calculating the value of the Geological heritage by Fuzzy Mathematics; finally, getting the optimal tourist routes through Operations Research’s optimal path computing method while taking the pain index as the other factor. To make better understand of correlation theory and realization way, we make a detailed introduction and generalization.In research, the author takes The S-shape River-bends of Yellow River National Geopark, Shaanxi as an example, dividing s-shape river-bends landscape, velley-curving landscape and loess landscape into nine parts as the principle of Geological heritage’s distribution feature, enrichment degree and the relationship between each other. Calculating the weight system by Yaahp software, combined with expert questionnaire, with the help of Matlab software, we get the score of the nine Scenic Area’s valuable resources, environmental condition, and comprehensive value and then use Dijkstra Algorithm to value the factors. At last, we educe the optimal tourist routes through solver macro and demonstrate it on the plan graph. By the case study, the author tries to build up the model based on landscape value and pain index to fit all the geopark-like scenes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】F592;F426.1;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】562

