

Load Stress Analysis on Asphalt Pavement Subjected to Temperature Change

【作者】 宋允玲

【导师】 郑传超;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 材料学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在沥青路面结构设计时通常只考虑常温时的情况,忽略了低温时所产生的应力对路面结构的影响,然而沥青路面在低温时与荷载的共同作用往往使路面面层出现不同程度的横向裂缝,导致路面结构承载力和使用寿命的降低。本文考虑温度变化对沥青路面的结构影响,并将这种影响运用到路面结构设计上。首先,在低温情况下,将沥青混合料看作是完全弹性体,采用Bisar 3.0程序计算分析了沥青路面面层不同的温度梯度变化对路面结构的影响;并假设路面面层在同一种温度梯度变化的情况下,计算分析了不同的路面结构参数时温度沥青路面结构的受力影响(主要是对路面面层的影响),由于层间接触状态变化时会对路面结构产生一些影响,因此本文也简单计算分析了在层间接触是完全连续光滑的情况下路面结构的受力情况;其次,通过低温劈裂试验进一步验证了劈裂模量和劈裂强度均随着温度的降低而逐渐增大;最后,通过对比不同温度情况下的路面结构受力情况,发现温度变化对路面结构的影响较大,简单的以常温沥青路面结构受力分析来设计路面结构,对路面结构的使用寿命会产生很大的差别,因此有必要考虑温度变化对路面结构的影响,并在路面结构设计时表现出来。

【Abstract】 Usually, in the design the asphalt pavement structure, engineers only consider the normal temperature and ignore the influence of temperature induced stress on the pavement structure. However, low temperature stress with the load often leads to certain degree of transverse cracks in the road surface, which reduces the pavement structure bearing capacity and service life. In this thesis, we consider the influence of temperature stress on the asphalt pavement structure, and then apply this kind of influence to the pavement structure design.Firstly, the Bisar 3.0 was used to calculate and analyze the influence of the pavement structure for the different temperature gradient of asphalt pavement layer and the asphalt mixture is considered the elastic when the temperature is lower; the temperature gradient was given, the influence of road surface temperature on the pavement structure was also studied. It is well know that the interface contact condition plays important role in the pavement structure, the author analyzed the stress of the pavement structure when the interface contact condition is changed from the continuous to sliding; Secondly, through the low temperature splitting test, it is verified that the splitting modulus and cleavage strength is increased when the temperature decreases; Finally, comparison of pavement structure stresses in different temperatures shows that temperature change has a great influence to the pavement structure. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the influence of temperature stress in the design of the asphalt pavement design. The findings in this paper are of reference value in order to improve the asphalt pavement design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】U416.217
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】247

