

Laboratory Study on Subgrade and Pavement Salt Expansion Characteristic of Sulfuric Saline Soil Area by Using Large-scale Experimental Tank

【作者】 苌亮

【导师】 高江平;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 材料学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的迅速发展,对特殊地区的基础设施建设的也提出了更高的要求,盐渍土地区工程建设的实施也得到了重视。盐渍土的盐胀对建筑物,如铁路、公路、水利、房屋等造成了巨大危害。当外界环境和条件不同时,不同类型的盐渍土,对工程建筑物的破坏程度也各不相同。硫酸盐渍土是盐渍化地区频生工程灾害的特殊土质,对工程建筑的危害是最严重最典型的。随着温度、水分、盐分和上覆荷载变化,使得硫酸盐渍土地区的路基产生盐胀和冻胀,导致路基不均匀隆起、松胀、开裂,而且伴随着翻浆现象的出现,深入研究盐渍土分布规律、水热迁移、水盐运移规律以及盐胀的发生和治理,是解决盐渍土地区工程灾害的依据。硫酸盐渍土路基水分场、温度场、盐分场和应力场相互影响,相互作用,其盐胀的过程就是四场相互交融的外在表现。外界环境的变化是路基产生盐胀的动力。本文从室内试验入手,通过对室内试验路基中温度场、水分场、盐分场以及路表变形进行动态观测,得出了水分场、盐分场、温度场、应力场变化规律。

【Abstract】 As Chinese rapid economic development, demands of infrastructure construction in special area have been advanced, and implements of engineering construction in saline soil area have been paid attention. Harm has been caused by salt expansion to constructions, such as railroad, highway, water conservancy and buildings. The levels of damage to engineering structures were different when environment conditions changed, such as moisture, heat and salt.Sulfuric saline soil is special in saline soil area that has frequent engineering disasters. Damages caused by it were the most serious and the most typical. With changes of temperature, moisture, salt and overlying load, salt expansion was emerged that caused uneven uplift, loose and expansion, cracking in subgrade and frost boiling in road surface. The foundations are deep research laws of saline soil distribution, moisture and heat transfer, moisture and salt transfer and salt expansion that used to control disasters in saline soil area.Salt expansion processes in subgrade of Sulfuric saline soil are the external performance of moisture temperature, salinity and stress fields interacting with each other. Salt expansion in subgrade is the results of Changes in the external environment. In this paper, the variation laws of moisture, temperature, salinity and stress fields were obtained through the indoor experiment dynamic observations which are moisture, temperature, and salinity fields in subgrade and road surface deformation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】U416.166
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】236

