

Base on Composite Ecological Ideal Research for the Locality Feature of Urban Street Space Design

【作者】 刘璨

【导师】 刘启波;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 地域性是城市街道空间设计的重要属性之一,但在经济全球化发展、城市化速度加快的今天,伴随着城市自身建设的盲目和无序,许多的城市街道空间建设都丧失了应有的地域性特征,呈现出令人担忧的趋同现象,其背后原因是多方面的,但从设计的角度来说,其根源是盲目模仿发达国家所导致出的“特色危机”,而这种盲目模仿却造成了我国城市地域性生态系统的严重破坏,因此对于生态理念下的城市街道空间设计中具有地域性特色创作手法的研究就显得非常重要和迫切。本文通过对城市街道建设现状存在的问题进行深入剖析,系统的对导致地域性特色缺失的原因进行分析。对地域环境的冷漠和人为主观改造是城市地域特色缺失的直接因素。这进一步论证了地域性是城市特色塑造的着眼点,是城市可持续发展的内在动因。论文在对地域性街道空间特征研究时引入了复合生态系统及生态位的概念,通过对复合生态理念中的自然生态位、经济生态位、社会生态位三大生态系统的分析中总结出其内部各子系统与地域性特征的关联,并一一列举。结合国内外具有代表性的生态城市设计实例进行剖析的结果,提出了复合生态理念下植根于地域环境视野的街道空间设计整体思路与框架,并总结出了创造具有地域性特征的复合生态街道空间设计准则,在设计中提出了相应的建议,并最终应用于具体的设计项目中加以论证。

【Abstract】 Regional is one of important factors of urban street space design, but in nowadays, speeding economic globalization and urbanization comes with blind self-construction and disorder in city, many urban street space designs are going into convergence while loosing regional characteristics, there are many reasons behind it, from design point of view, the root cause is the "Identity Crisis" led by blind imitation of developed countries, which has caused severely damage in urban regional ecosystem in our country, thus it is very important to research and utilize the method of regional characteristic on urban street space design under ecological concept.This study analyzed problems of construction in the city streets, and cause of regional characteristics loss.The indifference of the local environment and subjective reconstruction on geographical features are direct cause of lacking regional characteristics in the city. Which further demonstrates the regional is focus of shaping the city as well as internal motivation of urban sustainability.Article of this study introduces idea of complex ecosystem and ecological niche to the research on regional characteristics of street space, through analysis of 3 major ecosystems under Complex ecological concept-ecological niche, niche economic, social and ecological niche, associations between those internal sub-systems and regional characteristics is concluded and demonstrated. Based on analysis of representative case study from national and international, the article raised overall idea and frame for street space design, and criteria of building regional characterized street space under complex ecological concept, and recommended to validate in specific design practice.

【关键词】 地域性生态位街道空间复合生态
【Key words】 Regionalnichestreet spacecomplex ecosystem
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

