

Microregion Analyse of the Ore Minerals of Kalatongke Nickel-Copper Deposit, Xinjiang

【作者】 赵玉梅

【导师】 钱壮志;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 喀拉通克铜镍矿床位于阿尔泰加里东褶皱系和准噶尔海西褶皱系结合部位的准噶尔褶皱系一侧,属萨尔布拉克-萨色克巴斯陶复向斜东部,区内发育一系列次级褶皱和断裂,由11个岩体(Y1-Y9,Y10、Y11)及矿区外围的G21、G22重力异常区和AM16航磁异常区组成,矿体主要赋存于Y1-Y3号岩体中。已探明Y1岩体为大型铜镍矿床,Y2-Y3为中型矿床,其余为4个小型矿床。在整个新疆地区,喀拉通克铜镍矿床是规模大而品位富的代表性岩浆硫化物矿床。本文着重从矿石矿物研究着手,通过矿物的显微结构、微区形貌与结构关系等研究,并结合电子探针成分的实际分析和其它测试研究成果,对该矿床进行研究,重点探讨了主要矿石矿物的微区成分特征、PGE赋存状态和矿石成因,取得了如下进展:(1)通过本文研究,丰富了喀拉通克铜镍矿床矿石矿物的研究资料。(2)矿石矿物微区成分分析表明喀拉通克铜镍矿床为岩浆熔离硫化物矿床,后期局部存在热液作用,矿床以富铜为特征。(3)各类浸染状矿石应形成于相同或相近物理化学条件下,致密块状矿石具有更复杂的形成过程,但二者均经历了少量硫化物深部熔离的早期过程,从而导致矿床亏损PGE。在致密块状矿石中,致密块状特富铜镍矿石与致密块状高铜富镍矿石同属矿浆贯入的产物,但后者是矿浆结晶演化局部热液性质更为明显的成矿溶液结晶形成的,表现出相容的稀土元素含量较高。(4)质量平衡计算显示喀拉通克矿床Pt、Pd在贱金属硫化物的质量分数比例均很低,且黄铜矿几乎不含Pt和Pd,Fe与Pt、Pd的相关系数分别为R2=-0.24和R2=0.45,显示了Fe与Pt、Pd十分微弱的相关性,说明硫化物可能不是Pt和Pd的主要载体矿物,Pt和Pd主要赋存在铂族元素矿物中。

【Abstract】 Kalatongke Ni-Cu sulfide deposit, in the northern margin of the Junggar terrane, northern Xinjiang, NW China, lies in east of Saerbulake-Sasekebasitao synclinorium in Junggar fold system, which is the boundary of Altai Caledonian fold system and Junggar Hercynian fold system. This area develops a series of second-order folds and subsidiary fractures, and composes of eleven rock bodies(Y1-Y9, Y10、Y11) and G21、G22 gravity abnormal district and AM16 aeromagnetic anomaly district, where a large Cu-Ni ore deposit, two moderate ore deposits and four small ore deposits have been explored. The Kalatongke Ni-Cu sulfide deposit is the largest and most representative deposit in the whole of the Xinjiang Province.The paper attempts to study on the characteristic the structures, constructures, micrograpy of ores, and discuss the distribution of their trace elements; especially, probed into the ore genesiss by the PGE.Some conclusions can be drawn as following:(1) This paper’s stduy enriches the reseaching data of the ore mineral of Kalatongke Ni-Cu sulfide deposit.(2) The trace element of the ore mineral indicated that Kalatongke Ni-Cu sulfide deposit is Magmatic segregation Ni-Cu sulfide deposit. Hydrothermal process was weak and occurred locally, and the deposit is more enrichment in copper than nickel.(3) The ores are comprised of disseminated sulfide ores and massive sulfide ores, for the former they should form in the same or the similar physical and chemical condition, but the latter has more complicated forming process,and both two experienced a few of sulfide pre-segregation, leading to the deposit depleted in platinum group elements. In the massive sulfide ores, especially the Cu-Ni-rich ore and the high-Cu and Ni-rich ore are both belong to the production of the mine plasm injected;but the latter was charactered by the hydrothermal alteration locally, and behaved the high content of the REE.(4) The mass balance calculation shows that the mass fraction of the Pt\Pd in the base metal sulfide minerals (BMS) of the kalatongke deposit are both very low,and there is almost no Pt or Pd in the chalcophile. The correlative coefficient between the Fe and Pt\Pd are R2=-0.24 and R2=0.45, which is weak negnative or positive interrelation, indicates that sulfide minerals maybe not the main carrier of the Pt and Pd, but the two elements mainly exists in the platinum-group element minerals.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

