

Study on the Effects of Sewage Sludge on the Growth of Lettuce

【作者】 王育科

【导师】 易秀; 谢娟;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市污泥排放量的日益增大,对环境造成的污染也越来越严重,进而危害人体的健康。因此,如何合理地处理和处置城市污泥以及污泥的资源化利用问题显得更加重要。研究城市污水处理厂污泥在农业方面的应用,对有效利用污水厂污泥,减轻污泥填埋的环境压力,具有十分重要的理论意义和实际价值。本试验用污泥取白西安市北石桥污水厂,通过观察盆栽试验中油麦菜的生长情况,测定其出芽率、根活性、叶绿素等生理指标和其叶片含水率、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白等品质指标来确定污泥农用对蔬菜生长的影响。通过试验得出以下结论:(1)在第一季油麦菜盆栽试验中,低施用量污泥(<12g/kg)对油麦菜的生长起到了一定的促进作用,而高施用量污泥(>12g/kg)对油麦菜的生长产生了抑制。1)油麦菜的发芽率测定结果表明:低施用量污泥对油麦菜的发芽起到了促进作用。当污泥施用量为6g/kg时,油麦菜的平均发芽率(93%)高于对照(75%);但随着污泥施用量增大,平均出芽率受到抑制,在污泥施用量为9g/kg时,下降为63%,而在18g/kg的处理中平均出芽率仅为13%。2)根活性测定结果表明:油麦菜的根体积、根系总吸收面积、活跃吸收面积和活跃吸收面积比值在污泥低施用量时都呈现升高的趋势。在污泥施用量为3g/kg和12g/kg的处理中,根体积和活跃吸收面积比值分别达到了最大值;当污泥施用量为9g/kg时,根系总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积达到最大值。3)叶绿素、可溶性糖以及可溶性蛋白含量测定结果表明:污泥施用可以促进油麦菜叶绿素的合成。在施用量为6g/kg的处理中,叶绿素a+b达最大值,为13.863mg/g。但污泥施用量过高时(>12g/kg),会导致叶绿素含量下降;污泥对油麦菜可溶性糖的合成促进作用有限。在污泥施用量为6g/kg处理中,油麦菜可溶性糖含量最高,但仅比对照增加了约3%。而抑制作用却很明显,当污泥施用量为12g/kg时,可溶性糖含量为3.378mg/g,与对照相比下降了约50%;随污泥施用量的增大,油麦菜可溶性蛋白含量明显增加,在施用量为9g/kg处理中可溶性蛋白含量达到最大,是对照处理的3倍,之后开始下降,但各处理可溶性蛋白含量仍高于对照。(2)第二季残效试验结果表明:油麦菜各指标值随着污泥施用量增大也呈现出先增长后下降的趋势。叶绿素、含水率、可溶性蛋白的最大值都出现在污泥施用量为27g/kg的处理中,分别为91.9%、16.384 mg/g、25.26 mg/g;当污泥施用量为21g/kg,平均出芽率达到最大值,为67%;根体积、根总吸收面积、根比面积、根活跃吸收面积和根活跃吸收面积比值的最高值分别为1.2cm3、0.632cm2、0.824%、0.199 cm2和41.61%。可溶性糖的最大值为16.07mg/g,出现在污泥施用量为9g/kg的处理中。(3)通过对油麦菜各项生理、品质指标的分析,综合油麦菜长势观察,可以得出当污泥施用量低于9g/kg时,污泥对油麦菜的生长具有一定促进作用。因而此污泥用量可以作为农用的推荐值,换算为大田施用量约为1350kg/亩。

【Abstract】 With the emissions of sewage sludge increasing, environmental pollution, and growing, and thus endanger human health. So, it ibecome more important to disposal of sewage sludge and make good use of the sludge. The study on the sewage sludge application in agriculture, which is of great theoretical and practical value on the effective using of sewage sludge and reducing pressure on the environment.The sewage sludge in the experiment was taken from native sewage treatment plant (Bei shiqiao, xian) and lettuce was chosen as the experimental subjects. Through observing the germination and determining physiology and quality indicators of lettuce, we can come to the conclusions as follow.(1) In the first quarter of the pot test, it played a certain role in promoting lettuce growth in the low applicationrates of sludge (<12g/kg), but it inhibite the lettuce growth in the high applicationrates of sludge (> 12g/kg).1) The results of lettuce germination rate show that: the low applicationrates of sludge on the germination of lettuce has been facilitated in the sludge’s applicationrates for the 6g/kg, the average germination rate (93%) than the one(75%) in the Comparison; but with the sludge’s applicationrates increased, the average budding rate was inhibited and it was just 13% in the sludge’s applicationrates of 18g/kg.2) The root activity test showed that: the volume, total absorption area, active absorption area of lettuce root and the percentage of active absorption area ncreased in low sludge’s applicationrates. In the sludge’s applicationrates for the 3g/kg and 6g/kg, the root volume and percentage of active absorption area were up to the maximum; when the sludge’s applicationrates for the 9g/kg, the total absorption area and active absorption area reached their maximum.3) The content results of chlorophyll, soluble sugar and soluble protein showed that: The sludge can promote the synthesis of chlorophyll. And which reached its maximum of 13.863mg/g in the applicationrates for the 6g/kg. However, it would decreased chlorophyll content when sludge’s applicationrates is too high (> 12g/kg); sludge had a limited impact on the soluble sugars. In the sludge’s applicationrates for the 6g/kg, soluble sugar content was highest, but which was only about 3% higher the Comparison’s. The inhibition is very clear that when the sludge’s applicationrates is 12g/kg, the soluble sugar content was 3.378mg / g, and decreased by about 50% compared with the Comparison’s. with the sludge’s applicationrates increasing, soluble protein content increased significantly and reached the maximum in the applicationrates 9g/kg, which is 3 times higher than the Comparison’s, but the soluble protein content started to decline when the sludge increasing. however, the soluble protein content of each treatment was still higher than the Comparison’s.(2) The residual experiment showed that: the indexes of Lettuce appeared a trend of increasing and then discreasing with sludge application. the maximums of Chlorophyll, water content, soluble proteins appeared in the sludge’s applicationrates for the 9g/kg, and were 91.9%,16.384 mg/g,25.26 mg/g respectively; when the sludge application was 21g/kg, the average sprouting rate came to the maximum of 67%; root volume, total absorption area, root area ratio, root active absorption area and root active absorption area of the highest percentages were 1.2cm3,0.632cm2,0.824%,0.199 cm2 and 41.61%. The soluble sugar’s Maximum appears in the sludge’s applicationrates for the 9g/kg and was 16.07mg/g.(3) through the experiment, we can come to the conclusion that: the sludge has a role in promoting the growth of Lettuce when its application lower than 9g/kg. So the application of the sludge, which converted to field application is about 1350kg / mu, can be used as the recommended value of farming.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

