

The Problem and Counterplan to Reform of Chinese Household-Registration

【作者】 靳文娟

【导师】 蒋云根;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制的转变,实现了改革开放新的历史性突破,打开了我国经济、政治和文化发展的崭新局面。但是我国现行户籍制度中存在不少弊端,严重妨碍社会主义优越性的发挥。如果不坚决改革现行户籍制度中的问题,过去出现的一些严重阻碍我国经济政治发展的现象今后就有可能重新出现。高素质的人力资源是一个国家引以自豪的优势,也是我国经济繁荣、社会昌盛的重要因素,更是政府提出的未来发展目标之一。但是我国现行户籍制度把优秀人力资源控制在一定范围内,阻止其自由流动,不利于生产力的发展。近几年来,全国各地都在进行户籍制度改革的尝试。但是效果都不太明显。本文通过总结历届改革出现的问题,避免出现相同的情况,为新一轮的改革提出建议。文章分为五大部分,第一部分介绍了户籍制度改革研究的背景与现状。第二部分着重分析了中国户籍制度改革历程。依据历史时间线索,以及当时户籍制度发展的情况,本文将户籍制度发展的过程分为制度萌芽期、制度巩固期与改革调整期。文章第三部分主要介绍了现行户籍制度存在的负面效应,包括:现行户籍制度阻碍城乡经济协调发展;现行户籍制度使得部分公民的政治权利得不到有效保障;造成城乡居民社会福利的不平等以及现行户籍制度增加了社会管理的难度四个方面的内容。第四部分文章归纳了以往户籍制度改革过程中出现的问题,主要包括户籍制度改革的法律规范缺失;缺乏统一标准导致地区间户籍制度改革不协调以及户籍改革的配套制度跟不上三个方面的问题。文章的最后一部分结合时代特征,提出了中国户籍制度改革的对策建议。主要包括户籍法的完善;设立城乡统一的户口登记制度;加大配套制度改革力度以及因地制宜实施改革等。随着市场经济的发展以及改革开放政策的深入执行,中国户籍制度的改革是大势所趋。我们必须抓住机遇,深化劳动人事和户籍管理制度改革,引导劳动力在城乡之间、地区之间的有序流动,促进农业剩余劳动力转移。建立统一、开放、竞争、有序的劳动力市场,改革城镇户籍制度,逐步调整大中城市户口迁移政策,保障公民正常迁移和择业权利,促进人力资源在城乡、区域间合理配置,进一步加快我国社会主义现代化建设步伐。

【Abstract】 The shift from the planned economy to the socialist market economy represented a new historic breakthrough in reform and opening up and brought about entirely new prospects for China’s economic, political and cultural progress. Our current household-registration system and institutions are plagued by problems which seriously impede the full realization of the superiority of socialism. Some serious problems which appeared in the past may arise again if the defects in our present household-registration systems are not eliminated. A quality workforce is the pride of a country. It is also an important factor in achieving economic prosperity and one of the government’s development goals. But our present household-registration system took the excellent human resource within limits and control and held back from movement which hinder the development of the productive forces. The recent several years, reform of the household-registration system was initiated throughout China. But the effect of reform was not good and even made some mistake.I am now looking into ways to prevent such things from recurring and preparing to start with the restructuring of our institutions.My paper includes five parts. The first one is introducing research background of the Chinese house-hold registration system reform. The second part elaborates on the course of Chinese house-hold registration system reform from 1949. According to the time cue, I divided the course to three stages, including stages in germination, period of consolidation and reform stage. The third part of my paper discusses social evils of recent house-hold registration system in China. And the last two parts set forth the problem and counterplan to reform of Chinese household-registration.The reform of the labor personnel system and the household registration system shall be deepened, and efforts made to guide the orderly flow of the labor force between urban and rural areas or between regions so as to promote the transfer of surplus agricultural labor. Efforts should be made to set up a unified, open, competitive, and orderly labor market; reform the residence registration policy in cities and towns, and gradually change the policy concerning change in residency in large and medium-sized cities, so that the rights of people to move and chose jobs freely can be guaranteed and the redistribution of human resources between cities and countryside and among various regions can be realized. Only in this way China socialist modernization can be achieved as soon as possible.

  • 【分类号】D631.42
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1491

