

【作者】 陈剑

【导师】 袁筱一;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 法语语言文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 捷克作家米兰·昆德拉的小说《生命中不能承受之轻》在中国的两次翻译,是中国近代翻译史上具有代表性的文化事件。1987年,中国作家韩少功的首译,在国内掀起了一场阅读和讨论昆德拉的热潮;16年之后,翻译家许钧教授应上海译文出版社之约重译了这部小说,再度引起了文学界和翻译界对这一译事的讨论。从1987年的初译到2003年的复译,从作家韩少功到翻译家许钧,这两个译本究竟有怎样的不同之处?产生这些不同的原因是什么?对这两次翻译的比较,能够带给我们怎样的启示?法国翻译理论家贝尔曼在他的《翻译批评论:约翰·唐》中曾提出,翻译批评的支点在于翻译主体,我们需要回答这样一个问题:译者是谁?贝尔曼系统地将译者放入翻译立场、翻译策略和译者视域这三个方面来考察。其中,他借用现代阐释学中“视域”的概念,指出译者的视域,是“所有‘决定’译者所感、所为、所思的语言、文学、文化以及历史的因素。”我们发现,视域这个概念的迷人之处在于它本身所具有的双重性:一方面,它是一个开放的空间,而另一方面,这个空间又注定有其边界。对译者视域的探寻,从实用意义上看,是对翻译空间之可能性与局限性的呈现,从理论意义上看,也是探求复译意义的一把钥匙。因此,本文试图从译者视域的角度,来讨论《不能承受的生命之轻》在中国的两次翻译。译者的视域与其所在的立足点密切相关。具体来说,立足点取决于译者的身份和译者的时代。每一位译者都有自己生存环境的限定性语境,一定历史阶段所形成的社会、文化、文学和语言等因素,必然影响着译者的所感、所思和所为。1987年,作为作家的韩少功是怎样接触到《生命中不能承受之轻》这部小说?是什么原因促使他翻译这部小说?在小说的翻译和出版过程中遇到怎样的困难和挑战?2003年,当许钧重译这部小说时,昆德拉在中国的接受情况、国内文学和翻译理论的发展状况、出版环境和社会环境,又发生了怎样的变化?在对译者的立足点有了相应的了解后,我们可以进一步讨论,作为作家的韩少功和作为翻译家的许钧,他对于翻译的观点有着怎样的不同?他们各自采取了怎样的翻译立场和翻译策略?他们各自的翻译诉求又是什么?韩少功的初译和许钧的复译,在不同的时代语境下,缘起于怎样的翻译目的?产生过怎样的影响?具有怎样的价值?这是我们在本文中所要回答的问题。历史是由一个个具体的人所构成的。追寻译者的足迹,研究译者在其具体的翻译实践中所面临的可能性与局限性,所持有的立场和所做出的选择,能够帮助我们回到特定的历史空间中,更好地理解译本的价值与翻译的意义,观察翻译史是如何紧密镶嵌在整个时代的文学、语言、社会、文化的交流和进步历程中。

【Abstract】 In the history of modern translation in China, two translations about Czech writer Milan Kundera’s novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being has been representative cultural events. In 1987, the first translation version in Chinese by Han Shaogong set off a wave of reading and discussion of Kundera.16 years later, a different version translated by translator Professor Xu Jun, who was invited by Shanghai Translation Publishing House, once again roused a wide concern and heated debates. What’s the difference between the two versions? And what can be enlightened and inspired through comparing these two versions of The Unbearable Lightness of Being?Antoine Berman, French translation theorists, said in his Toward a Translation Criticism:John Donne, that the dominant factor in translation is the translator himself or herself. The question is:Who is the translator? Berman systematically observes translators from three aspects:Translation Position, Translation Strategy, and Horizon of translator. Berman applied the concept of "Horizon" from Modern Hermeneutics, to point out that the horizon of a translator determines all the factors of language, literature, culture and history that influence how a translator would feel, behave, and think. We found that there are two sides lying behind the concept of "Horizon":on one hand, it is an open space; on the other hand, this space is destined to have its boundaries. Exploration on the perspective of translators, from a practical sense, is a discussion of the possibilities and limitations of the translation, while in the theoretical sense, it could be a key to discover the meaning of retranslation.Therefore, this research attempts to discuss the two translations on The Unbearable Lightness of Being in China by the "Horizon of Translator". Horizon of Translator is closely related to what is the role of that translator. Specifically, it depends on the identity of the translator and the age a translator belongs. Each translator has their own living environment which influences the language. The formation of a certain historical stage of social, cultural, literary and linguistic factors inevitably influence the translator’s feeling, behavior and pattern of thinking.In 1987, how did the writer Han Shaogong know the novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being? What was the reasons triggering his interest in working on a Chinese version of that piece? And what were the difficulties and challenges he encountered during the process of translating and publishing? In 2003, when Xu Jun retranslated the novel, what was his different situation? How did Chinese people know about Kundera? Was there any new development in translation theory and domestic literature? And, how much the publishing and socio-political environment has been changed than a few years ago?Based on the analysis of different backgrounds of the translators, we further explored the perspectives of the two translators of The Unbearable Lightness of Being. What are the different point of views between Han as a writer and Xu as a translator? What are their translation positions, translation strategies and translation aims, respectively? What are the different intuitions, what influences caused by the translation, and what kinds of values have been delivered by these two translations? These are all the questions we figured out in this essay.History integrated every single life. Tracing the footsteps of the translators, discovering the possibilities and limitations that translators faced during the translation, and analyzing the positions and decisions they took, could help us better understand the meaning and values of translation, and observe the role that translation plays in literature, language, social and cultural developments of an era.

【关键词】 译者身份视域时代语境翻译目的
【Key words】 translatoridentityhorizontimetranslation purposes
  • 【分类号】I046;H059;H32
  • 【下载频次】292

