

Research on Working Conditions of High School Teachers

【作者】 宗永杰

【导师】 王建军;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 高中教师的工作状态直接影响着教育、教学和学校管理。而我们对高中教师的工作状态还缺乏客观的了解及应有的关注与关怀。本研究通过对已有文献的梳理,对教师工作状态进行再定义,确定研究框架,从学校组织的角度出发,从组织、群体、个体三个层面了解教师的工作状态。并分别从教师视角的不同维度(性别、地区、教龄),教师、校领导不同视角的比较进行具体分析,从而扩大我们看待教师问题的视野,改进及提高学校管理。本研究主要采用问卷调查法对教师工作状态进行调查。通过对教师,校领导的调查,了解不同角色者对教师工作状态的看法。了解处于学校组织中的教师,既作为组织中的一员,又作为独立个体所表现出来的工作状态。从教师视角来看:组织层面,不同维度教师对参与管理积极性认识有异,但都认为教师具有较高的主人翁感;群体层面,其认识差异主要体现在性别、教龄维度,地区之间看法一致,都持基本肯定态度;个体层面,除工作繁重感外,不同性别的教师在各项上均存在显著差异。女教师成就感、收入满意度都高,但压力也大。地区维度上,中部地区教师状态相对较好,其压力与工作繁重感为三地最低,收入满意度最高;而西部教师相反,压力和工作繁重感最高,收入满意度最低;东部地区各项水平居中。不同教龄的教师在成就感上没有显著性差异,成就感都普遍偏低。在压力感上,教龄愈长的教师压力相对愈小从教师、校领导比较的视角来看:教师、校领导对教师工作状态的认识仅在个体层面的教师成就感这一项目上无显著性差异,在组织层面、群体层面的各项目上均存在显著性差异。校领导更肯定教师参与积极性与主人翁感,更肯定教师的人际关系,对教师的工作繁重感、压力也有更高的认同感,在工作满意度上也比教师有更高的认可度。基于研究的结论,本研究从提升教师领导力、促进教师与校领导之间沟通的角度提出一些建议,也给出了相关研究的建议。

【Abstract】 The working conditions of high school teachers directly affect the quality of education at the high school level. However, we still know little about how teachers live and work in high schools. The main purpose of this research is to describe high school teachers’working conditions under a conceptual framework based on literature review, and by comparing perspectives of ordinary teachers and school leaders, to enhance our understandings of teachers’ lives in high school.By reviewing the literature on the working conditions of teachers, we re-definite the concept of working condition and outline the research framework. Teacher’s working condition is analyzed from three different levels, they are organization, group and individual. We analyze different dimensions (gender, region, seniority) from the perspective of teachers, and have given a specific analysis by comparing the view of teachers and school leaders.This study use questionnaires to investigate working conditions of teachers.From the respective of teachers, at the organizational level, different teachers have difference in management enthusiasm, but all the teachers have a high sense of ownership; at the group level, the difference lies in different understanding about the relationship of the staff; at the individual level, female teachers have high achievement and income satisfaction, but the pressure is great. The pressure of teachers whose teaching experience is longer is relatively smaller.Comparing the teachers and school leaders, except for the achievement sense, there are significant differences between teachers and school leaders in other aspects.Based on the findings, this paper puts forward some suggestions to improve teacher leadership, promote communication between teachers and school leaders and some related recommendations of the future research.

【关键词】 高中教师教师视角校长视角工作状态
【Key words】 High SchoolTeacherWorking Conditions
  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】340

