

Critical Discourse Analysis of Reported Speeches in English Sports News

【作者】 陈琳琳

【导师】 丁建新; 廖益清;

【作者基本信息】 中山大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 新闻长久以来已经成为现代社会传递信息最为有效快捷的媒介和载体。人们对新闻正投入越来越多的关注。作为大部分新闻媒介中必备的一个部分,体育新闻因其娱乐性和轻松性,其影响力也日益增长。然而新闻报道的客观性往往会受到质疑,体育新闻也不能例外。即使是标榜客观公正的报道中也往往隐形地包含着新闻媒体或报道者个人的立场,从而影响读者的判断。本文试图从新闻中转述引语的角度来对体育新闻报道进行批评性分析,找出隐藏在文字背后的真实意图。批评语言学作为新近发展的语言学分支,旨在揭露语言背后隐藏的权势和意识形态。近年来被广泛运用于各种语篇的批判性分析,尤以受外界、媒介偏见影响较为严重的政治、新闻语言为甚。从转述引语的角度分析政治语篇有过先例。本文尝试选择各国英语媒体报道中的体育新闻作为研究语料,从转述引语的角度分析体育新闻,通过分析报道者对各种引语方式的选择、加工来证明对转述引语的研究可以揭示体育界各种深层的关系,报道者可以通过各种方式运用转述引语表达自己的观点,维护自己所代表的社会力量。本文选取了2010温哥华冬奥会上中韩女子3000米短道速滑接力赛争夺这一事件作为研究案例。中、韩、英三国媒体对该事件的报道,以及他们各自选用的转述引语是研究的主要对象。通过分析发现,各国对韩国被判犯规,继而痛失金牌这一事件所持态度看似客观,实则隐藏着主观倾向,明显向自己所代表的群体利益倾斜。因此用实例证明了媒体利益代表群体的权利和意识形态同样在体育新闻报道中得到维护和体现。

【Abstract】 News has been a highly effective and efficient media device to express information since its emergence in history. As an indispensable and attracting part of newspaper, sports news has been warmly welcomed by sports fans who enjoy entertainment and relaxation. Like political news and social events news, sports news also intends to affect people’s cognition and values, and influence arising from which hence attracts attention from critical discourse analysts. The objectivity of news is questioned; the same is for sports news. News reports which look neutral might actually reflect reporters’viewpoints, thus affecting readers’judgments. This paper aims at Critical Discourse Analysis of English sports news from the perspective of reported speeches, and tries to figure out the hidden information or attitudes in the researched discourse.Critical Discourse Analysis has been employed to analyze various discourses recently, especially news, among which, political language has been analyzed most frequently because of its special characteristics that make it easily affected. This thesis selects English sports news as target discourse, and reported speeches as device, tries to prove that in sports news, there is also a complicated world, and many inequalities and malpractices also exist in sports matches. Reporters carefully hide their opinions beneath texts, while through Critical Discourse Analysis we can get a keen look into it and find out their true intentions.The paper picks 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics Women’s 3000 meter relay as a case for research. Chinese media, South Korean media and Britain media are quoted. The study of reported speeches in the three media revealed clearly that every medium has own intensions to guide readers. Media discourse tries to defend interests of the class and group whose power, ideologies and social relations are most relevant to them.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】H315
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】327

