

Research of the Ore-Prospecting Direction of Yulong Porphyry-Type Copper Deposit

【作者】 秦覃

【导师】 钟康惠;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 本次研究工作通过参与西藏矿产资源潜力评价项目,在前期收集图区和图区周边与之有关的区调资料及科研成果并预研究基础上,编制昌都县幅(区)的实际材料图和建造构造图。在编制建造构造图的过程中,厘定图区地层系统,确定各时代岩石地层单位和各岩石地层单位的岩石组合,在全面研究综合分析已有地层资料的基础上,综合图幅中的自然岩石组合单位归并上升为建造类型,划分各岩石地层单位的沉积建造,并分析各沉积建造形成时所处的沉积环境。通过区域对比和岩石化学,地球化学分析,总结图区侵入岩时空分布特征,确定了各时代侵入岩的岩石类型,归纳侵入岩构造组合和大地构造属性。填写了西藏自治区昌都县幅图层数据表,为以后该区的地质研究提供了便利,并为以后地质数据库建设提供了背景资料。西藏玉龙铜(钼)矿床是我国三江地区最大的斑岩型铜矿床,它位于特提斯构造域东段的三江构造带内,构造格局十分复杂,所属的玉龙斑岩铜(钼)矿带不仅是我国重要的铜矿成矿远景区带,也是我国铜资源最为丰富的地区之一,因此选择西藏玉龙斑岩铜(钼)矿床作为典型矿床。遵循野外调查与室内综合分析相结合的原则,重点对西藏玉龙铜(钼)典型矿床开展地质调查研究,针对典型矿床的成矿地质背景和矿床特征两方面的主要特征,将相关岩石地层、岩石组合、矿区构造、构造背景、成矿时代、围岩蚀变、矿物成分、矿体形态与产状等成矿条件进行分析,确定了玉龙式斑岩型铜(钼)矿床的成矿地质条件和找矿标志,建立了区域成矿模式。以昌都县幅建造构造图为底图,确定并提取预测要素,结合研究区的构造纲要图、矿点分布位置、元素异常图及重砂异常图,依据预测要素的叠加分布,圈定了三个远景区:1、甲加洞铜铅锌金银多金属找矿远景区;2、玉龙-多霞松多铜钼金银多金属找矿远郊区;3、夏日多铜钼金多金属找矿远景区。其中甲加洞铜铅锌金银多金属找矿远景区位于妥坝南西的巴贡地垒中轴部,与原玉龙铜(钼)成矿带基本平行,具有较大的找矿前景。经过玉龙外围的野外勘察,重新认识了与玉龙铜(钼)成矿带有着密切联系的温泉断裂,认为它形成于两个不同期次,中生带陆内裂谷时期西倾正滑;喜马拉雅期由于印藏板块强烈碰撞作用,表层形态向东反转,导致奥陶系逆冲推覆于陆内裂谷沉积岩系之上,并使得靠近温泉断裂的陆内裂谷沉积岩系发育褶皱变形,在随后的地幔主动上涌、表壳被动伸展的过程中,这些褶皱体系构成了岩浆活动的导岩(导矿)运配通道。最终导致了玉龙喜马拉雅期斑岩的广泛发育。

【Abstract】 The research by participating in mineral resource potential assessment project in Tibet,On the basis of collection of areal survey information and scientific research,establishing the data map and the structural map of Qamdo.In the process of maping,determining the stratigraphic system of the structural map,determining the rock stratigraphic units and rock assemblage of rock stratigraphic units.Based on the comprehensive analysis of existing data of formation, Integrated the rock association unit in Qamdo area, t he conflation rock association unit to the formation of combination type,Categorized the sedimentary formation by the lithostratigraphic units,And analysis of the depositional environment, Through regional comparison and petrochemistry,Geochemical analysis, Geochemical analysis,determining the type of intrusive rocks which in different geologic eras,summing up tectonic fabrics and geotectonic unit of intrusive rocks,filling out the Layer data form in Qamdo of Tibet,and it will be benefit to geological research in this area,it provided a good background information for future similar projects and Geological Database building.Select A typical deposit,And analyzed:Tibet Yulong Copper (Molybdenum) deposit,the largest of China Sanjiang porphyry copper deposit,It located in the Sanjiang Tethys tectonic belt in eastern,Complex tectonic framework,It Belongs to the Yulong porphyry copper (molybdenum) ore belt,and it not only is an important copper metallogenic zone,but also one of the most abundant copper resources in China,Therefore we chose the Yulong porphyry copper (molybdenum) deposit,as a typical deposit,This thesis based on the accumulated knowledge in The processes of mapping,following the principle of combining field investigations with indoor synthetic analysis Focus on carrying out geological investigate and research in Tibet Yulong Copper (Molybdenum) deposit, metallogenic geological background and the deposit features are discussed aiming at this typical deposit ,rock stratigraphic units、r ock association、local structure、structural setting、minerogenetic epoch、wall rock alteration、mineralogical composition、the shape of metal ore、The occurrence of ore body and other factors were analyzed in classification statistically.sums up the mineralization Elements of this typical deposit.typical mineral deposits forming essential factors is further divided into two aspects:geological environment of regional metallogenesis、r egional geologic feature,And the ultimate regional forecast elements are summarized and converted with region. The geological conditions and the ore-prospecting indicators are determined.metallogenic model of ore deposits and regional metallogenic model are established. based on the structural map of Qamdo, determinating and Extracting prediction elements. combining the Structural outline map、elementary anomaly map and placer mineral anomalies map in this area,based on several prediction elements superimposition. Finally, three far-seeing zones of geothermal exploration are submitted in this area: 1.JiaJiaDong prospecting areas for Cu、P b、Z n、Au、A g ; 2.Yulong-Duoxiasongduo prospecting areas for Cu、Mo、A u、Ag; 3.Xiariduo prospecting areas for Cu、M o、A g. Among them,JiaJiaDong prospecting areas located on the Bagong horst axis that in in southwestern Tuoba. nearly parrallel to the Yulong copper Belt.have good prospecting potential.after a geological survey around Yulong copper deposit. re-cogitating Wenquan fault that closely tied with Copper Belt, Wenquan fault should be separated in to two different periods. A west dipping and normal-strike-slip fault in the Mesozoic; Because of the continuing collision between India and Asia during Himalaya epoch, Wenquan fault changed into thrust nappe fault. as a result, Yulong Porphyry is widely developed in Himalaya epoch,


