

The Aided Program Design of TGO

【作者】 白铁勇

【导师】 余代俊;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 摄影测量与遥感, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 全球定位系统的不断发展与普及,且GPS测量技术水平在不断提高,如今GPS定位技术已被广泛应用于控制测量、变形监测、精密工程测量及航空摄影测量与遥感等诸多领域,尤其是测量控制网的布测,基本上全部采用GPS测量方法来实现。用GPS技术联测的像控点,无论从精度、时间、还是从经济角度来看,都要比常规测量手段优越许多,GPS定位技术值得在中小比侧尺航测成图中大力推广应用。TGO(Trimble Geomatics Office)是美国Trimble导航有限公司推出的用于GPS静态和动态测量数据处理的商业软件,是一款功能强大、界面友好、自动化程度高、操作简便,基线处理方法多样,基线解算质量非常高的平差软件;也是像片控制测量的主要数据处理软件,在我国有着广泛的应用。但美中不足的是,该软件与我国规范和测量习惯存在一定的差异。这些差异给实际工作带来一些麻烦。基于TGO所检验的细节项目与我国规范规定不一致,本文给出了符合我国GPS测量规范标准的解决方法,并用VB语言结合EXCEL及WORD编写了程序。利用TGO的数据交换文件,提取基线信息与重复基线,并计算重复基线长度的差值。利用TGO环闭合差报告将GPS网中的闭合环信息提取出来,通过数据交换文件中所载各基线的观测时间来区分同步环和异步环;以基线的空间坐标差分量计算环闭合差,并根据技术规范要求的限差参数,对其进行检查并生成归档资料。在无约束平差后,数据交换文件中存储着各GPS点的精确大地高,利用已知点进行GPS高程拟合并生成报表。该解决方法实现了基线质量检核和报告的输出;并依据规范对重复基线进行了检验。同时,对同步环和异步环进行提取,根据规范限差对各环的闭合差进行精度评定,最终输出闭合环报告。最后,以常用的GPS高程拟合模型为理论依据,实现了GPS大地高转换为正常高。通过利用TGO软件和该程序对某GPS控制网的数据处理,并与不同的软件进行比较分析,说明该程序可以应用于工程实践中,并且在大英县像控测量项目中,得到很好的效果。TGO辅助程序的应用,减少了人工干预,保证了基线质量检验的可靠性,省去了手动生成基线报告的麻烦;同时,解决了TGO软件不能区分同步环与异步环,不能按照我国规范判断闭合环差的固有缺陷。且TGO辅助程序采用多种拟合模型在GPS高程拟合方面很好的补充了TGO软件。TGO因在基线质量检核(重复基线检核、同步环和异步环检核)的细节项目和成果报告的输出内容及格式不符合我国GPS测量规范的要求,且在高程转换方面的问题,给我国广大测绘工作者造成了诸多不便。作者结合TGO已有的现成输出数据和输出成果,应用VB语言,依据我国GPS测量规范(规程)的有关限差规定编写TGO辅助程序,为GPS数据处理报告的编写和质量的检核提供了极大的方便,解决了实际中的问题。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development and spread of global positioning system and the improvement of GPS measurement technology, GPS positioning technology has been widely used in control measurement, deformation monitoring, precision engineering surveying and aerial photogrammetry and remote sensing fields now, particularly in the measure of control network. On accuracy, time, or from the economic point of view, Photo control point connection surveyed by GPS technology is superior than the conventional measurements, so GPS technology is worth promoting the application in small and medium scale Aerial Photogrammetry. TGO (Trimble Geomatics Office) is a business software for GPS static and dynamic measurement data processing which is developed by the Trimble Navigation Ltd. of USA. It is a adjustment software with powerful function, friendly interface, high automation, easy operation, multiple baseline approach, and the high quality of baseline solution; and also is a data processing software of the Photo Control Survey, widely used in China. But there are some differences with specification and the custom of measurement of China.Take advantage of the exchange data files of TGO, we can extract baseline information and redundant baseline, and then calculate the difference between duplicate baseline length. Extracting the closed loop information of GPS network from the TGO Loop Closure report, we can distinguish simultaneous loop and independent loop through baseline time contained in the data exchange file; Then according to Loop Closure calculated by component of volume coordinate and limited difference required Technical Criterion, we can examine and generate data archiving. In the unconstrained adjustment, the data exchange files stored the high-precision GPS geoid height, then can use the known points to fit the height and generate reports.As the details of the project test by TGO is inconsistent with China’s criterion, this paper raises solution in line with our GPS measurement standards, and combined with EXCEL and WORD, relevant program is compiled by VB language. The solution realizes baseline quality checking and output reporting; and tests the repeated baseline according to specifications. The same time, simultaneous loop and independent loop are extracted; and according to the specification limited difference, accuracy evaluation on the closed loop is achieved; then closed loop reporting outputs. Finally, taking GPS height fitting model as the theoretical basis, GPS geoid height can tansfer to normal height.By using TGO software and this program, data processing about a GPS control network is done and compared with different software, which shows that the procedure can be applied to engineering practice, and obtained good results in the photo control survey projects of Daying county. The application of TGO aided program not only reduce manual intervention and ensure the reliability of the baseline quality inspection, but also eliminate the trouble of generate a baseline report manually; The same time, the inherent defects of TGO that can not distinguish between simultaneous loop and independent loop and can not judge closed loop in accordance with our standard is be solved. And as supporting variety of fitting model, the aided program has good supplement to the TGO software on GPS height fitting.Due to the details of baseline quality checking (repeat baseline check, simultaneous loop and independent loop check) and content and format of report does not meet the requirements of our GPS surveying, and the elevation change issues, the TGO software brings to the number of inconvenience. Author design the TGO aided program which solves the practical problems.


