

The Chang 63 Reservoir Bed Comprehensive Evaluation in Huaqing Area of Odors Basin

【作者】 王立静

【导师】 陆正元;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 油气田开发地质, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 鄂尔多斯盆地华庆地区位于延长湖湖盆中心,沉积条件极为复杂,在提交地质储量范围内大面积展布的砂体叠合沉积区中,储层非均质性较强,相对高渗储层段纵横向变化快,单井产量递减快,高产富集区块较难落实,规模产建开发难度较大。所以对长6储层进行综合评价意义重大。该区长6储层属于超低渗透储层,超低渗透储层的储层特征和渗流规律相对于常规储层有很大的差别,所以对长6储层进行评价,在超低渗透储层的背景上筛选含油富集区尤为重要。首先,从长63储层沉积环境入手,以标准层法确定了长63顶底界线;再结合旋回法,细分了长63内部三个砂组,从而建立了华庆地区统一的地层对比格架。通过对比,华庆地区长63储层在湖盆中心位置较为发育,向湖盆边缘逐渐减薄。其次,通过对该区长63储层的碎屑成分、重矿物和石英发光特征的对比分析等方法对物源进行了分析,发现该地区有两大物源,即东北物源区和南西物源区。东北物源较南西物源长石含量高;正北和东北方向的三角洲沉积体系主要为锆石+石榴石组合,而正南和西南方向的三角洲沉积体系为锆石+金红石+电气石+石榴石+硬绿泥石组合;北东方向受控于阴山物源的石英发蓝紫色光,而南西方向受控于祁褶皱带物源的石英发棕红色光。在物源分析的基础上,结合沉积物其他特征(岩石学特征、沉积结构和构造以及电测曲线特征)对沉积微相进行了刻画,发现北东方向优势相带主要为三角洲前缘水下分流河道微相以及河口坝微相,伽马曲线多为钟型、叠加钟型及漏斗型。而南西方向主要为垮塌浊积扇沉积、砂质碎屑流沉积,伽马测井曲线发生较大幅度的跳跃,多为齿化箱型。北东地区有利建产主要追踪三角洲前缘水下分流河道分布区,南西区有利建产主要追踪垮塌浊积扇、砂质碎屑流沉积区。在沉积微相精细刻画的基础上重新认识砂体宏观的分布格局,北部砂体呈条带状分布,南部砂体连片分布趋势明显。水下分流河道主体部位与河道交汇区以及深湖多期叠置砂质碎屑流舌状体是厚砂层发育的主要位置,也是相对高渗储层形成的有利地区。最后,综合考虑储层岩石学特征、物性特征和孔隙结构参数等指标,采用以物性和孔隙结构为核心的综合分类方案,对华庆地区长63油层砂岩储层进行分类,划分出了三个类别的储层。然后,结合储层分类结果、沉积相和砂体展布特征以及试采特征,预测出该区两类有利建产目标区共五个预测有利区块。

【Abstract】 Ordos Basin, Hua Qing area is located in center of the YanChang lake, sediment is extremely complex, the reservoir heterogeneity is strong, relatively high permeability reservoir quickly to changes in vertical and horizontal segment, single well production decline rapidly, high concentration block more difficult to implement, scale capacity building development difficult. Therefore, the Chang 6 reservoir evaluation is of great significance.The Chang 6 reservoir is low permeability, low permeability reservoir of reservoir characteristics and flow compared to conventional reservoirs laws vary considerably, so the evaluation of the Chang 6 is particularly important to find out oil rich region.Chang 63 reservoir bed is one of the major reservoir in Huaqing area of Odors Basin. In order to achieve oilfield producing energy construction much more quickly, to select favorable producing energy construction target, it is of very necessity and importance to study on comprehensive evaluation of Chang 63 reservoir bed.Firstly, take sedimentary environment of Chang 63 reservoir bed into consideration, combine both sedimentary markers with Sequence stratigraphy, in order to established stratigraphic correlation framework for Huaqing area. From the result of geologic correlation, there comes to one conclusion, Chang 63 reservoir bed is more developed in the central of this lake basin , but it becomes from thin to pinching out at the lake basin margin.Secondly, analyzed sedimentary source by studying on Chang 63 reservoir bed’s clastic constituents、heavy minerals and quartz luminescence features. Through the analysis, two large sedimentary sources are founded, they are north-east sedimentary source and south-west sedimentary source. North-east sedimentary source is more richer in feldspar,and north-east sedimentary source system mainly contain the heavy minerals of zircon and garnet, but in the south-west sedimentary source , in addition to the two kind of heavey minerals , there are also other heavy minerals such as barytophyllite, rutile and tourmaline, and the quartz luminescence in nouth-east is bluish violet but in south-west is brownish red. Based on the sedimentary source analysis ,combined other characteristics of sediments(such as lithological characteristics, sedimentary structure and well log curve characteristics), to identify the sedimentary facies finely ,through the identification, find out the favorable facies belt are sub-aqueous distributary channel facie and terminal phase of the delta sedimentary system in the north-east zone and sandy debris flow lingulate facie in the south-west zone. Based on the analysis of the sedimentary facie, re-recognized the macro-distribution of the sand body, the sand body present band distribution on north and large-scale distribution on south. the main site of underwater distributary channel,the river confluence area and the lake over deep sandy debris flow on the stacking tongue body is the main location of thick sand development,and the area is also the formation of relatively high permeability reservoir area.Finally, take such as lithological characteristics , physical property of stone and pore structure into comprehensive consideration, propose a integrative classification which take the physical property and pore structure for the key factors, the Chang 63 reservoir is classified into three classes using this integrative classification. Then ,take the result of reservoir classification, sedimentary facies , distribution of sand body and production testing characteristics, predict two classes of favorable producing energy construction target ,that come to five target zones.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】517

