

Study of Reservior Modeling for Horizontal Well Exploitation in 1st Block of Tahe Oilfield

【作者】 王涛

【导师】 闫长辉;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 油气田开发地质, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 塔河油田1区三叠系下油组油藏包含1区主体区和S41-1区两个区块,主力油层为下油组。中石化西北分公司针对塔河油田三叠系油藏油层薄、直井生产见水早的不利情况,于2005年批量采用水平井进行开发,并取得显著效果。水平井技术是目前世界上最先进的采油技术之一,是当前和今后一个时期加快产能建设速度、提高采收率、增加可采储量最现实的技术手段之一。水平井在增大泄油面积、提高采收率等方面较直井具有诸多的优点,对于开发低渗油气藏、薄层油气藏、复杂断块油气藏和稠油藏,已证实是一项最有效的技术。水平井开发的技术关键之一是建立油气藏的精细三维地质模型,据此可以确定明确的地质目标。三维地质建模的可靠程度直接关系到水平井开发的效果。因此有必要针对水平井开发特点,进一步加深该地区水平井开发模式的研究,加强储层非均质性研究及油藏精细描述,建立适应水平井开发调整的三维地质模型。常规建模方法主要应用于直井。目前应用Petrel软件的建模方法一般是在平面生成顶部、中部、底部三个骨架,建立边界圈闭、断层方向和趋势线来控制网格单元,设置网格单元的密度。但是该方法网格基于平均插值的计算,网格单元密度是自行设置的固定值,显然不适用于受平面非均质性影响较大的水平井建模。由于水平井与地层在空间上具有独特的配置关系,因此,与传统的直井或常规定向井相比,水平井资料在描述储集层横向变化特征上具有无可比拟的优势。本文结合储层非均质性研究成果,研究水平方向上渗透率、孔隙度、突进系数、变异系数等参数叠合关系,结合构造、沉积相等开发地质因素,划分参数范围,对水平方向的参数采用不同的取值(插值)方法。在建模过程中,通过设置断块(断层格)的技术手段实现。断块属于分隔的区块,在参数变化较密集(非均质性严重)的部分,适当提高该断块网格密度,而对比较平缓的部分,设置较低的密度。这样既能控制模型在非均质性严重区块的精度,更接近地质的真实情况,又能适当减少网格单元密度,控制计算量。结合构造、沉积和测井物性解释等资料和储层非均质性研究成果,使用优化后的参数选择方案,采用Petrel建模软件,进行三维储层精细地质建模。最后与已知单井剖面、油藏剖面和单井物性参数匹配,验证模型正确性。通过前期研究和建模对比验证,属性模型符合目前地质认识,为储层改造提供了合理的依据。

【Abstract】 Triassic lower oil formation of 1st Block of Tahe Oilfield contain two Block: 1st main Block and S41-1 Block,Main reservoir is lower oil formation.Triassic reservoir of tahe oilfield has Disadvantages of poor oil formation and early water breakthrough time in vertical wells producing.for this reason,Northwest Branch of Sinopec use horizontal wells exploitation in 2005 quantified (mass) and achieved remarkable results.Horizontal well technology is one of the world s most advanced oil production technologies,is one of the most practical techniques to speed up construction investment,enhanced oil recovery and increase recoverable reserves.Comparison with vertical well Horizontal well has many advantages in increase the drainage area and enhanced oil recovery ,For the development of low permeability reservoirs,thin reservoir,complex fault block oil and gas field and heavy oil reservoirs,has proved to be one of the most effective technology.One of the key techniques in development with horizontal well is to establish an accurate 3-D geological model of reservoir to delineate definite certain geogical target.The reliability of three-dimensional geological modeling is directly related to the effect of horizontal wells.Reliability of 3-D geological modeling is directly related to the effect of horizontal wells.For characteristics of horizontal wells it is necessary to further enhance study on the development model of horizontal well,increase reservoir heterogeneity and detailed reservoir description,and establish a three-dimensional geological model which fit of adjustment of horizontal wells exploitation.Conventional modeling method mainly used in vertical wells.Currently Petrel software is usually used to model three frames on the flat such as top, middle,bottom,establish border traps,fault direction and the trend line to control the grid unit,Set the grid cell density.But the grid of this method is on the basis of Calculation of average interpolation,Grid cell density is set to a fixed value of their own.Obviously can’t apply to Horizontal well modeling which affected Serious by the surface heterogeneity.Due to the horizontal well and stratum in space has unique relation,Horizontal material in describing the lateral changes of reservoir characteristic has the incomparable advantage,compared to the traditional vertical or horizontal conventional high Angle deviated holes.Based on the reservoir heterogeneity research achievements,This article research the matching relationshipporosity such as the permeability, porosity ,dash coefficient and Coefficient of variation,combining structure, sedimentary equal development of geological factors,division parameter range,use different interpolation methods for the horizontal well’s Parameter.It Complete by means of Setting fault block technology In the process of modeling.It Improve grid density in the dense parameter variation,and set low density.Such can Control the precision in the serious heterogeneity Block, Close to the real geological situation,and can Control calculation. Establish the three-dimensional geological model which adapt to horizontal wells,by using PETREL software.At last verificate model correctness With the known profile of single well and oil reservoir.

【关键词】 塔河油田水平井建模
【Key words】 Tahe oil fieldhorizontal wellReservoir Modeling

