

Evaluation on Carbonate Reservoir of T1j51~T2l11 Formation in Huangjiachang-Longchang Area

【作者】 牛会玲

【导师】 周文;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 油气田开发地质, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 黄家场-隆昌地区位于蜀南地区泸州古隆起的边缘地带,蜀南地区的油气资源比较丰富,嘉陵江组已发现长垣、麻柳场等气藏。工区嘉五1和雷一1属于半局限~局限海台地相,针孔比较发育,储层非均质性较强,成岩作用比较复杂,有利储层的分布及控制因素不明确将直接影响了该区的勘探开发效果。从试油结果来看,灵1井嘉五1段于2008年通过上试获气3.34×104m3/d,展示了嘉五1段具有良好的勘探潜力。在这种情况下,为了指导下一步勘探开发工作,首先要对储层特征、储层参数分布和储层分布等进行研究,在此基础上对储层进行评价。本文基于研究区各个小构造嘉五1段和雷一1段钻井、录井、测井、测试和分析化验等资料的分析,采用传统的基础地质学与数学地质学相结合的方法,总结前人对该区及周边的研究成果,开展嘉五1~雷一1段储层评价研究。总结前人对蜀南地区沉积相的研究成果,将工区嘉五1和雷一1段划分为局限台坪亚相、半局限泻湖亚相和潮坪亚相。通过对储层段岩石学特征、成岩作用、储集空间类型、孔隙结构及储层物性特征研究,得到以下结论,嘉五1段和雷一1段储层岩石类型较多,以微晶~亮晶内碎屑鲕粒灰岩和白云岩为主,储集空间类型丰富,以粒间溶孔和粒内溶孔为主;嘉五1段储层孔喉类型以中等到细为主,而雷一1段储层主要为大中孔喉;储层受沉积环境及成岩作用的影响,其中,溶蚀作用对储层的贡献较为重要,而胶结作用和充填作用使孔隙度降低,特别是渗透率,降低更快。利用常规测井参数资料识别储层,在此基础上运用支持向量机法和多元逐步回归法分别解释储层孔隙度和含水饱和度。根据研究区储层物性参数及孔隙结构参数和四川海相碳酸盐岩分类标准,将工区储层划分为四类,再结合小层厚度以单井优势类别将单井归类。研究区储层大都为Ⅱ、Ⅲ类储层,雷一1段储层以Ⅱ类为主,而嘉五1段储层以Ⅲ类为主。综合分析储层分布、储层物性参数分布及储层分类评价等,结合研究区气水分布情况,对黄家场—隆昌地区嘉五1段和雷一1段储层进行了综合评价,并划分出研究区内较为有利的区带。

【Abstract】 Huang Jiachang-Longchang area is located in the edge zone of Luzhou palaeohigh,there are plenty of petroleum and natural gas resources, Changba, Maliuchang reservoir, etc. have gas in Jia Lingjiang formation. T1j51~T2l11 formation in the study area are semi-confined~restricted sea platform facies,pinhole development,reservoir heterogeneity,diagenesis complicated, the control factor and the distribution of beneficial reservoir are complicatd and these will affect the exploration outcome..According to the well testing report, T1j51 formation of Ling1 well produced 3.34×104m3/d gas in the well testing in 2008, and this demonstrated its excellent exploration potential. In this case, in order to guide further exploration and development.this paper studies firstly reservoir characteristics,the distribution of reservoir parameters and reservoir distribution, etc. and evaluates the reservoir further on this basis.Analysing the study area’s various datas belonged to T1j51~T2l11 formation,such as the data of drilling.sample logging.well logging.testing and laboratory test, adopting the methods combined with the traditional fundamental geology and mathematical geology, summarizing previous research results of this area ,this paper studies and evaluates the reservoir of T1j51~T2l11 formation.According to previous research of the sedimentary facies of Shunan region,T1j51~T2l11 formation in the study atea are roughly divided into sub-limit sets flat subfacies, semi-restricted lagoon subfacies and tidal flat subfacies.Studying the petrology characteristics of reservoir rocks,diagenesis,reservoir space types,pore structure and reservoir characteristics,this paper have this conclusion:first,rock types of T1j51~T2l11 are complexed,and the most are microcrystal~calcsparite limestone and dolomite.reservoir space type is complicated,and the most are intergranular dissolution pores and intragranular dissolution pores;second,the pore throat types of T1j51 mainly is medium-narrow.and the pore throat types of T2l11 mainly is large-medium;third,the sedimentary environment and diagenesis affect the reservoir’s property.Among them,the contribution of dissolution was positive ,while cementation and filling could reduce the porosity and the permeability.Permeablity is more sensitive. This paper uses logging data to distinguish reservoir.On this basis,it use the methods of support vector machine method and multiple regressionfor to calculate porosity and water saturation.Based on the physical parameters of the reservoir,pore structure parameters and the classification criteria of marine carbonate rocks in Sichuan,the reservoirs are divided into four categories,Then,the category of the single well is decided by the layers’overwhelming category. The most reservoir types of this area areⅡandⅢ, the main reservoir type of T2l11 isⅡ,and the main reservoir type of T1j51 formation isⅢ;Comprehensively analysing the distribution of reservoir and physical parameters and the classification of the reservoir,combining with the gas and water distribution, the author conducts a comprehensive evaluation of T1j51~T2l11’s reservoir, and find out the more favorable zones.


