

Technology of Coherent Analysis and Its Application in the Fault Interpretation

【作者】 杨金政

【导师】 曹俊兴;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文介绍了地震相干分析技术及其在四川龙岗油气勘探区某工区断层解释中的应用。论文的主要内容与成果如下:(1)详细阐述了相干技术基本原理、算法发展历程及三代算法的相关知识,分析了相干体解释与常规地震解释的差异。在比较C2、C3相干算法应用的基础上,最终选定C3算法对工区进行相干计算。为达到更好的效果,本文通过实验对不同参数的处理结果进行比较,并选取了矩阵型空间组合方式、11ms相干时窗等相干参数。(2)结合测井、钻井、地震等资料制作了工区内6口井的合成地震记录,对目的层(上沙溪庙组)进行了标定。综合应用三维地震解释技术、地震图像分析技术与相干分析技术,解释了工区主测线的185条剖面(inline3275-inline4200)与500多个时间切片,共完成143条断层的解释。(3)利用三维可视化软件展现出主要断层的空间形态特征,并描述了工区内断层的走向、倾向等要素,而且还分析了叠瓦冲断系、断层传播褶皱、背冲隆起、平缓褶皱等主要构造样式。(4)通过断层与裂缝带的解释分析,将整个工区划分成三个呈北西走向的断裂带,与实际地质资料相吻合。基于对断层分布与连通性的分析,评价了工区上沙溪庙组的空间封闭性,为污水回注工程设计提供了基础资料。

【Abstract】 The paper introduced seismic coherent analysis technology and its application in the fault interpretation of target area. In this paper, the target area is located in Sichuan Longgang district of oil and gas exploration.The main contents and results of this paper are listed as follows:(1) The paper reviewed in detail the principle of seismic coherence cube and the coherence algorithms of three generations. With comparing the results of C2, C3 coherent algorithm in practical applications, the paper employed C3 coherent algorithm to calculate the 3D target data at last. In order to achieve better effect, this thesis compared the different effect when using different parameters and picked up those optimal ones such as matrix type space combination and 11 ms window.(2) Based on the data of logging, drilling and seismic etc, synthetic seismograms of 6 wells were made to demarcate the target layer of Shaximiao. And then, the paper applied the technology of the three-dimensional seismic interpretation, seismic images analysis and coherent analysis, and explained 185 profiles along the survey line (inline3275-inline4200) and 500 horizontal slices of the study area. Finally, 143 faults of the target area were explained.(3) The paper not only used three-dimensional software to display the fault in the place, but also described the fault’s element of this region such as trend and tendency. Some typical structural modes, such as imbricate structure, fault-propagation folds, pop up, arrested anticline, were analysis.(4) According to the interpretation and analysis of the fault and fracture zones, the target area was divided into three fracture zones which were in NW direction, and they matched the actual geological data well; After that, based on the analysis the faults’distribution and connectivity in the target area, the paper assessed the closure of the target layers of Shaximiao, which can provide basic materials for the effluent discharge.


