

The Application of Residential Element of Regional in Architecture and Landscape Design

【作者】 易宁

【导师】 杨尽;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 四川民殷物丰,历史文化积淀深厚,城乡民居建筑式样丰富多彩。由于受气候、地理环境、建筑材料及生活习俗的影响,四川民居的地方特色十分浓郁。四川民居是由远古的干栏式建筑演变而成,形成了独具四川特色人文内涵的民居建筑。随着社会的进步,经济的繁荣,人们对生活环境的质量要求越来越高,建筑设计也已经远远脱离了仅仅追求功能性,适用性的初步原则,转到更加深入的去关注人们的内心世界、关注人们在满足简单的生理需求后的更高要求。建筑早已从物质载体上升为文化、精神的载体。二郎镇作为四川省级重点小镇,正在进行全镇的总体规划和改造,并希望以郎酒文化为依托,将该镇打造为“中国第一酒镇”,从而带动全镇经济发展。对于二郎镇集镇居住区的建筑及景观设计,也应该突出体现这一文化内涵。国内外对于相关内容的研究有各自不同的侧重点。国外建筑界对于四川民居的研究相对较少,但是对建筑的传统文化和地域文化的探索是相通的,新古典主义和地方主义两种理论流派的观点值得我们借鉴。在中国,对于传统文化和地域文化的传承和发展在建筑创作领域中的研究也是我们的建筑设计工作者所一直思考的问题。设计工作者们通过具体的设计实例归纳了复制和仿制、提取和拼贴、寻求理念等几种主要的方式,值得借鉴。本文在总结国内外研究现状和基础上,依据设计定位展开对二郎镇居住区建筑及景观设计等相关问题的研究。通过引入建筑及景观设计原理、工程学、景观学、美学、生态学和相关理论的思想和方法,对四川民居的在空间布局、建筑外观、建筑结构及构造、建筑选材、建筑装饰等各方面的特征做出相关研究,提取出可用于设计的四川民居元素,例如四川民居的平面及空间布局屋顶、穿斗构架建筑用色等。同时又在传说故事、历史发展、生产工艺、产品包装等方面总结了郎酒文化并提取相关文化元素。通过四川民居元素和郎酒文化元素在二郎居住区建筑及景观设计中的运用来体现出该地区的区域民居特色,同时总结出郎酒文化与四川民居元素相融合的方式,以期对类似设计提供参考。

【Abstract】 Sichuan, friendly people and rich specialty,long historical and cultural depth, variety of urban and rural residential architectural style. Due to climate, geographical environment, the impact of construction materials and living customs, the local characteristics of Sichuan is very strong residential. Sichuan houses dry column by ancient architecture evolved to form a unique human characteristics, the connotation of Sichuan residential buildings.With the social progress and economic prosperity night, people’s quality of life become increasingly demanding environment, architectural design is also far beyond the mere pursuit of functionality, applicability of the initial principles, to more in-depth attention to the people the inner world, concerned about the simple people to meet higher demand after the physiological needs. Construction has already risen from the material culture carrier, carrier of the spirit. Jiro town as a key town in Sichuan Province level, being the town’s master plan and the transformation. Want to rely on Langjiu culture, will build the town as "the first wine town", thereby stimulating economic development in the town. Jiro town for town buildings and residential landscape design, should also highlighted the cultural connotation.The related studys have their different emphases in abroad.Research about Sichuan Residential construction is relatively less in abord, but the construction of raditional culture and local culture exploration is shared, and neo-classical theory of localism are two schools of opinion are worth learning. In China, traditional culture and local cultural heritage and development in the field of architectural design architectural design of our workers have been thought. Design workers the door through specific design examples are summarized copying and imitation, extraction, and collage, to seek ideas, etc. There are several ways to be learned.This paper summarizes the research status in-and-out,and later through the introduction of architectural and landscape design principles, engineering, landscape aesthetics, ecology and the theory of ideas and methods, Jiro town residential construction and related issues of the landscape, and Jiro Township, residential building and landscape design is expected to evaluate, and finally implication Langjiu characteristics of Sichuan houses elements into modern architecture and landscape design as a design position, and expand research and exploration. Through this thesis in the spatial distribution of Sichuan houses, building exterior, building structure and construction, building material selection, architectural features and other areas to make relevant research, extract the residential element of Sichuan. Also studied and summarized Langjiu culture and extract the relevant cultural elements. Through residential areas in Sichuan elements and cultural elements of Langjiu Jiro residential building and landscape design to reflect the use of the regional residential characteristics of the region, also summarized in Sichuan Langjiu culture into the residential element phase approach to the design of similar reference.

  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】302

