

Research on Hydrocarbon Accumulation for Cretaceous in Ninth District of Tahe Oil Field

【作者】 张瑞

【导师】 徐国盛;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 塔河地区东北部是塔河油田勘探程度较高的地区。三叠系勘探起步较早,勘探和研究程度较高,目前是塔河油田的主力产层。三叠系上、中、下油组已经做了大量的工作,获得了丰富的油气成果,剩余尚未钻探的圈闭规模小,勘探潜力有限。针对白垩系的亚格列木组和舒善河组、古近系的库姆格列木群和苏维依组的研究工作才刚刚起步,尽管落实的圈闭数量有限,但白垩系舒善河组和亚格列木组储盖组合较好,尤其是舒善河组厚度较大,发育多套储集层,砂体广泛分布,与三叠系具有相同的构造背景,容易形成低幅背斜、断背斜和岩性圈闭油气藏,今后仍有较大的勘探潜力。最新的试油情况证实,塔河地区东部白垩系砂岩储层具有良好的油气显示。本文运用沉积地质学、石油地质学等理论,在前人研究成果的基础上,利用大量的钻井、录井、岩心观察和岩心样品的多种实验资料,系统分析了塔河油田第九区白垩系的油水分布规律,得知纵向上白垩系油气主要分布在舒善河组,为白垩系含水油层和油水同层发育的主要层位。亚格列木组、巴西盖组和巴什基奇克组砂体多为高含水的水层和含油水层,含油性较差。横向上白垩系油气主要分布在以T903井为中心的T903区块,另外在其他区块个别井附近见有小范围的油气聚集。深入研究了塔河第九区白垩系次生油气藏的成藏条件,油气富集的主控因素,油气成藏的主要时期,总结了油气成藏规律。油气富集的控制因素总结为区域构造格架控制油气的运移、储集体及储盖组合控制油气的富集、断裂控制了油气的聚集成藏;油气富集成藏的规律概括为“断裂控油”、“动力驱油”、“深油浅藏”三大特征;总结各种成藏要素在时间和空间上的配置关系得知白垩系油气藏形成于印支-燕山期,在喜马拉雅晚期白垩系油气成藏定型,并在此基础上建立了油气成藏模式。在综合沉积微相分布、地震处理成果、测井解释成果、油气成藏条件、油气成藏规律研究之认识的基础上,预测与圈定了塔河第九区白垩系油气富集有利区块。圈定依据一是离物源较远,沉积物分选、磨圆较好,沉积砂体的初始孔隙度高的具有较好物性条件的水下分流河道和前缘河口砂坝;二是断至奥陶系的深大断层附近的岩性圈闭或构造-岩性圈闭发育区。

【Abstract】 The north of Tahe oil field is highly explorated in this area. Trias is the principal producing formation in Tahe Oil Field which has a high degree of exploration and research. We have made a lot of study on top, middle and bottom oil group in Trias acquiring a high productivity. There’s little latent capacity in remained traps. The exploration aimed at clastic reservoir is just at the beginning. Although only a few traps has been fixed, it has a huge reservoir thickness and a beneficial configuration between reservoir and cap formation showing a favorable exploration potential.According to the recent well testing report, the clastic reservoir in the east of Tahe Oil Field shows a prospecting evidence of oil and gas.This paper investigates the Cretaceous system in Ninth District of Tahe Oil Field, using theories as sedimentology, petroleum geology, et al. Based on abundant outcrop sections, well drilling and the manifold testing sample of drill core, analyzes the distribution of oil and water. We knew that on the longitudinal Cretaceous system oil mainly distributes in Shushanhe formation. It is the main water reservoir layer development in Cretaceous system. The sand body in Yageliemu formation、baxigai formation and Bashijiqike formation are high water cut aqueous layer, oiliness is bad. On the crosswise oil mainly distributes in take the T903 well as the central sub-area, Moreover sees nearby the other sub-area individual well has the small scope oil accumulation.In-depth study of the forming conditions in the Ninth District of Tahe Oil Field secondary hydrocarbon reservoir, controlling factors of hydrocarbon accumulation, the main period of hydrocarbon accumulation, summarized the law of hydrocarbon accumulation. Controlling factors of oil and gas enrichment, the first, framework of areal structure controls oil and gas migration, the second, reservoir rock and Combination of reservoir and cap rock control of oil and gas enrichment, the third, fracture control of oil and gas accumulation; integrated oil and gas rich reservoir of law are“Fracture Control Of Oil”“Power Drive Oil”and“Typhonic Rock And Shallow Burial”. Accumulation of various elements in the configuration of space and time relations, Cretaceous hydrocarbon reservoir is formed in Indo-Chinese epoch and Yanshan epoch, it is shaped in Himalayan epoch, based on this and has established the pattern.In the consolidated sedimentary facies distribution, seismic processing results, well logging interpretation, reservoir forming conditions, and gas accumulation on the basis of the understanding, prediction and delineation of the favorable oil and gas rich block. One of the delineated based is far away from the source, sediment sorting, roundness better, highly porous sedarenite; the second is the depositional trap and defomational trap near discordogenic fault that fracture to the Ordovician.


