

An Empirical Study on the Relationship Among Asset Specificity, Contractual Complexity and Cooperative Effect of Strategic Alliances

【作者】 赖晓曦

【导师】 龙勇;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球竞争的不断加剧,企业的战略模式逐渐从过去单纯地追求生产效率和低成本转向追求灵活、高效和创新,而单个企业很难同时在这几方面都占据优势地位,由此,一种新的战略模式——战略联盟便应运而生。通过与其他企业结盟,企业可以更好地实现自身的战略目标、降低风险以及获得竞争优势。因此,联盟成为很多企业的重要战略选择。既然选择了联盟,那么涉及到联盟的效应问题就成为所有企业最关心的问题之一。本文以关于战略联盟的现有文献为研究基础,着重研究了战略联盟当中,资产专用性、契约复杂程度对联盟合作效应的影响,以及资产专用性对契约复杂程度的影响,提出了相应的概念模型和研究假设。本文使用的主要研究方法是结构方程模型。具体的实证步骤如下:首先,在研读相关文献的基础上,形成了概念模型和调研问卷,通过问卷预测试,对问卷的指标设计进行了调整,形成小样本问卷。其次,对收集来的小样本数据进行探索性因子分析,并根据分析结果对小样本问卷进行了修改以形成大样本问卷。然后,通过对深圳地区的企业进行问卷调查,得到了本文的大样本数据。用SPSS16.0对大样本数据进行分析,检验了变量指标体系的可靠性,并据此完善了指标体系。最后,利用AMOS7.0验证了变量指标体系的有效性,并对本文的概念模型进行了验证,得出了本文的结论:战略联盟中的资产专用性越强,联盟契约越复杂;同时资产专用性对联盟绩效有显著的正向影响,对联盟风险也有正向的显著影响;而契约复杂程度对联盟绩效有显著的正向影响,对联盟风险却有着显著的负向影响。此外,本文还进一步探索了资产专用性和契约复杂程度对联盟绩效各维度的影响,并对最终结果进行了理论解释。本文的研究结论表明,企业若想在战略联盟中获得较好的合作效果,一方面需要在组建联盟之前充分考虑对联盟所投入资源的专用性程度,警惕机会主义风险;另一方面则是要根据自身需要选择合适的联盟契约。

【Abstract】 With growing global competition, the strategy model of enterprises gradually turns to pursue flexibility, efficiency and innovation from the pure pursuit of product efficiency and low cost. It’s very difficult for a single enterprise to have an advantage position in all of these areas, thus, a kind of new strategic model- strategic alliance emerged. Through alliances with other companies, enterprises can better achieve their strategic goals, reduce risk and gain competitive advantage. Therefore, alliance became an important strategic choice for many enterprises.Since the choice of cooperation, then the issues related to cooperation effect becomes one of the most concerned problems of all companies. Based on the results about strategic alliance which have been got by former scholars,this paper emphasizes on how asset specificity and contractual complexity influences the cooperative effect,and how asset specificity influences contractual complexity in strategic alliances.Then conceptual model and hypotheses are posed.Structural equation model is used in this paper . The steps of empirical research are listed as below: First, the conceptual model and a primary questionnaire are formed based on literature research. After the pre-test by experts,the questionnaire for pilot study is formed. Secondly, we gave the exploratory factor analysis on the data collected in the first pilot study, then the pilot questionnaire was modified and the formal questionnaire was developed according to the result.Then the large sample data was collected by survey to enterprises from Shenzhen city. Reliability of each variable’s index system was tested with SPSS16.0 and accordingly the index system was improved.Finally, validity of each variable’s index system and the concept model was verified with AMOS7.0,and the conclusion of this research was obtained: in strategic alliance, asset specificity has positive effect on the contractual complexity;at the same time, asset specificity has positive effect on alliance performance and the alliance risk;what’s more, contractual complexity has positive effect on alliance performance but negative effect on alliance risk. Furthermore, this article analysed the impact of asset specificity and contractual complexity on the dimensions of alliance performance separatedly, and gave a theoretical explanation for the final results.According to conclusion of this article, in order to get better cooperative effect, enterprises should pay more attention to the specificity degree of assets and opportunities in strategic alliances,and then choose the suitable contracts according to their own needs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期

