

Experimental Study and Numerical Analysis for Anchor Rod Retaining Wall in Filling Area

【作者】 侯俊伟

【导师】 吴曙光; 胡岱文;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 岩土工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国民经济的快速发展,铁路、公路、矿山、水利、城市建设等工程中的填方边坡越来越多。锚杆挡墙作为一种轻型支挡结构,因其具有安全可靠、经济适用等特点而被广泛应用于边坡支护工程。填方区锚杆挡墙与一般的挖方区挡墙不同,在实际工程设计与施工时不能将两种挡墙一概而论。到目前为止对填方区锚杆挡墙仍然没有公认且成熟的设计计算方法,工程事故屡屡发生,理论研究远远滞后于工程应用。因此,对填方区锚杆挡墙力学机理进行研究具有重要的理论意义和工程应用价值。本文以国家杰出青年科学基金项目“岩土工程减灾”(编号50625824)为依托,采用野外现场调研、资料收集整理、小型原位试验和数值分析等方法对填方区锚杆挡墙进行了比较深入细致的研究,主要开展了以下工作:①对填方区锚杆挡墙试验测试元件的布置和测试方法以及相关的室内试验进行详细的介绍,可为类似工程的试验提供有益参考。②采用小型原位试验进行了全面的测试工作,获得了大量详实的测试资料。在挡墙背侧埋设土压力计获得立柱和挡板土压力实测值;在锚杆上布置钢筋计,获得了不同高度锚杆的轴力分布规律;同时在立柱内埋设钢筋计得到立柱弯矩分布规律。③建立了锚杆挡墙FLAC3D数值分析三维模型,根据相关试验资料,对板肋式锚杆挡墙的土压力、位移、锚杆轴力以及立柱的应力分布规律进行了计算分析。将FLAC3D计算结果与试验实测结果进行对比分析,归纳出填方区锚杆挡墙结构的受力、变形特征。同时为了更进一步弄清填方区锚杆挡墙受力机理,还建立了悬臂挡墙数值分析模型,将锚杆挡墙数值分析结果与悬臂挡墙结果进行比较分析。④将试验实测土压力与传统库仑土压力计算结果进行比较,分析了以往土压力设计理论的不足,提出改进的计算方法。对以往锚杆挡墙结构设计计算方法进行了归纳,探索出适合填方区锚杆挡墙的结构设计计算方法,为类似工程的设计和施工提供技术资料和理论依据。在本研究中,数值模拟的结果与试验结果所反映的规律基本一致,理论研究的结果能够很好的阐述试验结果,三者互为验证。这说明本文的研究结果合理可信且对填方区锚杆挡墙的优化设计、施工及相关规范的修订具有一定参考价值。

【Abstract】 With the development of the national economy, there are more and more fill slope in the engineering of road,mine, bridge, water conservancy and city construction. As a light retaining structure, anchor rod retaining wall is widely used in slope supporting engineering because it is safe and economical. The anchor rod retaining wall in filling area is different from the other anchor rod retaining walls using top-down method. Therefore, in the actual design and construction, the anchor rod retaining wall should be treated differently from others. However, its design calculation method is not set up. The enginerring disasters happen repeatedly.The theoretical research lags behind its applications greatly. Therefore, to study the mechanism of the anchor rod retaining wall in filling area has great theoretical significance and engineering application value. The research is based on the project of“Disaster Reduction for Geotechnical Engineering”(No.50625824)of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. A systemic study on the anchor rod retaining wall in filling area is executed through field investigation, material collection, in-situ test and numerical simulation. It contains the following parts:①The position of the test equipments and testing method as well as some relevant laboratory experiments are designed and introduced in detail, this could be a good reference for such laboratory experiment and model test of similar project.②The test is carried out through miniature in-situ test and a great number of detailed testing data are acquired. Earth pressure cells are installed behind the anchor rod retaining wall, from which the author obtains the earth pressure. The steel-string transducer is installed in the anchor from which the author obtains axial load distribution of the anchor in various height . The steel-string transducer is installed in a column from which the atuhor calculates the moment of the column.③A three-dimensional numerical model for anchor rod retaining wall is made.The earth pressure, displacement of the retaining wall, the axial force of cables and the stress distribution of column are calculated. The comparison of the measured from FLAC3D and measured data has been made, which analyzes the features of stress and deformation of anchor rod retaining wall in filling area. Meanwhile,in order to know the mechanism of anchor rod retaining wall in filling area,a numerical model for cantilever retaining wall was made and the measured data with numerical computation data are also compared.④The earth pressure of measured data is compared with traditional Coulumb. This thesis analyzes the drawbacks of the design theory used in the past and puts forward an improved method. This thesis summarizes the design and calculation methods used in the past and finds a suitable design and calculation method for anchor rod retaining wall in filling area. The method provides a scientific basis for scientific design and construction technology of anchor rod retaining wall in filling area.In this study, the numerical simulation results are agreed with the experimental results, and the experimental results could be explained by the theoretical results. Therefore, the theoretical study is reasonable and credible. The thesis could also provide reference for optimal design, construction and relative specifications revision of anchor rod retaining wall in filling area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

