

The Strategy of Cross-cultural Communication by Western Missionary During the Late Period of Ming Dynasty

【作者】 谭雅昕

【导师】 敖依昌;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以明末时期,以西方传教士来华传教为切入点,从传播学的眼光,跨文化传播的视角,通过对明朝末年以利玛窦(Matteo Ricci)为代表的西方传教士来华传教的背景和历史经验进行梳理,系统地解析利玛窦等西方传教士在深受儒家伦理影响的中国如何运用跨文化传播的原理进行具有创造性意义的传教活动,传教士们高超的跨文化传播理念,以及化解文化冲突,促进文化融通的技巧,从而研究总结如何在异质文化背景下实现有效的跨文化传播。从明末的社会情况来看,虽说传教士们的直接目的是传播宗教,但面对中国这样一个具有悠久历史和灿烂文明的东方大国,也考虑到起源于古亚述国并于中国唐朝时期传入的基督教聂斯脱里派(景教)在华传教遭受挫折的前车之鉴,利玛窦等明末来华的基督教耶稣会传教士运用独特的传教理念,充分认识到东西方文化的根本差异,采取的是文化传教、文化适应的手段,走的是上层路线并奉行灵活传教的策略,遵循的是主动融入本土文化的范式,成功地获得明代奉儒尊孔的士大夫的认同,并与徐光启等结为好友,翻译中国著作,成为明末中西方交流的第一人。利玛窦传教士来华的传教活动,在十七、十八世纪的中国逐渐掀起一股以西方天主教传教士为主要媒介的“西学东渐”的热潮,促进了中西方文化的交流。本文还进一步运用跨文化传播理论深入剖析其内在的跨文化传播策略和方法,并揭示了其对于当今全球化背景下,以及多元文化相互交流的条件下,如何进行跨文化交流的启示意义和参考价值,此研究在跨文化传播日益频繁,中西文化交流日渐频繁的今天,对中西文化传播的这段历史加以研究无疑会为当前的中西跨文化传播提供有益的借鉴和参考。本文分为四部分。第一部分为绪论部分,主要介绍了本文研究的意义、方法、创新点。第二部分为文献综述部分,从传播学的角度诠释了本文所涉及到的传播学理论,即国内国外的文献综述。第三部分通过介绍明末中西方背景和传教面临的困难,总结出利玛窦的传教策略,并概括为四个方面:生活方式的儒化,包括着儒服、行儒礼等;天主教义和语言文化的儒化,包括学汉语,发明汉语拼音规则;道德伦理和意识形态的儒化,包括游儒林,讲仁爱,利用西方自然科技等,通过“合儒”、“补儒”使天主教义儒学化,达到有效传播。进而从传播学的角度研究利玛窦所运用的传播策略,揭示如何在一定时代条件下达到传播者和接受者的有效传播。第四部分是结论部分,通过马莱茨特的有效传播模式来验证利玛窦等传教士传播的效果,理论指导实践。同时提出跨文化传播中应注意“文化适应性”、及“本土化”问题,进而总结出了利玛窦来华传教策略范式即为:文化迎合→文化的冲突和协调→文化的适应→文化的对话→文化的汇通。而利玛窦高超的传教策略对我们当今中西方文化交流有指导和启发意义。

【Abstract】 This paper talks about the strategy of cross-cultural communication by western missionary during the late period of Ming dynasty. Firstly, it lists the experience of the cultural exchange and communication by those missionaries such as Matteo Ricci, and then shows the excellent cultural communication thoughts and skills of those missionaries in different cultural background, finally points out the methods of communication by Matteo Ricci, and the revelation for the today’s acculturation.Since the Italian missionary Matteo Ricci comes to China in 1582, the old country faces a new challenge which is called“the Eastward Spread of Western Culture”. According to the background of China in that period, certainly the purpose of the missionaries are the religion transmission; but, facing the long and outstanding history of the gorgeous country--China, considering the experience of religion transmission from Tang Dynasty as well, Matteo Ricci spreads Christianity in a significant way, that is "acculturation", it is a flexible communication strategy, like making acquaintance with social elites and celebrities, translating the well-known articles both from China and Europe. Generally speaking he is the first representative of Western-China cultural exchange and communication.Furthermore, the paper analyses those strategies on the basis of theories of the cross-cultural communication, and tries to figure out the available mode for today’s cultural exchange.This paper has four parts.First part is the introduction, which talks about the biography of Matteo Ricci, the significance, methods, and innovation of this essay.Second part is literature review, which talks about the communication theories from China and foreign countries which involved in this essay.Third part is the strategies analysis. In the beginning, it reveals the background and the social condition of late Ming dynasty and Europe, the troubles and problems which missionaries face as well. Then, it summarizes the strategy of the Matteo Ricci’s preaching work. There are four aspects here: letting missionaries living style Confusions way; exchanging the culture and literature from China and Europe, leaning Chinese, translating the outstanding works; finding the common ways of moral, ethics and ideology from western and eastern countries; introducing the science and technology. Summarized all above, the paper points out how to get the available and effective communication in some special periods.The fourth part is the conclusion, which indicates some aspects these days of "acculturation" that we should pay more attentions to. And it also figures out the leading meaning of Matteo Ricci’s preaching work in nowadays.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

