

Study on the Human Settlement of the Typical Ancient City in Southwest Mountainous Region

【作者】 谭祺

【导师】 赵万民;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 我国西南地区存在着大量的古代城池,这些城池开始甚早,经过时间的洗礼,留下来的不仅仅有着重要的历史考古研究价值,而且其中许多城池在选址、城市空间布局以及典型人居环境建设方面对今天的城市规划建设有着重要的指导意义。本文以上述为出发点,对“贵州省镇远古城”进行详细的典型人居环境方面的研究。镇远古城是历史悠久,文化发达的黔东名郡,地域范围随时代的更替大小不一。本论文研究范围是,时间上考虑整个镇远古城的历史演变过程,空间上主要着眼于现明清时期遗留下的古城遗址与遗存,具体内容上关注于镇远区域人居环境,镇远古城人居环境的聚居形态、簇群空间、建筑形态、人文历史节点四大方面的研究。论文的主要研究内容包括以下七部分:第一部分为区域人居环境概述。在区域视野下,以黔东南州为研究范围,从历史演进、文化脉络、环境构成三个方面分别进行概述,从而重点探讨区域聚居与古城聚居的相互关系,并引出下面古城层面的人居环境研究。第二部分为古城人居环境之聚居形态研究。从宏观层面研究镇远古城的总体形态,主要包括静态构成、动态演进及风貌特色的分析,最后归纳镇远古城总体形态特征。第三部分为古城人居环境之簇群空间研究。从空间构成与发展机制进行分析,再分别对街巷群体、建筑组群及标志群三大组成部分进行详细解读,总结出镇远古城灵活有序、内向含蓄的簇群空间特色。第四部分为古城人居环境之建筑形态研究。以古城内传统建筑为研究对象,从影响因素、形态特色、建构特色、建构技术及装饰艺术等方面进行解读,旨在总结古城传统建筑的空间组合及高超的建构特色。第五部分为古城人居环境之人文历史节点研究。分物质与非物质两层面进行分析,旨在以人文历史节点折射出地域特色人文,并总结出古城人文历史的特色价值。第六部分为古城人居环境的独特性分析。通过对上述各部分的总结归纳,将其提炼为三大特性:“多族和融”的移民文化、“潕水九山”的山水城市、“三教合一”的宗教文明。这是镇远古城在西南山地中区别于其他典型古城的独特所在。第七部分为对古城人居环境保护与发展的思考。历年的总体规划、历史文化名城保护规划、及其他历史文化名城保护与发展的路径都为镇远古城保护与发展提供了经验与教训。在以上基础上,对现状镇远古城人居环境保护与发展进行评价与思考,结合实际,总结经验,并研究探索对策,进而促进镇远古城的发展。

【Abstract】 There is a lot of ancient cities in Southwest China.These ancient cities were built very early.After a few years, they left important historical archaeological research value, and many of these cities in the location, layout of urban space and the typical residential environment building had an important significance about building construction urban planning today. The above as the starting point, the thesis studies in detail the typical Human Settlements of the "ancient city of Guizhou Province Zhenyuan".The ancient city Zhenyuan have long history and developed cultural in eastern Guizhou . Geographical range sizes change with the times. The scope of this thesis consider evolution of the whole history of the ancient city Zhenyuan in time ,mainly focus at the existed ruins and relics of the ancient Ming and Qing Dynasty in space and focus on the Zhenyuan regional living environment, city living environment Zhenyuan in the specific content which include the habitation pattern, cluster space, architectural form, cultural and historical aspects of the four nodes. The major conments of the thesis include the following seven parts:The first part studies the regional Human Settlements.Under the regional perspective this part with the scope of the Southeastern Guizhou Prefecture studies the Human Settlements from three areas of the historical evolution,cultural context and environment. To focus on the relationship of the region inhabited and the ancient city inhabited ,which leads to the following ancient city Human Settlements of the. The second part studies residential types of the ancient city Human Settlements. From the macro level, this part reviews the whole type of the ancient city Zhenyuan, including static pose, dynamic evolution and the analysis of landscape features, and finally summarize the overall morphology of Zhenyuan.The third part studies the cluster space form of the ancient city Human Settlements. This part at first analyses the space and the developing mechanism,later unscrambles detailed stress groups,building groups and signs,in the end summarizes the fiexible and orderly ,diffidencial cluster space in the ancient city Zhenyuan.The forth part studies the architectural form of the ancient city Human Settlements.From factors,form features,building features,construction techniques and decorative arts ,this part overviews traditional architecture to sum up the space combination and superb construction characteristics. The fifth part studies the cultural history node of the ancient city Human Settlements. The analysis of twe material aspects and non-material aspects,which makes the node reflecting the local characteristic cultural history ,and sums up the characteristic value of the cultural history in Zhenyuan.The sixth part studies the uniqueness of the ancient city Human Settlements.By summarizing the above sections ,the uniqueness include the three major features: the "multi-ethnic and financial" immigrant culture, "Wu river nine mountains" Shan-shui city, " the confucianism, buddhism, daoism syncretism" religious civilization which are different from other ancient cities in Southwest Mountain.The seventh part studies how to protect and develop the ancient city Human Settlements. The experience and lesson are provided by the overall plan,the protection plan of calendar year and the ways of other Historical and Cultural Heritage about protection and development .Based on the above ,the book evaluates and thinks the status quo of the protection and development in Zhenyuan , combined with practical experiences, and to study and explore countermeasures,thus promoting the development of the ancient city Zhenyuan.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

